
"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

author:Mu Mu's light and shadow

Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation is an epic disaster film based on a biblical story. Written and directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connery, Ray Winston, Emma Watson and others.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >01 Synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark</h1>

The world was originally empty, and the Creator used six days to create the century, and the sky, land, sea, plants, birds, beasts, etc. were born. He also created Adam, the Lord of All Things, in his own image, and his partner Eve.

Adam and Eve, however, were tempted by the serpent to steal the forbidden fruit, and their descendants multiplied everywhere. The desires of future generations are excessive, not only killing each other, but also abusing resources, leaving the world devastated and the earth wild.

The Creator decided to flood humanity and sin with a heavy rain. Noah was commissioned as a righteous man to build an ark to preserve different species and regenerate the earth.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

Stills from Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >02 The details are very different from the original</h1>

In order to enhance the story and conflict of the film on the big screen, the film adds a lot of creativity and elements to the original work.

The first is manifested in the inspiration and process of Noah's manufacture of the Ark.

The film directly entrusts the Creator to Noah, adapting it to noah who saw the flood ravaging the earth in his dream, and then went to his grandfather Massala, who inspired him to know how to avoid the flood by making an ark;

The Ark was made according to the original book by the efforts of Noah and others, and the film was adapted into a watchman made by the Creator to help Noah complete this difficult task.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

The second is to increase the role of the villain.

In order to highlight the creator's desire to destroy the world due to the excessively despicable behavior of human beings, the film added the character of the villain Toba Cain.

Cain, Abel, and Seth were the sons of Adam and Eve, and Cain was banished to the East after killing his brother Abel. Noah is a descendant of the Seth family and a representative of justice in this film. And The Earth Eight Cain is a descendant of the Cain family, as the setting of the opposing number one.

Cain not only kills Noah's father, Lamai, at the beginning of the film, but also leads Cain's family to mine, kill, eat the weak, and hurt the innocent.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

The third is the setting of Noah's family.

In the original book, Noah and his wife enter the ark with three sons and daughter-in-law with the permission of the Creator.

The only people who enter the Ark in the film are Noah and his wife, three sons Flash, Han, And Japhe, and a girl Ira who was saved along the way.

At first, Ira was unable to have children due to injuries. Noah's wife then went to pray to her grandfather, Marthsala, to help Ira become a full woman.

Han has always wanted to find a partner to join the Ark, Ira accidentally conceives two girls with the help of her grandfather, and Noah believes that creation mainly destroys humanity, so he clashes with his relatives over whether the offspring will continue to reproduce.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >03 The enduring theme of conflict between faith and human nature</h1>

The plot of the film and the character encounters it constructs are biased from the original Bible and seem a bit thankless.

But thematically, the film is ambitious, not only to recreate the vast scene recorded in the scriptures, but also to recreate the story of Noah's Ark that countless people firmly believe in existing.

It also attempts to use the adapted imagination to illustrate the enduring theme of how to choose when faith and human nature clash.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

Noah had always believed in the existence of the Creator, and as heir, he was determined to fulfill the sacred task given by the Creator to use the Ark to sustain the innocent species of the earth through the flood and destroy the evil.

Yet the Creator has never appeared, and His will is not obvious, needing to be understood, needing to be understood, and more mysteriously, needing to make a choice.

This choice is hurtful, even fatal. Fortunately, Noah finally completed his mission after some struggles, through the test of the Creator.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

One is that Noah's identity and early experiences determined his faith.

Noah was the grandson of Seth's descendant, Massera. Noah's father, Lamai, taught Noah from an early age that the Creator created the world.

By this generation, Noah had become the heir, and it was his duty to take care of the world. One must be a righteous man by the creator's side, faithfully and strictly carrying out all the decisions of the creator.

After his father was killed by Cain, Noah learned of the evil of Cain's family.

A drop of water from heaven made a flower open out of thin air, making Noah believe in the existence of the Creator.

Then Noah and the Watchmen met, and the miracles that followed made Noah even more convinced.

Therefore, Noah was absolutely convinced and obedient to the Creator, and even appeared paranoid in the eyes of his family.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

The second is The character trait of Noah, which is the reason why the Creator chose Noah as his follower.

Noah taught his three sons, Shan, Han, and Japhe, to protect the environment, even the flowers and trees should not be harmed casually, and only take the necessities of life.

The people of Cain thought that eating wild beasts would be strong, but ignored that all came from the Creator. And Noah knew this deeply. So noah's family never had bloody flesh on the table.

Noah told the children that the animals on the Ark were all male and female, that after the heavy rain they would become great parents, and that care must be taken, that even a little accident was an irreparable loss to Genesis, and that it was their duty to take care of these innocent creatures.

Under Noah's teaching, children know how to love animals and know compassion.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

Noah respects life, loves his family, and knows compassion for all beings.

Noah leads his family to find his grandfather, and he is heartbroken to see the destruction of the city and the torture and murder of innocent people by Cain's family.

Noah and his wife save the injured Ira, and even though they are hunted by the bad guys, they do not give up on Ira, and sing to Ira at night to let the feverish Ira fall asleep, from which noah is known to be very kind.

Noah loved his wife and children deeply, and in order for them to survive until the last moment, he followed the Creator's arrangement.

