
Family version of porridge recipe ~ nine kinds of nutritious porridge that conquers the taste buds of mother-in-law! Nine simple nutritious porridges in life

author:Construction squad leader

<h1>Nine simple nutritious porridges in life</h1>

Family version of porridge recipe ~ nine kinds of nutritious porridge that conquers the taste buds of mother-in-law! Nine simple nutritious porridges in life

1. Chicken and vegetable porridge

Brief introduction

Chicken and vegetable porridge is highly nutritious, suitable for children over 2 years old, and mino meat floss after cooking. Another person who loses weight does not have to be afraid to eat and get fat

Materials used

Rice ,,, salt

Family practice practices

1. Remove the chicken thighs, peel them, dice them and soak them in water (add a spoonful of cooking wine to remove fishiness).

2. Wash the greens, chop them and set aside.

3, purple casserole boiled white porridge, boiled 8 mature, the peeled and cut small pieces of chicken thigh meat into it to continue cooking;

4. When you are almost ready, put the chopped greens and salt in it, and cook it for a few minutes.

Family version of porridge recipe ~ nine kinds of nutritious porridge that conquers the taste buds of mother-in-law! Nine simple nutritious porridges in life

2. Mushroom celery porridge

Mountain mushroom celery porridge I purely use vegetables and shiitake mushrooms to boil, but also added mountain celery, which is a common wild vegetable in the mountains, there is a kind of elegant and pleasant aroma, high fiber and nutrition, boiling soup porridge or stir-fry are very suitable, fast and convenient as long as ten minutes can be served. If you don't have a friend of mountain celery, you can replace it with other vegetables.

Half a packet, 1 bowl, 1 small piece, 1 handful, 2 flowers, 5 sticks, 1 piece, 500cc of water

Family practices

1. Prepare ingredients, cut the celery into about 0.5cm width, slice the fresh shiitake mushrooms, cut the corn shoots into small pieces, cut the carrots into strips, and beat the eggs

2. After the water is boiled, the ingredients except the eggs and rice are boiled, and the ingredients are cooked for about 2 minutes

3、 Turn off the minimum heat and add half a packet of shiitake mushroom chicken soup powder, and stir evenly until there are no particles to put the rice in, turn the medium heat to cover the pot and simmer for 5 minutes (because of the addition of Kangbao soup powder, you can make the porridge quickly gelatinized)

4, add the egg flowers, let it cook for about 30 seconds, and then stir, try the salty taste, you can season yourself to the favorite taste, the soup itself has saltiness, please choose the seasoning.

5. Sprinkle some black pepper before serving to add aroma, so the porridge takes only 10 minutes to complete.

Family version of porridge recipe ~ nine kinds of nutritious porridge that conquers the taste buds of mother-in-law! Nine simple nutritious porridges in life

3. Peeled egg vegetable porridge

Peeled egg vegetable porridge,

1 cup of rice, 2 pieces, 3 pieces, 2 pieces, 1 handful, salt

1. Ingredients: Cut the egg into 1/4, cut the cabbage into shreds 3. Cook 1 cup of porridge in an electric pot

2. Boiling water and add an appropriate amount of bonito flour to make soup and then cook the gong pills with a low heat (it is easy to lose gravy when boiled on high heat)

3, porridge through the sift rice water to remember to stay.

4. Add salt to the broth and add salt to the broth! (If the water in the process is insufficient, you can add rice water)

5, delicious and simple bowl of porridge nutrition full score.

Family version of porridge recipe ~ nine kinds of nutritious porridge that conquers the taste buds of mother-in-law! Nine simple nutritious porridges in life

4. Pork liver spinach porridge

Pork liver spinach porridge is simple, and it is still very effective for girls after the menstrual period

, 200-300 g, 200-300 g, 10 pcs, ginger, soy sauce,

1: Wash the pork liver, soak in water for half an hour, and then cut into small cubes

2: Dice the ginger, put it in the pork liver, pour the soy sauce and marinate it

3, put the rice into the rice cooker, the stall of the porridge, after the water is boiled, put the pork liver into it

4, when you want to start the pot, put the cut spinach (spinach before the pot, nutrition is not easy to lose) and soaked goji berries into (goji berries have a good effect of clearing the liver, so it is better to put more), the right amount of salt, drop a few drops of sesame oil on it

5. Corn longan porridge

It is suitable for heart and kidney sperm deficiency, palpitations, insomnia, waist and knee soreness and other symptoms.

