
Gu Long Novel "Happy Hero" Twenty-fourth Time The Red Lady with a heart like a snake and scorpion

author:Yang Jincan

  Everyone has a past, and everyone inevitably talks about their past in front of their good friends.

  Sometimes it's as if you're telling a story. Most of these kinds of stories are not very appealing - listening to other people's bragging is not as strong as blowing themselves, but there are exceptions to everything.

  When Wang Dong was speaking, everyone listened with wide eyes, not even one who was interrupted.

  The first person to open his mouth to break the fork was naturally Guo Dalu. In fact, he had been holding back for a long time, and when he heard this, he really couldn't hold back, so he let out a long breath before asking, "Where is that old man waiting for you?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Just wait for me in the woods behind the cemetery." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "You go every day?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "No matter if it is windy or rainy, I don't have a day not to go." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "How many times have you been there?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "I've been gone for three years and four months." ”

  Guo Dalu let out a long breath again, "Isn't there more than a thousand times?" ”

  Wang Dong nodded.

  Guo Dalu said, "Listen to you, as long as you learn slowly, you will be beaten, and the beating is not light." ”

  Wang Dong said, "In the first year, I rarely had a time when I didn't get beaten. ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Since you are beaten every day, why do you still want to go?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Because at that time, I felt that this kind of thing was not only very mysterious, but also fresh and exciting." ”

  Guo Dalu thought about it and smiled, "If I change, I will also go." ”

  Lin Taiping couldn't help but ask, "You never asked the old man's name?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "I have asked hundreds of times. ”

  Lin Taiping said, "Do you know where he came from?" ”

  Wang shook his head, "Every time I get there, he arrives first." ”

  Lin Taiping said, "Why didn't you go earlier?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "No matter how early I go, he is already there first." ”

  Guo Dalu raised an eyebrow, "Why don't you follow him and see where he goes?" ”

  Wang Dong smiled bitterly, "Of course I tried." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "The result?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "As a result, every time I was beaten up, obediently went home alone." ”

  Guo Dalu frowned and murmured, "He is there every day waiting for you, forcing you to learn martial arts, but he refuses to let you know who he is." ”

  Wang Dong said, "What's even stranger, he never asked me who I was." ”

  Guo Dalu sighed and said, "Such a strange thing is really rare in the world, and it seems that only a strange person like you can encounter such a strange thing." ”

  Yan Qiqi also asked, "At that time, when you were ready to leave them, you didn't even know about the Red Lady?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "I have never mentioned it in front of anyone." ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "But the Red Lady... Isn't she pretty nice to you? ”

  Wang Dong's face was even more ugly, and after a long time, he said coldly, "She is good to many people." ”

  Yan Qiqi also found that he had asked the wrong question, and immediately changed the topic, saying, "How did you go later?" ”

  Wang Dong said lightly, "Once they were preparing to steal the Tibetan scriptures of the Shaolin Temple and asked me to inquire about the movement first, so I took the opportunity to slip away." ”

  Yan Qi, also let out a long breath, and said, "These people actually dare to fight the idea of the Shaolin Temple, and their courage is really not small." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "After you slipped away, they never found you?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "No." ”

  Suddenly he stood up and walked to the window. The night was dark and cold.

  He stood in the window, foolishly out of the gods for half a day, before slowly continuing: "After I come back, I rarely go out." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Did you suddenly become unmoved?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "I have indeed changed, I have become very fast, I have become a lot..."

  His voice was hoarse and sad, and he continued, "Because when I came back, I learned that the year after I went out, my mother was..."

  He didn't say anything, he clenched his fists, his whole body trembling, he couldn't say any more. This time, even Guo Dalu did not ask, neither could bear to ask, nor did he have to ask, everyone already knew what happened to Wang Dong, and they all knew his mood.

  When he returns, do you want to repay the kindness of your parents and the filial piety of the Son of Man? Lin Taiping lowered his head, and the sun seemed to be full of tears.

  Guo Dalu also felt sour in his heart, and his eyes were also a little red.

  Now he knew why Wang Dong had become so poor, so lazy, and so strange.

