
Because of the dictation language class after the words, I and the 11-year-old son quarreled, and finally collapsed and cried, regret Ah today is October 2nd, the son woke up at 6:30 in the morning, lying on the bed playing with the mobile phone, of course, I also woke up, also playing with the hand, I said to my son: today dictation language class after the words, and English words of the two units of English, the son said did not speak, but also continued to play mobile phone.

author:Li Haiyan 2050

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > today is October 2nd, the son woke up at 6:30 in the morning, lying on the bed playing with the mobile phone, of course, I also woke up, also playing hands, I said to my son: today dictate the words after the language class, and English words of the two units of English, the son said did not speak, and continued to play mobile phones. </h1>

Because of the dictation language class after the words, I and the 11-year-old son quarreled, and finally collapsed and cried, regret Ah today is October 2nd, the son woke up at 6:30 in the morning, lying on the bed playing with the mobile phone, of course, I also woke up, also playing with the hand, I said to my son: today dictation language class after the words, and English words of the two units of English, the son said did not speak, but also continued to play mobile phone.

After playing for a while, it was almost 8 o'clock, I got up, simply cleaned up and prepared to make breakfast, I asked my husband and son whether to eat breakfast, the two said in unison: they are not hungry, do not eat, let me only do my own.

But I have the habit of eating breakfast, so I said: Let you eat less at night, eat less, is it not good to get up in the morning? You don't know, our family, my husband no matter what time of night, as long as he is hungry, no matter what time he is, he must eat, and it must be before going to bed, eating and not brushing his teeth, the child at night a bag of milk.

Because of the dictation language class after the words, I and the 11-year-old son quarreled, and finally collapsed and cried, regret Ah today is October 2nd, the son woke up at 6:30 in the morning, lying on the bed playing with the mobile phone, of course, I also woke up, also playing with the hand, I said to my son: today dictation language class after the words, and English words of the two units of English, the son said did not speak, but also continued to play mobile phone.

I brush my teeth at 9 o'clock in the evening, and I am determined not to eat but drink water (but occasionally eat, very little, can be counted several times). )

Hearing them say not to eat, in fact, I didn't want to do it, but I didn't do it, I was hungry and panicked, so I prepared two eggs for myself, I cooked time, the child also got up, sat at his desk, began to play dominoes, just did not read, did not prepare (when in bed, I said to dictate), I reminded again, still indifferent, still playing his dominoes. The picture below is a child's desk.

Because of the dictation language class after the words, I and the 11-year-old son quarreled, and finally collapsed and cried, regret Ah today is October 2nd, the son woke up at 6:30 in the morning, lying on the bed playing with the mobile phone, of course, I also woke up, also playing with the hand, I said to my son: today dictation language class after the words, and English words of the two units of English, the son said did not speak, but also continued to play mobile phone.

When I made the meal and brought it to the table, the child was still playing, I wanted to make a good meal, let him eat a bite, I asked him to say: You come and taste a bite, if you think it is not delicious, do not eat (in fact, I especially want him to eat), but the child said: he is not hungry, he does not eat, under my strong request, the child came to the table to eat a small bite, said not hungry, do not want to eat. Continued to sit at his desk again and play. Just refusing to turn the pages and prepare, I began to eat breakfast.

Because of the dictation language class after the words, I and the 11-year-old son quarreled, and finally collapsed and cried, regret Ah today is October 2nd, the son woke up at 6:30 in the morning, lying on the bed playing with the mobile phone, of course, I also woke up, also playing with the hand, I said to my son: today dictation language class after the words, and English words of the two units of English, the son said did not speak, but also continued to play mobile phone.

I made breakfast

Yesterday Bought some friends mother-in-law sold quail eggs, they do not eat, I thought about then brine it, so put it for a long time, to see if there is a teaching method on the Internet, I will watch breakfast, while watching the video how to make quail eggs.

Because of the dictation language class after the words, I and the 11-year-old son quarreled, and finally collapsed and cried, regret Ah today is October 2nd, the son woke up at 6:30 in the morning, lying on the bed playing with the mobile phone, of course, I also woke up, also playing with the hand, I said to my son: today dictation language class after the words, and English words of the two units of English, the son said did not speak, but also continued to play mobile phone.

After breakfast, I knew how to make quail eggs, and I said to my son: I'm going to cook quail eggs, you review the English and language, and as soon as you dictate (it's the third time I've been reminded), I'll go to the kitchen and cook the quail eggs.

Because of the dictation language class after the words, I and the 11-year-old son quarreled, and finally collapsed and cried, regret Ah today is October 2nd, the son woke up at 6:30 in the morning, lying on the bed playing with the mobile phone, of course, I also woke up, also playing with the hand, I said to my son: today dictation language class after the words, and English words of the two units of English, the son said did not speak, but also continued to play mobile phone.

After about ten minutes, the eggs were boiled, and I brought them back, ready to dictate my son's English words and phrases while knocking on the skin of the quail eggs, when I saw the child still sitting at the desk playing, I said: Take out the English book and the language book for me, I will now dictate.

Because of the dictation language class after the words, I and the 11-year-old son quarreled, and finally collapsed and cried, regret Ah today is October 2nd, the son woke up at 6:30 in the morning, lying on the bed playing with the mobile phone, of course, I also woke up, also playing with the hand, I said to my son: today dictation language class after the words, and English words of the two units of English, the son said did not speak, but also continued to play mobile phone.

