
To govern the Yellow River, the "Mother River China" must be steady

author:Chinese military network

A large river rushes eastward, flowing along the "several" glyph bends into the distance. Sometimes she roared, sometimes she was silent. For thousands of years, it has been between this movement and the stillness that the Chinese nation has nourished the Riverbank. The Yellow River is the mother river, but also a river to happiness.

On October 22, 2021, Xi Jinping stressed at the symposium on in-depth promotion of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin: "Set goals, be down-to-earth, immerse yourself in hard work, and work hard for a long time to ensure that the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin during the '14th Five-Year Plan' period achieve obvious results, and make unremitting efforts to ensure that the Yellow River will always benefit the Chinese nation." ”

The previous Yellow River was not an old age. According to historical records, in more than 2500 years, the Yellow River flooded 1593 times, and there were 26 major diversions. Floods washed down the embankments again and again, flooding crops and destroying houses. The Yellow River has fed the Chinese nation and her children. The history of people's governance of the Yellow River is formed in the bricks built up and photographed by a shovel.

To govern the Yellow River, the "Mother River China" must be steady

Lanzhou Yellow River Mother Sculpture, 6 meters long, 2.2 meters wide, 2.6 meters high, with a total weight of more than 40 tons. Bi Xiaotian

Under the leadership of the party, the Yellow River has regained its quiet appearance. The protection, treatment, development and utilization of the Yellow River is a big chess game, and every action must be done in a down-to-earth manner.

To manage the Yellow River, we must keep harmonious coexistence in mind. In the thousands of years of history of huanghuang, we have never tamed the Yellow River, but gradually learned to live in harmony with her. Dayu's experience in controlling water still has significance today: instead of spending a lot of effort to plug the gap in the riverbank, it is better to dig a flood ditch. In the process of controlling yellow, we firmly grasp the two core subjects: people and rivers. The needs of human survival and development can improve the governance efficiency of the Yellow River, and the purification of the Yellow River environment can in turn promote human development. On the north bank of the Liujiaxia Reservoir in Gansu, the ravines are longitudinal, the terrain is fragmented, the vegetation is sparse, the soil is loose, and there are serious ecological hidden dangers, restricting regional development. A number of projects such as ecological environmental protection in the Liujiaxia reservoir area have continuously improved the regional ecological environment and enhanced the water supply capacity of the Yellow River. Nowadays, under the nourishment of the Yellow River, the water birds of the Taiji Island Wetland in Yongjing County, Linxia Prefecture are gathered, the ponds and fish ponds are intertwined, and the life on the water bank is rich and colorful. To win the battle to defend the blue sky, clear water, and pure land, we must put the concept of harmonious coexistence in the first place.

To govern the Yellow River, the "Mother River China" must be steady

Liujiaxia Dam is the first megawatt-level large-scale water conservancy hub project in China's own survey, design, manufacturing equipment, construction and installation, commissioning and management. Bi Xiaotian

To control the Yellow River, we must learn to adapt measures to local conditions. The Yellow River meanders through nine provinces and regions, and the environmental factors and economic development levels of each region are different, and the specific analysis of specific problems is the key to the management of the Yellow River. As far as the problem of sand damage along the Yellow River is concerned, there are also different practices in different places. In Lankao in the 1960s, aeolian sand was one of the three pests, which interacted with waterlogging and salinity. In order to block the wind and suppress the sand, Jiao Yulu decided to plant paulownia here - "This kind of tree can grow in the sand nest, grow fast, and can grow into a big tree in five or six years." After becoming a forest, dry days can emit water, waterlogging days can absorb water, and forest grain intercropping can be used to protect grain. "In Zhongwei City, Ningxia, the average annual wind speed here is 2.8 meters per second, and the number of sandstorm days is as high as 59 days. In order not to let the wind blow away the seeds of the sand fixing plants, after many experimental studies, the grass grid appeared. This 1 meter × 1 meter, square made of wheat grass, effectively solves the problem of wind and sand here. The same problem, two practices, the idea of harnessing the Yellow River is not static, good methods need to be exchanged in a timely manner, and it is important to adapt to local conditions.

To govern the Yellow River, the "Mother River China" must be steady

In Lankao, Henan, paulownia trees have the effect of controlling sand and fixing sand, and a large number of paulownia plants have solved the problem of wind and sand here. Bi Xiaotian

To govern the Yellow River, the "Mother River China" must be steady

In Ningxia Zhongwei, sand fixation plants are planted in grass squares and are not easily buried by wind and sand. Bi Xiaotian

To manage the Yellow River, we must have a sense of the overall situation. At the symposium on in-depth promotion of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the "14th Five-Year Plan" is a key period for promoting the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, and it is necessary to grasp the implementation of major tasks and strive to see a new atmosphere as soon as possible. The governance, protection and development of the Yellow River is a major national strategy that needs to be planned at the macro level. Pay attention to the overall coordination between regions, in response to dangerous situations such as the autumn flood of the Yellow River, timely report key information such as the water storage capacity of upstream reservoirs and the degree of reinforcement of downstream embankments, and be vigilant against the mentality of "sweeping the snow in front of each door". Harnessing the Yellow River is a major event that has been accomplished for a long time, and we must not engage in a hammer deal if we take a long-term view. According to the actual situation, the correct balance between people, land and rivers should not damage long-term ecological benefits because of immediate economic interests. It is necessary to calculate the big account, the long-term account, the overall account, and the comprehensive account, so that the Yellow River can always benefit the Chinese nation.

To govern the Yellow River, the "Mother River China" must be steady

In mid-October 2021, the autumn flood of the Yellow River came, and the rescue team members were strapping lead wire stone cages. (Photo courtesy of respondents)

In the breeze of the change of the times, China on the banks of the Mother River has walked more firmly. To manage the Yellow River, every step must be done to leave a mark on the stepping stones and grasp the iron marks, which is the mission of our generation.

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