
KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

author:Ultraman is in Shanghai

The post-80s and post-90s generation, many people say that it is the "Beat generation", some people say that it is the "lost generation", and the editor prefers to call them (me) "the generation that grew up eating KFC".

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

Now when it comes to KFC, most people automatically label it as "childhood memories."

And almost all "childhood memories" have a major feature: the world is changing, we are growing up, and these things seem to have paused or even stopped moving forward. So they gradually become frozen pictures, frozen in a certain moment.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

At this point, it is estimated that a large wave of people jumped up and contradicted me. After all, since entering China, more than 30 years have passed, and in the ever-changing domestic catering market, it is not easy for KFC to maintain its good position as a giant in the foreign fast food industry. In this way, words such as "freeze frame" and "solidified" are completely inappropriate for it.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

First reveal the identity, Xiaobian is definitely a loyal fan of K kee that has not changed for more than 20 years like a fake bag! The following remarks are heartfelt and practical, and I will always like Grandpa KFC

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese
KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese
KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

Once upon a time, KFC was still in elementary school and took the top few rewards in the class, pestering parents for a long time to get a reward. Now after becoming a social animal, he is busy until most of the night to order a home delivery, but secretly feels that he has treated himself badly.

It turned out that KFC was still the great KFC, but we just grew up.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

KFC's strength also lies in the fact that he can always accurately remove those products that have amazed the taste buds, so accurate that sometimes people have to wonder that this is a unique marketing method of K-kee, which is called nostalgic and ugly, abbreviation: die!

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

A brief review of KFC's 33 years of history in China can be summarized in four words: "first foreign and then earth".

On November 12, 1987, KFC's first restaurant in China opened in the bustling Qianmen of Beijing, becoming the first modern Western-style fast food brand to enter China.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

△ On October 10, 1987, the KFC restaurant was in soft opening

In the era when the fried chicken was ordered and the waiter asked the waiter for chopsticks, many people thought that fried chicken was not easy to take, and they still brought a pot to load; some people thought that eating chicken was estimated to be only bought, so everyone opened their mouths: give me two KFC.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

On the opening day, the flying snowflakes could not stop the enthusiasm of the people of the imperial capital to eat "foreign fast food", the crowd at the entrance of the store was full, the team circled several times, and many people queued up for an hour or two to buy a piece of original chicken.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

Soon, Qianmen KFC became a must-see attraction in Beijing. Many people who have just come to Beijing must go to KFC to eat a meal, and then take a photo with the KFC colonel at the door, and go back to become a talking point that can be shown off for a long time.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

At that time, becoming a KFC employee was a huge face-saving thing, and the birthday party held in KFC was a luxury, as for the wedding in KFC, it was a real local tycoon, more generous than in a five-star hotel. In that era, "what KFC eats" can be published in the People's Daily, believe it or not!

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

△ On March 16, 1989, people's daily published an article titled "What does KFC eat?" 》

In the 30 years of reform and opening up, China has changed infinitely, and the freshness of "foreign fast food" will soon pass. KFC stood at the turning point of the times and used a surprising winning move - localization and diversification.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

In 2002, KFC began to serve breakfast, and launched seafood egg flower porridge and shiitake mushroom chicken porridge, which kicked off KFC's localization in China. Almost every year since then, KFC has launched foods with Chinese characteristics, such as skinned egg lean porridge and old Beijing chicken rolls that later became evergreen products.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

In 2008, KFC even launched a traditional Chinese breakfast, fritters, named "anxin fritters", which sold for up to 3 yuan each, but still could not stop the enthusiasm of diners to buy.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

In 2014, KFC launched 15 products in one go, continuing to localize and diversify its products. From the "foreign fast food" in the market to the "local brand" that fully caters to Chinese consumers, KFC has achieved a successful breakthrough in the Chinese market.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

I don't know if it was success or some other reason. KFC's subsequent series of inexplicable removal operations are incomprehensible. Some people even summed up a law of kaifeng exclusive if: if this product is delicious, then it will most likely be removed from the shelves.