The child walked to the sofa, took out the English book from the bag, and then prepared to read, while looking at it, he said: they have not yet learned the Second Unit of English, some words I will not ah, I have to mention the first look, in fact, at this time, I already have a fire in my heart, I did not send it out, thinking that as long as he will, master, while playing and learning.

Because of the dictation language class after the words, I and the 11-year-old son quarreled, and finally collapsed and cried, regret Ah today is October 2nd, the son woke up at 6:30 in the morning, lying on the bed playing with the mobile phone, of course, I also woke up, also playing with the hand, I said to my son: today dictation language class after the words, and English words of the two units of English, the son said did not speak, but also continued to play mobile phone.

After watching it for two minutes, I began to dictate, and when I reached the second dictation, my son suddenly came and said: I learned these things when I was in Beijing, do you remember, you also dictated me. Us: Really? Then you should be all right, the things you will see, and looking at it again will deepen your impression.

Their English unit also eleven words, very simple, a moment to dictate the finished, you look at the words written by the child, that is called dragon flying phoenix dance, I said: You can't connect the pen, you are only a primary school student, how to connect the pen? The child said: The teacher said that he could write, why didn't you let it?

Because of the dictation language class after the words, I and the 11-year-old son quarreled, and finally collapsed and cried, regret Ah today is October 2nd, the son woke up at 6:30 in the morning, lying on the bed playing with the mobile phone, of course, I also woke up, also playing with the hand, I said to my son: today dictation language class after the words, and English words of the two units of English, the son said did not speak, but also continued to play mobile phone.

This is also written by children

I had nothing to say, and I said: How come your i, M, N have little tails, that looks very untidy.

My son said: Our teacher said that I, M, and N all have that little tail, so we must write it like this.

Me: Then you see how the book doesn't have it.

Son: Can the printed on the book be the same?

Me: I was looking for excuses again, I didn't write well, I kept making excuses, I continued to dictate a unit, and the child began to resist again.

Son: The first unit, I have memorized very familiar with it, I have memorized it in my head, the teacher also said that the first unit learned, it should be passed, completely over.

Me: So you mean that you have mastered it, have you learned it, should I test what you have learned, do you have this confidence?

Son: I didn't speak anymore, judging from his expression, I should not be willing to let me dictate, and finally at my insistence, I dictated eleven English words from unit one.

The second unit of English is thus completed. The grasp is OK, although the sentence is not dictated, I said to continue in the afternoon.

I was still typing (quail eggs) and taking out the language book, and my son slowly took it out and said it

Son: I have learned thirteen lessons of Chinese now, and I have learned the previous words, which means that I don't have to listen to the front. Eyes were still looking at the words on the language book in his hand.

Me: Dictation today, since you have learned, it is more important to dictate and see how you master the situation.

Son: Hearing all the dictation, fried hair, why do you want to dictate, I said I learned all, I began to cry, today only listen to write 13 lessons can not work.

Me: Why, since you have learned it all, are you still afraid of dictation? Must be dictated in full.

Son: Why do you have to listen to you, what you say is what you say, can't others refute it? Start crying (tears come out)

Me: Why can't you listen to me, it's that you say you've learned, I check your learning results, I have this right, and then you go to school every day to study, what kind of learning you have, you should have a number.

Me: Why don't you let me dictate it all, why don't you? (In fact, at this time a little angry, I kind of want to do it, watching the child cry, more angry)

Son: Don't talk and look at me, (can't say why.) )

Me: Think about it, it's been almost an hour since morning, what have you done, you have in addition to procrastinating time, wasting time, looking at the small degree, looking at the mobile phone, what have you done. My son saw that I was in pain and came over and pulled me and told me not to say anything.

Son: Everything has to listen to you, you are not wrong. I started crying and shedding tears, feeling very wronged.

Me: Seeing a child like this, I really hate myself, who caused this, I broke down, I have nowhere to tell, how this child can be like this.

Don't mention that learning is really a mother's kindness and filial piety, a mention of learning that is liver and intestines, chicken flying dog jump on the almost hands, I saw the child to come to anger, I was angry and slammed the door out, I also cried, I had no way to start, the son came out and pulled me to let me go, I threw away.

Qi liver and lung pain, it is estimated that many families will also have such a situation, I began to reflect, is that I did not educate my children well, in the first grade of primary school did not give him a good habit, has always thought that happiness is good, as long as he is given love and freedom, he will know what he does.

In the past, when the child was one to three years old, every weekend, although I had a day off, I would also take time to take the child out for a walk and see the outside world, and the rest of the day was dedicated to his homework.

But now I know that my thoughts and actions are wrong, I only taught him to play, did not tell him how to learn, parents can make their children happy, but the school will not.

What to do, I really regret that I indulged him in the first place and did not restrain him well, which led to the way it is now.

Parents, take this as a warning! It is necessary to say what happiness, to the premise of children's health, learning is very important, habits are ten thousand important, take it as a lesson!

Because of the dictation language class after the words, I and the 11-year-old son quarreled, and finally collapsed and cried, regret Ah today is October 2nd, the son woke up at 6:30 in the morning, lying on the bed playing with the mobile phone, of course, I also woke up, also playing with the hand, I said to my son: today dictation language class after the words, and English words of the two units of English, the son said did not speak, but also continued to play mobile phone.

Thank you [come and see me] [come to see me] [come to see me], do you have any good ways to guide me and make my child change the way it is now.

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