
Afraid that her daughter would take away her husband's love, she burned her own daughter with her own hands! The poor woman of the beast must have something to hate, and the mother of the beast in the story is such a person. In the end, she could not escape the punishment of the law, she still lost to high technology!

author:Cher was ambiguous

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > poor people must have something to hate, and this beast mother in the story is such a person. </h1>

Xiao Hong was born in the countryside, and her parents and brothers all died in an accident, leaving only poor her! Eating a hundred meals from a young age, wearing a hundred family clothes, can be described as being warm and cold! She didn't go to school for a day, and she grew up to harvest her love, marrying a man who hurt her and loved her and raised her as a daughter.

In her words: she lives only for her husband! She treats her husband as her father, brother, lover, friend, and everything is so beautiful. And the husband has truly fulfilled his responsibilities and obligations as a father, brother, lover, and friend.

But all this changed after the birth of their daughter "Lady"! She found that her husband had given half or even more of his love for her to his daughter! As an orphan, she would never allow other women to share her husband's love, even if this woman was their biological daughter! So while her husband was on a business trip, she planned an accidental death of her daughter.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > she didn't escape the law in the end, she still lost to high-tech! </h1>

The woman went downstairs to the mahjong hall to play mahjong that day, until someone told her that the house was on fire, and then she rushed to the house. But it's too late! The daughter who was napping alone at home was burned to coke! The woman cried heartbroken, and had the idea that she would go with her daughter without a word, "If someone hadn't pulled" the neighbors had advised her to open something, even Uncle Shu Li, who had come to handle the case, was moved!

It turned out that because the woman was raised by her husband, she did not have to go to work, and every day after coaxing her daughter to sleep at two o'clock in the afternoon, she would go downstairs to play mahjong in the mahjong hall for two or three hours, and would not go home until about four o'clock in the afternoon. So she had evidence of her absence, but Skynet was restored without leaking, and the forensic doctor found the "sleeping pill" ingredient in the baby girl's body, so everything suddenly opened up.

After the woman knew what she had done, she beat up the woman in the interrogation room, and there was not a single fight between the dozen people next to her, until the man was tired.

For a two-year-old child, and the child is still her own daughter, should such a woman be stabbed?

"This article comes from film and television"

Afraid that her daughter would take away her husband's love, she burned her own daughter with her own hands! The poor woman of the beast must have something to hate, and the mother of the beast in the story is such a person. In the end, she could not escape the punishment of the law, she still lost to high technology!

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