·Pastoral Crisp Chicken Fort·

I would like to compare the sudden removal of the rustic crisp chicken castle to a big shock to my peaceful childhood life.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

When I was a child, my mother didn't know whether to save money or think it was healthy, and going to K ji was always her own spicy chicken leg fort, but she bought me a rustic crisp chicken burger. I guess that's probably a burger for kids.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

Light lettuce with flattened meatloaf, a slightly unremarkable burger, no spicy chicken leg burger warm, no crisp chicken leg burger real, but it is a loyal fan with a large number of Chinese children as its own.

If the children at that time were as familiar with the rules of the Internet as they are today at the age of 3, I bet 10,000 chicken leg pastoral crisp chicken burgers will not be taken off the shelves, otherwise, the children will let it be on the hot search!

·Tender Cow Five Square ·

Young Cow Wufang, probably one of KFC's most successful marketing.... Of course, it can't avoid the fate of being taken down!

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

The crowd that has eaten the tender beef five sides can not but marvel at the wonderful taste, beef and pasta are a natural pair! The perfect blend of sauce and vegetables, and the five-pointed aliquot.... This bread should only be heard in heaven, and it is rare to smell it on earth!

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

△ The advertisement at that time really made people salivate

In 2012, the young cattle were completely removed from the shelves, and it was really a cry! After that, the limited resurrection set off a buying boom, and even today, every street hamburger shop will do a replica version of the tender cow five squares, and its materials are even more than the genuine KFC tender cow five squares that have now resumed the regular listing.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

△ The "replica version of the young cow five squares" that can be seen everywhere on the street

Nowadays, the five sides of the tender cow mainly appear in a semi-conventional and semi-limited high-cold image, and the crazy energy of the Chinese people to remember imitation has gradually passed. But it is undoubtedly a great product that deserves to be recorded in the annals of marketing history!

·Mexican Chicken Rolls ·

A colleague of the life sister, the only thing Kaifeng cuisine loves to eat is this Mexican chicken roll, and it loves to eat to the level of a ashes-level fan. So the day mexican chicken rolls disappeared from the KFC shelves was the anniversary of her die-hard fans turning into super big black powder.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

The removal of The Mexican chicken rolls is really sad for many people. The crispy fried chicken wrapped in pepper egg yolk salad dressing and exotic salsa was a novelty to many young people at the time. The simple crust wrapped in a simple pie crust also caters to the psychology of many office workers who want to "lose weight".

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

Compared with the tragic fate of Mexican chicken rolls, his brother's old Beijing chicken rolls are extremely lucky to be on the shelf. This also seems to be a slightly sad hint: in the Chinese market, the combination of sweet noodle sauce and patted cucumber is always more popular than the cp of salsa + lettuce.

This may also be another so-called traditional victory.

Chocolate/Strawberry Sundae ·

If the removal of the rustic crispy chicken burger was an earthquake in childhood, then the disappearance of chocolate and strawberry sundaes represents the complete end of childhood. I remember my first reaction was to cry.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

KFC has since launched a series of bizarre festival-limited edition sundaes, but none of them have the most original "children's tastes".

·French wind baked cake ·

Fafeng baked cake is also an inexplicable product. My impression of it is - the puff pastry is amazing!

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

Of course, the smoked chicken inside is also very tender, but its disappearance seems to be silent, probably one tired morning, and suddenly found that it was off the shelves.

The depth of love, the depth of responsibility. Life Sister wrote this article not just to simply complain, but as a KFC fan, to express her pain and hope.

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

Compared with M ji, who has little interest in the development of new products and continues to eat the old book, K ji can be described as the desperate sanlang of the fried chicken industry, new products are produced every year, and what strange tastes are brave to try, but stepping on too much thunder, still do not change!

KFC, ruined the childhood of Shanghainese

While there is no explosive product, the delicious product is urgently removed from the shelves. KFC, presumably controlled by aliens. I am satisfied with this conclusion, and it is also a perfect account for the regret of childhood.

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