Noah also knows how to pity sentient beings, seeing the heavy rain and many innocent people drowned, he is actually very uncomfortable, but he can not show that he knows that the evil of mankind has completely angered the Creator, destroying everything to be reborn.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

Noah was brave, fearless, and a leader.

In the search for revelation, Noah is alone, and when he encounters a powerful watchman who has turned from light to stone, he is not afraid, he lobbis the watchmen, saying that if they can save the remaining species, they will once again become servants of the Creator, proving that Noah has the ability to lead.

The Watchman saw Noah and said to him, "I see in you the shadow of Adam." Adam was the first person created by the Creator in his own image, indicating that Noah possessed some of the creator qualities.

Noah knew and understood the Creator's decision, and he overcame all odds to carry out this heavy task.

Even though Caesar led a large army to attack, and the watchmen sacrificed themselves, broke free from the shackles of the stones, and returned to heaven, Noah fought alone to the end, defending the Ark.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

Third, when human nature and faith clash, Noah follows his heart and chooses kindness and love.

Noah's performance in the later stages of the film does not help "Han" find girls, does not allow Ira to give birth to girls, etc., so that his family, and even some viewers think that Noah has become a madman, a paranoid, in fact, the film has already had a transition to this.

When innocent animals were harmed, Noah hand-bladed the invaders, who believed that protecting the innocents was a just decision, burned the animals and sacrificed them to the Creator.

When Ira accidentally conceives a child, he thinks that the Creator means that humanity must be destroyed, and that her family is no different from other humans. He had to kill the child in order to be worthy of the many lives that had drowned in the flood, which was also a manifestation of justice.

Noah's wife had a different view than his, believing that her family was kind, "flash" religious, Jaffa was kind, upright, a good man, and would be a good father. Let good people continue to reproduce, this is justice.

Noah, on the other hand, said that Shem was seduced by desire and greed, and that Japheth was only pleasing others, and that like his wife, he would do something for the child that he did not know whether it was good or evil, and even chose to kill people in order to protect the child.

Noah believed that human weakness and selfishness were similar.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

The two can't say who is right and who is wrong, but the angles are different.

Noah actually wanted to help his sons find wives to enter the Ark with him.

But when he went to the Cains at night, he saw that the humans there were already stubborn.

They traded women and children for the flesh of wild beasts. They used the bamboo poles they had inserted to deal with innocent animals. They were tearing and cutting the flesh of wild beasts, and corpses were strewn across the field, and rivers of blood flowed.

This is something Noah can't bear to see.

It was as if he had seen himself turn into a cruel skeleton. This scene made him think that humanity was incurable and must be destroyed.

When he made this decision, he had established a measure of justice in his heart.

So he did not try his best to help Han rescue the girl he had just met, Nair, first, because of the tight time, the Cain clan had already poured in, Nair's feet were caught, it was too late, and second, because Noah thought that the Creator had made a decision, and the consequences of not saving mankind were the same.

This leads to the son's misunderstanding and hatred of the father. In Han's eyes, Nair is innocent and kind and must be saved. Her father had given up on saving her.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

But to borrow the words of grandfather Massera.

Like Cain, he believed that human beings must decide their own destiny by themselves. Nor can this be said to be a mistake.

But at the same time, he was cruel and cold-blooded, and regarded other lives as nothing.

Heavy rain, the ark, let the filth and the pure separate, the good and the evil separate.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

The family's conflict with Noah is the first test for Noah.

Noah believed that all humanity would be destroyed, including himself. Noah believed in the Creator's decision, even at the expense of his family.

And Noah's own faith and Noah's humanity are the second test.

Ira accidentally became pregnant with twin girls. Noah began to think that the child had to be hand-bladed to accomplish his will.

This move can be referenced in biblical stories about Abraham and his son Isaac. The Creator sent Abraham to take his son up the mountain and kill him for sacrifice. Abraham did so, but was stopped by the angels because it was only a test of the Creator's loyalty to him.

Again, here, this is the Creator's test of heir Noah.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

Noah knelt down countless times to call out to the heavens and ask for instructions from the Creator, but he was always unclear, or told him that mankind must be destroyed. Noah can only rely on his own understanding.

The moment Noah's knife was pointed at his twin granddaughter, he still put down the butcher knife.

Imagine that Noah is a person who can't bear to be sad even for flowers, and how can he bear to kill his granddaughter with his own hands.

He chose goodness and love, even if it was as if he were acting against the will of the Creator and against his own faith.

The rain stopped and the land reappeared. Noah was devastated, living alone in a cave, drunk and naked.

He felt that he had failed both the Creator and his loved ones, and lived in a way that indulged himself. Ira's words made him suddenly enlightened. The Creator gave Noah's family a chance to be reborn.

"Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation", when faith and human nature clash 01 The synopsis of the story of Noah's Ark is restored 02 Details are very different from the original 03 The enduring theme of the conflict between faith and human nature END

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">END </h1>

Originally, I went to see the disaster movie, but it turned out that the thick background of the film was infected. He then became interested and immersed in biblical stories, learning about foreign cultures and beliefs while also gaining inspiration.

In fact, whether you believe in God or believe in people, as long as everything is based on goodness and love, there will be no conflict between faith and human nature.

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