  Because his heart was full of grief and remorse, he was punishing himself.

  If you must say that he is running away, then he is not escaping from the Red Lady, nor is he a red snake, let alone anyone else.

  He was running away from himself. Thinking of the first time he saw him lying alone on the bed, lying in the dark, letting the rats crawl around on his body, Guo Dalu couldn't help but sigh a long time.

  Unless a person has completely lost his fighting spirit, even if he can endure hunger, he will never tolerate rats. That night, if Guo Dalu hadn't broken in and made friends with him in a daze, would he still be alive today?

  Guo Dalu didn't even dare to think about this question.

  Wang Dong finally turned back and said slowly, "It's been almost three years since I came back, and in the past three years, they must have been looking for me non-stop." ”

  Guo Dalu reluctantly smiled and said, "Of course, it is difficult for them to find you, and who could have imagined that the King of the Eagles would stay in such a place and live such a life?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "But I already knew that sooner or later they would find me." ”

  Yan Qi's eyes blinked, "It's been so long, why don't they let go?" ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Have you calculated it yourself?" Are you owed to them? Or do they owe you? ”

  Wang Dong was silent for a long time before he said slowly, "Some ledgers are something that no one can calculate." ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "Why?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Because everyone has his own algorithm, everyone's algorithm is different." ”

  His expression became heavier, and he continued slowly: "In their case, there is only one algorithm for this account. ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "Which one?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "You should know which one it is." ”

  Yan Qi's words stopped, he did know that some accounts you can only calculate with blood.

  A little bit of blood is not enough, a lot of blood, your blood alone is not enough, you want a lot of people's blood.

  Yan Qiqi looked at the wounds on Guo Dalu's body, and after a long time, he sighed and said, "It seems that this account has become more and more difficult to calculate, and I don't know when it will be cleared." ”

  Wang Dong sighed, "You can rest assured, it must not be necessary to wait for a long time, because..."

  He suddenly closed his mouth. Everyone closed their mouths, and even their breathing stopped.

  Because everyone heard a burst of footsteps.

  The footsteps were very light and were slowly passing through the snowy yard.

  "Who's coming?"

  "Is it time to settle this account?"

  Lin Taiping wanted to struggle to get up and rush out the door, but he held back, Guo Dalu pointed to the window, and Yan Qiqi shook his head.

  There was only the sound of a man's footsteps, and this man was slowly walking up the stone steps to the door.

  Suddenly there was a knock at the door outside, and this man dared to knock on the door in a dignified manner, but it was something they could not have imagined.

  Wang Dong finally asked, "Who?" ”

  Someone outside whispered, "Me." ”

  Wang Dong said, "Who are you?" ”

  The people outside suddenly laughed, laughter like silver bells, but far more crisp and moving than the bells: "You can't even hear my voice, it's really a little conscienceless." ”

  The man who came was a woman, a woman with a very good voice, as if she were still very young.

  Seeing Wang Dong's face, everyone had already guessed who this woman was, and Wang Dong's face was like white paper.

  Yan Qiqi patted him on the shoulder, pointed to the door, and then pointed to the back.

  That means, "If you don't want to see him, you can go to the back and avoid him, and I'll block a block for you." ”

  Of course, Wang Dong understood what he meant, but he shook his head.

  He knew his situation better than anyone else, and he had taken the last step.

  That means he can't go back anymore, and he doesn't want to go back anymore.

  "Why haven't you opened the door yet?"

  No one had ever seen the Red Lady, but as long as they heard this voice, anyone could imagine what a charming woman she was.

  "Is there another woman in your room who doesn't dare let me see it?" You should always know that I'm not as jealous as you are. ”

  Wang Dong suddenly strode over, stopped again, and said in a deep voice, "The door is not tied." ”

  With a gentle push, the door opened, and a man stood outside the door, facing the light shining from the room.

  All the lights seemed to have been focused on her alone, and of course all eyes were focused on her alone.

  She seemed to be glowing all over her, a dazzling red, red heart-pounding light.

