
Cuisine: beer duck, green pepper stir-fried eggplant, dry pot mushrooms, hair dish stewed pork hands

author:Diners Club

Fresh ingredients are a tribute to good food, and tasting all the delicious tastes, still coveting the taste, we call it home. Meet thousands of kinds of food, meet thousands of people, know thousands of lives, know each other. The new taste squeezed out by the ancient method, like a surprising old friend, with the fragrance of the flowing years, meets you. The joy of food is irrelevant to time, and it is equally gratifying to spend 4 hours making a big meal and waiting for a delicious bowl of noodles in 4 minutes. The world's food is even more colorful, and what is difficult to give up in our hearts is the earth under our feet, the noodle soup in the bowl and the comfort of our parents. Even if we go to the ends of the earth, the stomach and tongue must eventually recognize the ancestors, and every dietary man and woman has a warm home-cooked dish hidden in their hearts. Next, Xiaobian will continue to talk to you about today's home cooking.

Cuisine: beer duck, green pepper stir-fried eggplant, dry pot mushrooms, hair dish stewed pork hands

Beer duck


1. Wash the duck and control the moisture, stew in small pieces, peel the potatoes, wash and cut into pieces, cut the green onion into sections, and slice the ginger.

2. Put a little oil in the pot and heat it up.

3. Stir-fry the duck cubes

4. Fry until the oil comes out, feel washed and fried dry, no oil out, put out the duck, pour off the oil in the pan.

5. Heat the pan again, leave a little bottom oil, add the green onion and ginger, star anise, peppercorns, stir-fry until fragrant, add watercress sauce and stir-fry until fragrant.

6. Add the duck nuggets, pour in the old soy sauce and stir-fry evenly.

7. Pour in the potato cubes and stir-fry for a while.

8. Pour in the beer and simmer over medium heat until the meat is cooked and the potatoes are crispy.

9. The soup is almost finished

Cuisine: beer duck, green pepper stir-fried eggplant, dry pot mushrooms, hair dish stewed pork hands

Stir-fried eggplant with green peppers

Ingredients: 1 eggplant 2 green peppers, 5 cloves of garlic Oil appropriate amount Salt to taste

1 Prepare the raw materials;

2 Cut the eggplant into slender strips, add the appropriate amount of salt and marinate;

3 Marinated eggplant squeeze dry water, put into the pot and sauté, note that there is no need to put oil in the pot;

4 Sauté the eggplant until soft, basically without moisture, and put it on the plate for later;

5 hot pans of cold oil, add garlic grains and sauté until fragrant;

6 Then add the green pepper and stir-fry;

7 Until the green peppers change color and then add the eggplant to continue stir-frying;

8 When the nine are ripe, add salt and other seasoning, and finally stir-fry evenly to put on the plate.

9 served.

Cuisine: beer duck, green pepper stir-fried eggplant, dry pot mushrooms, hair dish stewed pork hands

Ingredients: wild moss, pork belly

Ingredients: red and green peppers, onion pieces, green onion and ginger noodles, large noodles

Seasoning: Shanxi chen vinegar, donggu soy sauce, oyster sauce, soy sauce.

Directions: Soak the wild moss and wash it, rinse it in water and sauté it dry with lard oil.

Sauté the pork belly fragrantly, add the shallots, ginger and garlic, large noodles, Shanxi chen vinegar, Donggu soy sauce, oyster sauce, stir-fry over low heat to create the aroma, then use the old soy sauce to tone, add the moss and accessories, add the oil and put it on the plate.

Cuisine: beer duck, green pepper stir-fried eggplant, dry pot mushrooms, hair dish stewed pork hands

Braised pig hands with vegetables

20 grams of hair vegetables, 50 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 3 pork hands, 2 slices of ginger, a little garlic, a little soy sauce, salt to taste


1. Dehair the pig's hands and pour them in a pressure cooker, then cut into pieces and set aside, soak the shiitake mushrooms in warm water and cut them into strips for later. Wash the hair dish with clean water, add a few spoonfuls of raw oil, squeeze it with your hands a few times, and then wash it with warm water.

2. Marinate the pig hand with dark soy sauce and cooking wine, then sauté the garlic head and ginger slices with hot oil, simmer the marinated pork hand and the mushroom shreds for 10 minutes, and then put the soaked hair vegetables evenly on the pig hand and continue to simmer until the water is dry.

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