
When disaster strikes, only the mountaineering Noah's Ark can continue civilization, the legend of Noah's Ark

author:Brother Chun tells stories

I don't know if you have ever seen a movie "2012", yes, it is the rumored end of the world, this movie scene is shocking, telling the story of the end of the world, people in order to survive, looking for a way to land on Noah's Ark. And the so-called end of the world, in fact, in the movie is an extreme environment, wind, flood, sea level rise, flooding the city, these extreme environments, all living things are no way to survive, so people invented and manufactured Noah's Ark, in case of emergency, after watching the movie Many people are wondering, in our real life is also the existence of Noah's Ark? If so, where is it? So, the editor collected some information, and the story continued to look down.

When disaster strikes, only the mountaineering Noah's Ark can continue civilization, the legend of Noah's Ark

Where did the legend of Noah's Ark come from?

Speaking of the origin of Noah's Ark, we have to say about the Bible, the name of Noah's Ark comes from a legend in the Bible: legend has it that God decided to launch a great flood in order to punish mankind, and God did not want to really exterminate mankind, so he quietly found a person with a good heart and outstanding ability, and gave the order to build Noah's Ark.

Thus the mission of Noah's Ark was about to be launched, it was built to continue human civilization, or to continue the civilization of the earth. The story belongs to the story, Noah's Ark in the eyes of the editor is still just a legend, have seen and thought, curious, even if it is, but there are some people who have different behaviors.

When disaster strikes, only the mountaineering Noah's Ark can continue civilization, the legend of Noah's Ark

Does Noah's Ark really exist?

  Although it is only a legend, according to the description of Noah's Ark, people have really found some traces of it.

  The Bible records that after the flood the ark stopped on Mount Aare in eastern Turkey. To unravel the mystery of Alessan Noah's Ark, Boucher Taylor, a professor at Richmond University in Virginia, conducted a 13-year follow-up study. Professor Taylor also used satellite remote sensing technology for research, calling himself a "satellite archaeological project.". According to aerial photographs taken by aircraft, reconnaissance satellites, and commercial remote sensing vehicles, it was really found that there was an "irregular area" on the mountainside of Mount Ale that was almost covered by glaciers. What has aroused great interest is that its length-to-width ratio is the same as that of Noah's Ark. Taylor said the high-definition photos taken by remote sensing satellites are "new and important developments." His goal was clear: to synthesize all the photographs to solve the mystery of Mount Aare and to stand the test of scientists, imaging experts and other experts.

When disaster strikes, only the mountaineering Noah's Ark can continue civilization, the legend of Noah's Ark

  Coincidentally, in 1973, the U.S. Satellite "very accidentally" photographed a large and distinctly rectangular "foreign object" on the frozen Alle Peak all year round. It is very similar to noah's ark as described in the Bible.

 To solve the mystery of Noah's Ark?

  Many people have conducted exploratory research on Mount Ararat. The first documented modern explorer to climb Mount Ararat was the German physician Friedrich Parot, who climbed the mountain in 1829 but did not find the obvious remains of Noah's Ark. However, he admired a cross worshipped by Orthodox priests in the Abbey of Archimeazin (which was destroyed during an eruption of Mount Ararat in 1840), which appeared to have been made of wood from the ship recorded in the Bible.

When disaster strikes, only the mountaineering Noah's Ark can continue civilization, the legend of Noah's Ark

  NASA scientists have also discovered that deep in the rainforest of Central America there is a site of a Mayan civilization more than 1,000 years ago, which is also an "irregular area". But whether it is a geological wonder of nature, a relic of human activity, or nothing, needs to be further investigated.

  In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the search for Noah's Ark was resumed. The U.S. government has released a set of photos taken by Russian satellites and U-2 spy planes, which show that at an altitude of 3,000 meters, you can faintly see "foreign bodies" under the year-round ice on the slopes of the Russian side of Mount Ararat. Some people think that this is Noah's Ark. But in the eyes of geologists and the CIA, this could be a crater that erupted around 1000 AD, or an abnormal accumulation of ice and snow caused by a huge ice slide in a glacier throughout the year.

When disaster strikes, only the mountaineering Noah's Ark can continue civilization, the legend of Noah's Ark

  In fact, for more than half a century since these mysterious objects were discovered, many explorers have come to Mount Ararat to try to uncover the secrets of Noah's Ark. However, the harsh geographical environment of Mount Ararat has brought many difficulties to the expedition, and the indigenous people of the mountains regard these mysterious mountains as gods. Convinced of the existence of Noah's Ark, they have been reluctant for generations to reveal the secrets of these hills to outsiders.

  In 2000, an expedition led by Robert Ballard, known for discovering the wreckage of the Titanic, led an expedition to find signs of human habitation on the bottom of the Black Sea hundreds of meters deep. At a depth of 93 metres below the black sea level, 19 kilometers off the coast of Turkey, a rectangular foundation was found, with wooden beams, tree branches and stone tools scattered in the silt, which appeared in the transition period between the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. About 7,500 years ago, these dwellings were engulfed by a ferocious flood. Scientists assert that there is some connection between this cataclysmic event and the story of Noah's Ark told in the Bible.

When disaster strikes, only the mountaineering Noah's Ark can continue civilization, the legend of Noah's Ark

  People wonder, where is the anchorage of Noah's Ark? In order to solve the mystery of Noah's Ark, dedicated scientific expeditions have conducted a 13-year long tracking study, and whether Noah's Ark really exists still needs to be studied more deeply.

Conclusion: Noah's Ark does not exist, Xiaobian does not care much, if it exists, Xiaobian is curious about who made it? As for the rumors about the Bible, I think that instead of believing that it was god's doing, it is better to boldly speculate that it may be a masterpiece of an alien civilization? Then this can scientifically explain these legends, from Chinese legends to foreign legends, although the mythological figures are different, but there seems to be a certain kind of similar magic, is it not in ancient times, alien civilizations have left too many incredible for ancient people, and these incredible, unexplainable phenomena were composed into legends by people at that time.

When disaster strikes, only the mountaineering Noah's Ark can continue civilization, the legend of Noah's Ark

If the aliens knew, I think they would probably make a joke: Please don't be obsessed with brother, brother is just a legend.

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