  The Red Lady was, of course, wearing red clothes, but the light did not come out of her clothes, in fact, except for the clothes, every place on her body seemed to be glowing, especially her eyes, her smile, everyone felt that her eyes were looking at herself, and everyone felt that she was smiling at herself, if laughter really had the magic of the city, it must be her laughter.

  Yan Qi's body moved a little, intentionally or unintentionally blocking Guo Dalu's gaze.

  In any case, it is better not to let your friends see this kind of woman's smile, or not to let him see it.

  Shouldn't everyone want their friends to stay away from sin?

  The Red Lady's eyes fluttered, and she suddenly said, "Why do you men always fucking look like this..."

  This was the first thing she said, and she paused suddenly at this point, as if she deliberately wanted to make the three words "fuck" leave a deeper impression on these men's heads, as if she knew that the men in this room liked to say these three words, and they also liked to listen, and these three words were said in her mouth, and there was indeed a special taste.

  Just as she paused, someone couldn't help but ask, "What the fuck do we men look like?" ”

  The sound came from behind Yan Qi, who could block Guo Dalu's eyes, but he couldn't stop his ears and his mouth.

  The Red Lady said, "Why do you see a good-looking woman as if you had seen a ghost alive, and you can't even let go of a fart?" ”

  She wrinkled her nose, and the smile on her face that Yan Qi didn't want Guo Dalu to see, and then she gently continued, "At least one of you should invite me in first." ”

  In fact, before the sentence was finished, her people were already in the room. Everyone in the room knew who she was and what she was here for, and everyone should have been angry and nervous to see her actually walk in.

  But Yan Qi's suddenly found that when Guo Dalu and Lin Taiping looked at her, instead of having any hatred and nervousness in their eyes, they were smiling, and even Yan Qi's own eyes had begun to waver a little, a little suspicious.

  In his imagination, the Red Lady should not have been such a person, since she said the three words "fuck", the atmosphere in the room seemed to have completely changed, and the impression of others on her had also completely changed, a poisonous snake and scorpion demon, who should not have spoken in this tone.

  Only then did Yan Qiqi realize that she was still carrying a large vegetable basket in her hand.

  She put the basket on the table heavily, gently waved her hand, sighed, and said: "A woman just carried such a heavy basket for half an hour in order to deliver something for you, and her hands were almost broken when she was tired, don't you even have the slightest sense of gratitude to her?" ”

  Wang Dong suddenly said coldly, "No one wants you to send something, no one wants you to come." ”

  Only then did the Red Lady glance at him with the corner of her eyes, as if she was disgusted, as if smiling, biting her lip and saying, "I ask you, are these people your friends?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Yes." ”

  The Red Lady sighed softly and said, "You can watch your friend starve, but I can't." ”

  Wang Dong said, "Whether they are hungry or not has nothing to do with you." ”

  The Red Lady said, "Why doesn't it matter?" How can your friend, my friend, the sister-in-law, watch his brother go hungry? ”

  Yan Qiqi couldn't help but say, "Who is the eldest sister-in-law?" ”

  The Red Lady smiled and said, "You are all good friends of Boss Wang, how come you don't even know who Sister-in-law Wang is?" ”

  She lifted the cloth covered with the basket and said, "Today is the eldest sister-in-law's invitation, none of you need to be polite, and if you don't eat, you won't eat for nothing." ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "Eat it?" ”

  The Red Lady smiled and said, "Eating is also eating for free." ”

  Yan Qi,000 looked at her, and the expression on her face was as if someone had slapped her.

  After a long time, she turned to face Wang Dong and said, "Do you think that what I brought is poisonous?" ”

  The Red Lady said, "Not only will you poison other people, but you will also be poisoned?" ”

  The red lady's eye circles seemed to be red, and she suddenly turned her head, took out a chicken leg from the basket, and snorted: "So, of course, the inside of the chicken leg is also poisonous?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Very likely." ”

  The Red Lady said, "Good, good..."