One kilogram of corn, fifteen grams, fifty grams of japonica rice.

1. Shell the corn and rinse it.

2. Wash the hard rice, put it into an aluminum pot, add corn, longan meat, add an appropriate amount of water, put it on a low flame and boil it, then simmer it over low heat, add sugar and stir well.

6. Black rice and red bean porridge

Black rice porridge is suitable for women in confinement

Materials used:

A small amount of black rice, appropriate amount, and white rice for cooking porridge

Family Practices:

1. Mix the upper things together, wash with clean water, and then add an appropriate amount of cool water to turn the heat on to the maximum.

2: Bring to a boil for 10 minutes, reduce the heat to a medium to medium size, and cook for another hour. Finally, reduce the heat to a minimum and cover the pot for half an hour.

3. In the process of boiling porridge, if you find that the porridge is too viscous, you have to add an appropriate amount of water. After boiling, put it in a bowl while it is hot, add the right amount of sugar, super nutritious and refreshing.

Family version of porridge recipe ~ nine kinds of nutritious porridge that conquers the taste buds of mother-in-law! Nine simple nutritious porridges in life

7. Black rice barley eight treasure porridge

This porridge has high nutritional value and is a good product

One or two black rice, one or two coix kernels, one or two glutinous rice, one or two japonica rice, appropriate amount, red dates, coreless white lotus, appropriate amount

1. Wash the black rice, barley, coreless white lotus and red dates and soak them in water

2: Bring them to a boil in pot water, then bring glutinous rice, japonica rice, peanut kernels and white sesame seeds to a boil

3. Cook over low heat until nearly viscous, cover and stuffy for a while to make delicious black rice porridge. Sweets can add honey or eat it with vegetables.

Family version of porridge recipe ~ nine kinds of nutritious porridge that conquers the taste buds of mother-in-law! Nine simple nutritious porridges in life

Eight, eight treasures of black rice porridge

Babao black rice porridge is a Han Chinese-style snack and is a festival food. Purple and black color, soft texture, sweet and fragrant, with the effect of nourishing diet, as a nutritious food

All materials:

Eight treasures, namely, coix kernel, coix kernel, flower kernel, peach kernel, lily, honey cherry, melon yuan, red jujube and other eight kinds of raw materials

1. Peel and dice the coix kernels and peach kernels, cut the melon yuan into cubes, remove the pitting of red dates, and use the water of lotus rice, coix kernels, coix seeds, coriander, flower kernels and lilies with water; Wash the black rice with clean water, add a small amount to the pot, add water to boil,

2, put the eight treasure materials in, move to a low heat and cook for about two hours, pay attention to stirring with a spoon from time to time when cooking, so as not to simmer the pot,

3. When the texture is thick and soft, put in the crushed rock sugar, melt the sugar and put it in a bowl. Porridge purple and black, soft and sticky, sweet and fragrant.

Family version of porridge recipe ~ nine kinds of nutritious porridge that conquers the taste buds of mother-in-law! Nine simple nutritious porridges in life

Nine, milk black rice porridge

This porridge has the effect of benefiting qi, nourishing blood, nourishing vitality, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and is suitable for all those who are deficient in qi and blood and weak in spleen and stomach after childbirth, illness and the elderly

All materials:

250 ml of milk, 100 g of black rice, sugar to taste

1. Wash the black rice, add the appropriate amount of water, put it in the pot and soak it for 2-3 hours.

2: Cook over medium heat until the porridge is almost cooked, add milk and sugar and cook.

3. Take warm food twice a day, morning and evening on an empty stomach.

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