
Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

author:Beiqing Net

Bleeding gums, fatigue, irritability? Decreased immunity, easy to catch a cold? Constipation, endocrine disorders? These are most likely due to our lack of nutrients!

At 9 o'clock tonight, "X Clinic" invited Wu Jiang, chief physician of the Nutrition Department of Huadong Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, to give us a good nutrition class.

01 Eat on vitamin C

When it comes to vitamin C, most of the people who think of sweet and sour fruits are. But in fact, fruit acid is not determined by vitamin C, but by organic acids.

So although most people know the importance of vitamin C, there is still a certain misunderstanding about it.

1. What are the benefits of vitamin C supplementation?

Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that promotes collagen synthesis, prevents bleeding gums, and maintains the normal function of teeth, bones, and blood vessels.

At the same time, vitamin C has a detoxifying effect and can also enhance our ability to resist disease.

2. How do you know if you are deficient in vitamin C?

Bleeding gums, bleeding spots or weakness on your body, or irritability may be a reminder that your body is missing vitamin C.

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

Note: The bleeding point is a small red dot like the picture below

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

3. Which fruits and vegetables have more vitamin C content?

"X Clinic" has sorted out the list of vitamin C fruits/vegetables for everyone to see, which can be saved to the album Oh ~

Fresh dates, sea buckthorn and blackcurrant have far higher vitamin C content than kiwifruit, which everyone can't imagine!

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

In vegetables, the vitamin C content of red pepper is much higher than that of cucumber and spinach.

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

4. What is the daily intake of vitamin C?

Experts recommend that ingesting 100 mg of vitamin C per day is good for the human body. This amount of strawberries as an example, each 100 mg of strawberries contains 45 mg of vitamin C, then we eat 9 to 10 large strawberries a day to meet the daily intake of vitamin C.

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

If it is a vegetable, a cabbage or a broccoli can also meet the daily VC intake.

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

5, eat fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamin C, these places should pay attention to the intake of vitamin C, it is best to choose fresh fruits and whole fruits to eat, do not beat into juice.

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

Vegetables are best washed and then cut, because vitamin C is soluble in water, if you cut it first and then wash it, it is easy to lose vitamin C in the process of cleaning.

Vitamin C above 40 degrees will begin to lose, so frying quickly to reduce the heating time of vegetables is the practice of retaining vitamin C as much as possible.

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

02 Eat on carotene

Vitamin C is the nutrient that most people eat right, and carotene is the nutrient that a small number of people eat right.

If you want to eat it right, these places should pay attention.

1. What are the symptoms of lack of carotene?

When it comes to carotene deficiency, the typical symptom that may occur is night blindness.

Carrots can be converted into vitamin A in the body, if the lack of vitamin A, our immunity will decline, there will be colds, diarrhea.

2. What are the benefits of carotene for the human body?

Carotene is a special class of nutrients in vitamins, which will be converted into vitamin A in the human body, which can improve vision, especially the level of dark vision, and have a good beauty and beauty effect. At the same time, carotene can promote the improvement of immune function.

3. Do only carrots contain more carotene?

Carrots contain the highest carotene among vegetables, but pumpkins, bell peppers, and sweet potatoes are also rich in higher carotene

Not only that, but the leafy greens we eat more also have carotene, so let's take a look at the list of green leafy vegetables with carotene.

Unexpectedly, the carotene content of celery leaves is the highest in green leafy vegetables, of course, spinach is not inferior.

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

4. How much carotene is enough for daily intake?

A daily intake of 600 to 800 micrograms of carotene is sufficient. Eat about 300 grams of celery leaves, and the amount of carotene required in a day can reach the standard.

5. Can eating raw carrots supplement carotene?

Many people supplement carotene by eating raw carrots, in fact, this is wrong, carotene must be combined with oil to replenish the bit!

03 Eat on dietary fiber

Dietary fiber refers to a sugar in plants that cannot be digested and absorbed by the human body, which is divided into two kinds of soluble and insoluble, which are of certain help to human health.

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?
Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

1. What are the symptoms of lack of dietary fiber?

If we do not eat enough dietary fiber, it will often cause symptoms such as constipation, indigestion, endocrine disorders, etc. Long-term dietary fiber may also cause chronic diseases such as hyperlipidemia and hypertension.

2. What are the benefits of dietary fiber intake?

Although dietary fiber cannot be digested and absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, it can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation, reduce postprandial blood sugar, prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, alleviate systemic inflammation, and reduce the risk of diseases such as COPD.

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

3. Which staple foods and vegetables contain more dietary fiber?

Dietary fiber staple food / vegetable rankings are coming ~ staple foods such as red adzuki beans and mung beans contain more dietary fiber.

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

In addition, vegetables such as edamame and fresh mushrooms also contain more dietary fiber, and you can add them to your daily menu!

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

4. How much dietary fiber is enough to consume per day?

If we can eat enough dietary fiber 25 to 29 grams a day, we can reduce mortality by 15% and the risk of coronary heart disease by 30%. In fact, as long as you remember a formula, it is OK, 1-3 two whole grain beans + 1 kg of vegetables + half a kg of fruit + 10 grams of nuts.

Are you eating vitamin C, carotene, dietary fiber right?

Source: City Channel "X Clinic"

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