  She took a bite on the chicken leg, swallowed it, and took out a bottle of wine, saying, "Isn't it poisonous in the wine?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "It is also very likely." ”

  The Red Lady said, "Good." ”

  She took another sip of wine —

  In short, she tasted everything in the basket before she raised her head, stared at Wang Dong and asked, "What do you think now?" ”

  Wang Dong didn't want to think about it, and immediately replied, "It's still exactly the same as just now." ”

  The Red Lady said, "You still think it's poisonous?" ”

  The Red Lady's tears were almost flowing, but she barely held back, and after a long time, she slowly nodded her head and said darkly, "I understand your thoughts." ”

  Wang Dong said, "You should have understood it a long time ago." ”

  The Red Lady said, "You think I came here after taking the antidote?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Hmm." ”

  The Red Lady said sadly, "You always think that I am a woman whose heart is more poisonous than a snake and scorpion, and you always think that I am good to you but want to use you..."

  At this point, her tears finally couldn't help but flow.

  Hearing this, Guo Dalu and Lin Taiping's hearts had already softened, and although there was nothing pleasing in their mouths, they had begun to feel that Wang Dong was too much to treat her like this.

  In any case, they finally had a relationship before.

  If I had changed Guo Dalu, I might have already held her in my arms by now.

  But Wang Dong still didn't even have a slight expression on his face, and this man's heart and intestines were almost like iron.

  I saw that the Red Lady slowly put the things she took out back into the basket in the same way, biting her lip and saying, "Well, since you think it is poisonous, I will take it away." ”

  Wang Dong said, "You'd better take it away quickly." ”

  The Red Lady's body was already trembling, and she trembled, "If you think that I have never been kind to you, I can never come to you in the future." ”

  Wang Dong said, "You shouldn't have come." ”

  The Red Lady said, "I... I just want to ask you a word..."

  She suddenly rushed to Wang Dong and hissed, "I ask you, since you recognized me, have I ever done anything to be sorry for you?" ”

  Wang Dong was suddenly speechless.

  The Red Lady clenched her fists, still couldn't help but tremble all over her body, and snorted: "Yes, I am indeed not a good person, I have indeed hurt many men, but I am to you... When did I hurt you? You say, you say. ”

  Wang Dong said coldly, "Now we don't have anything to say." ”

  The Red Lady shook her head for half a moment, then nodded slowly, and said darkly, "Well, I go, I go... Rest assured, this time I'm gone and will never come to you again. ”

  She slowly turned around, lifted the basket, and walked out slowly.

  Guo Dalu looked at her lonely and thin back, watched her slowly walk towards the cold and dark courtyard...

  The wind in the yard was so strong that it rolled up the snow on the trees piece by piece, and in the blink of an eye, it blew away, blowing a thousand clean.

  Wouldn't she also be like this snow, blown away in the blink of an eye, blown clean?

  Guo Dalu only felt sour in his heart, and only hoped that Wang Dong's heart would soften and leave this poor woman behind.

  But Wang Dong's heart was as hard as iron, and he watched her walk out like this, without even a hint of expression.

  Seeing that the Red Lady had stepped over the threshold, Guo Dalu almost couldn't help but leave her behind for Wang Dong.

  Suddenly, the Red Lady's body convulsed, as if she had suddenly been whipped.

  Then her people fell.

  As soon as he fell to the ground, his limbs had convulsed together, a white face had turned black and purple, his eyes were turned upwards, and white foam kept coming out of his mouth.

  The white foam was still bloodshot.

  Yan Qiqi was moved: "Is it really poisonous in the things she brought?" ”

  Guo Dalu rushed: "But she herself must not know, otherwise how could she be poisoned herself?" ”

  Wang Dong still stood there like a stone statue, not even moving, as if he hadn't seen it at all.

  Even Yan Qiqi was a little anxious, and couldn't help but say, "Boss Wang, no matter what, you should also look at her first..."

  Wang Dong said, "What do you see?" ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "What poison is in her?" Is there any salvation? ”

  Wang Dong said, "Nothing to look at." ”

  Guo Dalu couldn't help but cry out, "What's the matter with you?" How come there is not even a little bit of humanity? ”

  If it wasn't for Yan Qi's holding him down, he would have struggled to get up.

  I saw that the Red Lady kept convulsing and panting, and kept calling out, "Wang Dong... Wang Dong..."

