
The practice of braised pig's trotters

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The practice of braised pig's trotters

Don't say anything, not horizontal, overbearing not overbearing

By Gill_ Gill

1 pig's trotter

30g shiragei beans

Smoked beans 10g

Diced dried carrots 10g

White sesame seeds 10g

1 scoop of cooking wine

2 scoops of dark soy sauce

Sugar to taste

Chicken essence to taste

2 small red peppers

The practice of braised pig's trotters

1, smoked bean tea these ingredients, I used to make pig trotter porridge, found very suitable for pig trotters. Smoked beans, white sesame seeds, dried diced carrots. Serve with red pepper

The practice of braised pig's trotters

2, add water over the pig's trotters, add some ginger, boil the soup mode

The practice of braised pig's trotters

3: Soak the white kidney beans the night before and peel them

The practice of braised pig's trotters

4, fish out the pig's trotters, the soup can be seasoned to drink alone, but remember to leave a part. Soak the trotters in cold water for half an hour after pressing the pressure cooker to allow the already soft trotters to tighten the meat. Then with white kidney beans, red peppers, chicken essence, salt, sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine

The practice of braised pig's trotters

5. Pour in the pork trotter soup that you just left behind. Bring to a boil over high heat and simmer over medium heat

The practice of braised pig's trotters

6, after receiving the juice can be out of the pot, horizontal not horizontal, violent not violent, say!


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