
Delicious braised pig's trotters, full of collagen, beautiful and beautiful

author:Optimistic Sunset Food 1

The collagen content of pig's trotters is very rich, many people are very fond of eating, but when buying pig's feet, Xiao Xi prefers to buy front hooves, front tendons are particularly much, and the meat is relatively thick, the most important thing is that the bones are particularly small, so it is recommended that everyone also try to buy front legs to eat.

Delicious braised pig's trotters, full of collagen, beautiful and beautiful

Xiao Xi used the front leg to share a delicious taste with everyone today, and put it in the basin after the front leg was bought, and the pig hair that was not cleaned was processed;

After getting it clean, add water to the basin, the amount of water is a little more, use warm water to wash the pig's trotters, grab and wash the blood in the pig's trotters, grab and wash the pig's trotters after washing, and put them into the vegetable basket to control the water for later use.

Delicious braised pig's trotters, full of collagen, beautiful and beautiful

Prepare a pot, add a large spoonful of water to the pot, amount a little more, and then put the pig's trotters cold water under the pot, add a three-piece set of fishy, add ginger slices, and then a few spring onions, then pour in the appropriate amount of cooking wine, cover the pot and open the heat, boil for another 2 minutes, and then use a spoon to skim the foam in the pot, and cook for about 3 minutes;

When the time comes, fish out the pig's trotters in the enlarged basin, and then add the appropriate amount of warm water to wash the pig's trotters again with warm water, clean the foam on the pig's trotters, clean it and fish it out and put it aside to control the water for backup.

Delicious braised pig's trotters, full of collagen, beautiful and beautiful

Prepare a piece of ginger, cut the ginger into thin, thick slices, cut it and put it in a bowl for later;

Prepare 3 garlic, cut the garlic into thin thick slices, cut it well and put it in a bowl for later;

Prepare a handful of shallots, pull the shallots into a knot, and then put them in a bowl for later;

Prepare two star anise, two more red peppers, another piece of cinnamon, not too much cinnamon, otherwise it is easy to be bitter, prepare two more fragrant leaves, and then put aside for later.

Delicious braised pig's trotters, full of collagen, beautiful and beautiful

Prepare a pot, heat the pot, pour the appropriate amount of rapeseed oil into the pot, and then put in a spoonful of sugar or rock sugar, turn on a low heat to slowly fry the sugar, fry until the pot bubbles, pour the pig's trotters that control the dry water into the pot, stir-fry the pig's trotters evenly, color the pig's trotters, turn the heat to the minimum, if it is too big, the pig's trotters will be bitter;

After the pig's trotters are evenly colored, the prepared ingredients are poured into the pot, ginger slices and garlic slices are also put into the pot, simmer on low heat, the large ingredients and ginger garlic are fried out of the aroma, and then pour the appropriate amount of cooking wine in the pot to remove the fish, and stir fry again.

Delicious braised pig's trotters, full of collagen, beautiful and beautiful

After stir-frying evenly, then pour in water, be sure to put in boiling water, the amount of water should be a little more, must not pass the pig's trotters, put the onion knots into the pot, and then put two spoons of edible salt, half a spoon of raw soy sauce, use the spatula to turn evenly after covering the lid, turn on the high heat to boil the water in the pot, boil again and change a casserole;

Put the soup together with the pig's trotters into the casserole pot, and then cover the pot, you need to turn the heat down and simmer for 2 hours, so that the stew will be more fragrant and the taste will be particularly good.

Delicious braised pig's trotters, full of collagen, beautiful and beautiful

Halfway to open the pot lid with a spoon to turn it over, to prevent the following pig's trotters from sticking to the pan, after turning it evenly, cover the pot lid and continue to cook, open the pot lid after an hour and a half, and clip the shallots in the pot together with the large ingredients, and then cook the big ingredients will become bitter;

Then put in a spoonful of oyster sauce, use the spatula to turn evenly after the lid is covered, turn the heat to boil, use high heat to collect the juice, the soup is suitable to add a spoonful of chicken essence, a spoonful of monosodium glutamate, and then pour in the appropriate amount of white pepper, and then use the spatula to turn it over, turn the spices open, so that you can turn off the heat.

Delicious braised pig's trotters, full of collagen, beautiful and beautiful

Prepare a plate, put the pig's trotters into the plate, sprinkle with green onions and garnish it, delicious and ready, a very delicious pig's trotters are ready;

The color of the pig's trotters in this way is particularly beautiful, it looks like you want to take a bite, and the pig's trotters that come out of this way are fat and not greasy, soft and rotten, and full of flavor, which is very easy to debon.

Delicious braised pig's trotters, full of collagen, beautiful and beautiful

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