  Wang Dong finally couldn't help but sigh a long time and said, "I'm here." ”

  The Red Lady struggled to hold out her hand, "You... You come here... Please..."

  Wang Dong gritted his teeth and said, "If you have anything to say, I can hear it." ”

  The Red Lady said, "I don't know... I really don't know that these things are poisonous, I really am not here to harm you, you... You should trust me. ”

  Before Wang Dong could speak, Guo Dalu couldn't help but say loudly, "I believe in you, and we all believe in you." ”

  The Red Lady smiled miserably and said, "Although they feel sorry for them, although they want to kill you, I... I don't mean that..."

  She crouched down, cold sweat soaked through her heavy clothes, struggling, and continued: "Although I am not a good woman, but I am always sincere to you, as long as you understand my intentions, I... Even if I die, I will be willing..."

  After saying this, she seemed to have used up all her strength, and she couldn't even struggle.

  Guo Dalu gritted his teeth again, "Since you heard it, why are you still standing there?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "How should I move?" ”

  Guo Dalu said, "She became like this for you, can't you think of a way to save her?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "How do you tell me to save her?" ”

  Lin Taiping suddenly said, "Since you can solve the poison of Xiao Guo's dark weapon, you should also be able to solve her poison." ”

  Wang shook his head and said slowly, "That's different, it's completely different." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "What's the difference?" ”

  Wang Dong suddenly stopped speaking again.

  Although he was barely controlling himself, he seemed to be in tears in the middle of the day, which were not only tears of grief, but also seemed to be full of anger.

  His fingers were trembling.

  Yan Qiqi groaned and said, "If even Boss Wang can't solve her poison, there is only one person in the world who can solve her poison." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Who?" ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "Red Practice Snake." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Yes, we should ask the Chi Lian Snake for the antidote." ”

  Yan Qiqi sighed and said, "That's just hard to be afraid of." ”

  Asking the Red Snake for the antidote was as difficult as asking the tiger to peel its own skin.

  Guo Dalu naturally understood this truth.

  The Red Lady's panting voice had gradually weakened, but she was still whispering Wang Dong's name: "Wang Dong... Wang Dong..."

  The call became weaker and weaker, and Guo Dalu's heart was broken when he heard it, and he couldn't help shouting, "You can't save her, and you won't go to the Chi Lian Snake for the antidote, so why don't you just watch her die in front of you?" Are you human or not? ”

  Yan Qi, sighing again, said, "What do you think should be done?" ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Even if it is a Chi Lian Snake, you will never watch her being poisoned, you..."

  Lin Taiping had been sitting there in a daze, and at this moment he suddenly interrupted his words and said loudly, "Yes, the Chi Lian Snake will never watch her die, so we should send her back." ”

  Although this method is not good, it is the only method among the methods.

  Yan Qi, frowning, said, "The question is, who sent her back?" ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Hmm." ”

  Although he didn't say anything, the corners of his eyes were glancing at Wang Dong.

  Of course, Wang Dong should send her back.

  As long as this person still had a little conscience, he should not have watched her die here.

  Who knew that Wang Dong still didn't even react at all, as if he couldn't understand it at all, as if he was an idiot.

  Wang Dong is certainly not an idiot.

  He was pretending to be stupid.

  Guo Dalu couldn't help but scream again, "Well, you don't send her back, I'll send her back." ”

  With all his strength, he jumped up.

  Yan Qiqi immediately hugged him tightly.

  Wang Dong turned his head back and looked at them, his eyes were sad and pity, and no one knew what was really going on in his heart.

  After a long time, he finally stomped his feet and said, "Well, I'll send her back." ”

  He turned his head, just trying to pick up the Red Lady.

  Lin Taiping suddenly swooped over like an arrow, slammed him hard, knocked him out seven or eight feet, and fell into the corner of the wall.

  At this moment, Lin Taiping had already picked up the Red Lady.

  Wang Dong suddenly changed color and said loudly, "What do you want to do?" ”

  Lin Taiping interrupted him and said, "Only I can send her back, YanQi must take care of Xiao Guo, you are a thorn in her eye, they will never let you go." ”

  With words in his mouth, the man had gone out.

