
Chinese New Year's Eve rice must be made into a delicacy - braised pork trotters, the sauce is fragrant, delicious and not greasy to eat

author:Wu Anan

Almost new year, hard work for a whole year, Chinese New Year's Eve rice will definitely have to eat a good meal, today, Anan will bring you a hard dish - braised pork trotters, red color, rich sauce, skin q meat tender, delicious and rice.

【Preparation Materials】 Pig's trotters, rock sugar, green onion, ginger and garlic, star anise cinnamon leaf peppercorns, watercress paste, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, orange peel, vinegar, beer

Chinese New Year's Eve rice must be made into a delicacy - braised pork trotters, the sauce is fragrant, delicious and not greasy to eat

1. Pig trotters are best to choose the front hooves, the second half of the meat is not, the front hooves are collagen, eat very chewy, the taste will be particularly good, the pig trotters and pig hair bought back must be scraped clean, otherwise it is very disgusting, after chopping into pieces, put into the water to rinse several times, remove the blood water;

2. Pig's trotters under the cold water pot, add onion ginger cooking wine to boil, boil the blood foam after fishing out, rinse under the water, drain the water and set aside;

3. The next step is very critical, that is, the fry sugar color, the fry sugar color can not be used on high heat, to medium and low heat slowly stir-fry, otherwise it is easy to fry paste, add rock sugar to the oil pot, first use a shovel to crush, and then keep stir-frying, rock sugar by white fried brown is almost;

4. After the sugar color is fried, pour into the pig's trotters and quickly stir-fry evenly, add ginger garlic star anise cinnamon leaf pepper and other spices to continue stir-frying;

5. Pour cooking wine along the edge of the pot, add an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, soy sauce and salt and stir-fry evenly according to personal taste and preference.

6. Pour in a can of beer, boiling water to an appropriate amount of water without passing the pig's trotters, stir-fry evenly, cover the lid, turn to medium-low heat and simmer for 60-90 minutes after bringing to a boil;

7. Finally taste the taste, season as appropriate, and collect the juice on high heat;

Chinese New Year's Eve rice must be made into a delicacy - braised pork trotters, the sauce is fragrant, delicious and not greasy to eat


1. Frying sugar color is a technical work, if it is a novice does not recommend frying sugar color, it is easy to fry sugar color so that the taste is bitter, directly with old soy sauce to color it;

2. When stewing pig's trotters, it is best to use a casserole pot to simmer slowly, so that the stewed pig's trotters are the most delicious, if the time is pressing, you can also use a pressure cooker, and cook for 15 minutes after steaming;

3. Now the meat price is so expensive, if you buy less pig's trotters want to look a little more, you can put some peanuts or soybeans together to stew, so that not only does it look full, peanuts and soybeans absorb the essence of the soup to eat soft and delicious will be more delicious.

Today's content is here, more exciting content please pay attention to me @ Wu Anan, or my elaborate food column, more Chinese New Year's Eve rice classic dishes waiting for you to unlock the !!!

Chinese New Year's Eve rice must be made into a delicacy - braised pork trotters, the sauce is fragrant, delicious and not greasy to eat

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