  Wang Dong jumped up, rushed over, and shouted, "Hurry up and put her down, quick..."

  In the midst of the cheering, Lin Taiping suddenly exclaimed.

  The dying red lady had bounced up from his arms like a poisonous snake, flipped over in the air, swept out three feet, and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

  Only to hear her silver bell-like laughter come from afar: "Wang Baguo, surnamed Wang, you can't save it when you see death, you have no conscience, you are simply not a good thing." ”

  At the last sentence, the people have gone far, and only the laughter that is crisper than the silver bell drifts in the wind.

  Good cold wind.

  The Silver Bell of the Dementor.

  Lin Taiping fell in the snow, and there were already a little more dark blood spots on his chest.

  No one moved.

  No one spoke.

  Even the last hint of sweet laughter was finally blown away by the cold wind.

  I don't know how long later, Wang Dong finally slowly walked out and hugged Lin Taiping back.

  His face was colder than the wind and darker than the night.

  Guo Dalu's tears have flowed.

  Yan Qi, looking at him, was already in tears, and said softly, "You don't need to be uncomfortable, and this can't blame you." ”

  He didn't say this sentence well, as soon as he said it, how could Guo Dalu still bear it, how could he still bear it?

  Suddenly, like a child, he lost his voice and cried bitterly.

  I don't know how long it took before Wang Dong slowly raised his head and said, "He's not dead yet." ”

  Yan Qiqi was surprised and happy, and lost his voice: "Is he still saved?" ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "How can I save him?" ”

  When these words came out, his face changed again.

  Because he had already thought that there was only one way in the world that could save Lin Taiping.

  One of the most terrible methods.

  As he looked at Wang Dong, he couldn't help but look at him with fear, because he knew what Wang Dong was thinking.

  Of course, Wang Dong also knew what he was thinking, but his face seemed to be very calm, and he said lightly, "You should know how to save him." ”

  Yan Qiqi shook his head vigorously, "This method doesn't work." ”

  Wang Dong said, "Okay." ”

  Yan Qiqi said loudly, "Absolutely not." ”

  Wang Dong said, "If you can't do it, you have to do it, because we have no choice." ”

  Yan Qiqi suddenly fell down, fell on the chair, and seemed to be unable to support it any longer.

  Guo Dalu was looking at them with wide eyes, his face was still stained with tears, and he couldn't help asking, "What exactly are you talking about?" ”

  No answer, no one spoke.

  Guo Dalu said anxiously, "Why didn't you tell me?" ”

  Yan Qi, finally sighed softly, "Even if you know, it's useless." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Why is it useless?" If I hadn't come up with my ideas, Lin Taiping wouldn't have become like this, I was worse than anyone else, and I was more anxious to save him than anyone else. ”

  Wang Dong said coldly, "You can only save one person now." ”

  Wang Dong said, "Yourself." ”

  Yan Qiqi said softly, "Your injuries are not light, if you think about it again, I am afraid that even your own life will be difficult to save." ”

  Guo Dalu stared at them and suddenly said, "Is the secret weapon in me also poisonous?" ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "Hmm. ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Who saved me?" ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "Boss Wang." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Since Boss Wang can solve my poisoning, why can't he solve Lin Taiping's poison?" ”

  Yan Qi's refusal to speak again. Guo Dalu said, "The poison on their secret weapon should be the same way, right?" ”

  Yan Qi, who was silent for a long time, let out a long sigh and said, "Why do you ask so clearly?" ”

  Guo Dalu said loudly, "Why can't I ask clearly?" If you don't tell me again, I'll... I'll just..."

  He slapped the bed so hard that he couldn't even speak.

  Yan Qiqi gritted his teeth and said, "Well, I tell you, the poison in you and the poison in Lin Taiping are indeed the unique poisons of the Chi Lian Snake, so only his unique antidote can be saved." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "But Boss Wang..."

  Yan Qiqi said, "When Boss Wang was ready to break away from them, he had already secretly hidden a little of the Chi Lian Snake's unique antidote, just in case." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "What about the antidote?" ”

  Yan Qiyi said, "The time to save you has run out." ”


  Guo Dalu lost his voice: "All used up?" ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "There is not even a little left." ”

  He bit his lip and said slowly, "Those antidotes were meant to be used to save himself, but they were all used to save you, I thought he still had a little, who knows he was afraid that the poison in you was too deep, afraid that the amount of antidote was not enough, so..."

  Speaking of this, his eyes were red, and he couldn't say anything more--this matter was only known to him, because Lin Taiping was still watching outside at that time.

  Guo Dalu clenched his fists, a cold sweat as big as a soybean, had already flowed on his face, and after a long time, he murmured: "Lin Taiping was harmed by me, and the only antidote that could save him was also used up by me, I really have a way, it's really remarkable..."

  Yan Qiqi said darkly, "This is something that no one could have imagined, you didn't ask us..."

  Guo Dalu hissed, "Yes, I didn't ask you to save me, you have to do it yourself, but why don't you think about it, how can I live with peace of mind?" ”

  Wang Dong calmed his face and said, "You must live, since I have saved you, you can't die if you want to." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "But Lin Taiping..."

  Wang Dong said in a deep voice, "You don't need to worry about him, I can save you, of course, there is a way to save him." ”

  Guo Dalu gritted his teeth, "Now I finally know what method you are going to use." ”

  Wang Dong said, "Oh? ”

  Guo Dalu said, "You want to ask the Chi Lian Snake to ask for the antidote, don't you?" ”

  He gritted his teeth again and said, "Just now you refused to go, just because you know the Red Lady too well, but now for Lin Taiping, even if you want to exchange your life for the antidote, you must go." ”

  Wang Dong smiled faintly and said, "You think the King of the Flying Eagle is such a good person?" ”

  Guo Dalu said, "I don't recognize any Eagle King, I only recognize Wang Dong, and I also know what kind of person Wang Dong is." ”

  Guo Dalu's eyes lit up with tears: "Although Wang Dong's face looks cold and hard, in fact, his heart and intestines are softer than tofu and hotter than fire." ”

  Wang Dong was silent, and finally said slowly, "Since you know me very well, you should know that if I want to do something, no one can stop me." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "You should also know me very well, if I want to do something, no one can stop me." ”

  Wang Dong said, "What do you want to do?" ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Go to the Chi Lian Snake for the antidote." ”

  Yan Qiqi was moved, "How can you go?" ”

  Guo Dalu said, "I have to go, and only I can go." ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "But your injury..."

  Guo Dalu said, "Just because I was injured, you should let me go even more." ”

  He did not let the others speak, and then said, "Now we only have two people left, and two people are very difficult to deal with the three of them, so you must not be hurt again, otherwise we will all have only one way to die." ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "Although this {Yu makes sense, but..."

  Guo Dalu interrupted him again, "But we must not watch Lin Taiping die of poisoning, so we can only let me go, I am already injured anyway, I can't help it, not to mention..."

  He smiled and continued, "The Red Practice Snake is at least a person, and they will never poison a person who has no power to return." ”

  Wang Dong sneered, "You think they won't kill you?" ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Presumably not." ”

  Wang Dong said, "Are you aware of them?" Or me? ”

  Guo Dalu said, "It's you." ”

  Wang Dong said, "Well, I tell you, there is only one kind of person they don't kill." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "What kind of person?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Dead man." ”

  Suddenly, there was a silver bell-like laughter in the wind.

  Yan Qiqi rushed out and saw a pale yellow kite slowly falling from the night sky.

  The kite is square, and a curved pattern is drawn with a vermilion pen.

  Now Yan Qi's knowledge was that this was not a kite, but a lifeline that would be sent to the end at first sight.

  What is written on the hypnotic, no one can understand.

  Only those who have been to hell can understand it.

  Wang Dong could understand.

  The pale yellow kite was painted with scarlet charms, red like blood, like fire in hell.

  Wang Dong stared, and his cold gaze could not help but reveal fear.

  Yan Qi's eyes did not look at the kite, only at Wang Dong's eyes—although he could not understand the spell on the kite, he could understand the look in Wang Dong's eyes.

  He couldn't help but ask, "What's written on it?" ”

  Wang Dong was silent for a long time, still did not answer, but pushed open the window again, looking at the night outside the window.

  The stars are fading and the night is coming to an end.

  In the gray night, another kite was rising.

  Wang Dong sighed softly and said, "It's almost dawn." ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "The sky will definitely be bright." ”

  Wang Dong said, "I must also go." ”

  Yan Qiqi lost his color, "Why?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Because if I hadn't reached the kite before dawn, Lin Taiping would have to die." ”

  It's almost dawn.

  Dawn brings people light, joy and hope.

  But now all that brought the king to them was death.

  "Before dawn, if Wang Dong had not stood under the kite and waited, Lin Taiping would have to die."

  That's what the spell says.

  This means that Wang Dong must go and die.

  Guo Dalu shouted, "I said long ago that only I can go, and Zhun also wants to stop me." ”

  Wang Dong said lightly, "Well, you can go, but whether you go or not, I still have to go." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Since I have already gone, why do you still want to go?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Because they want me, not you." ”

  Yan Qi, rushing, said, "If you go there, they may not be able to give you the antidote, you should understand better than me." ”

  Wang Dong said, "I understand." ”

  Yan Qi: "This is just their trick to lure the soldiers, it is just a trap, they must have already set up an ambush there, just waiting for you to take the bait." ”

  Wang Dong said, "I understand this better than you." ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "But you still want to go?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "You want me to watch Lin Taiping die?" ”

  Lin Taiping's breathing was already weak, his teeth were clenched, and his face had shown a dead color.

  No one could see that he was not far from death.

  Yan Qiqi said darkly, "We can't watch him die, but we can't watch you die." ”

  Wang Dong smiled lightly and said, "How do you know that I must be going to die?" Maybe I'll be back with the antidote soon?" ”

  Yan Qi, glaring at him, said, "Are you lying to us, or are you lying to yourself?" ”

  I Finally sighed and said, "I also know that there is little hope of coming back, but as long as there is a little hope, I have to go." ”

  Yan Qiqi said, "What if you don't even have a little hope?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "I still want to go." ”

  He said this sentence to the point, and there is no room for turning.

  Yan Qiqi suddenly stood up and said loudly, "Well, you go, and I will accompany you." ”

  Wang Dong nodded slowly, and said, "Well, you can also go, and everyone you can go to, let those who can't go stay here and wait for others to slaughter you." ”

  Yan Qi's words were speechless.

  Guo Dalu couldn't help but say, "What do you really want us to do?" Why not just say it? ”

  Wang Dong said, "I'll go alone, and you will take Lin Taiping down the mountain to wait for me." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "And then?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Then you will think of preparing a carriage, whether you steal it or grab it, you must get it." ”

  The king said, "Then you will sit in the carriage and wait, and when the sun goes down, if I have not gone to look for you, you will leave this place as soon as possible." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Where do you leave here?" ”

  Wang Dong smiled, laughing a little desolately, and said, "The heavens and the earth are so big, where can't you go?" ”

  Guo Dalu also nodded slowly, "Good, good idea, this kind of idea is really bad for how you came up with it!" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Although this is not a good idea, it is the only idea." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "Very good, you are desperate for Lin Taiping, but let us run away with our tails between our legs like dogs, you are a good friend, but you want us to be beasts." ”

  Wang Dong lowered his face and said, "Do you have any other ideas?" ”

  Guo Dalu said, "I only have one idea." ”

  Wang Dong said, "You say." ”

  Guo Dalu said, "To live, we live happily together, if we want to die, we also want to die happily and happily." ”

  Guo Dalu is Guo Dalu, neither Wang Dong nor Yan Qi.

  He may not have Wang Dong's calm and calm, or maybe he does not have Yan Qi's wit and cleverness.

  But this guy is really fucking happy, really fucking kind of.


  When the wind blew, a cold gray fog had just risen from the wilderness.

  The ghost fire had disappeared into the fog.

  Who says there are no ghosts in this world? Says who?

  Floating in this fog at this moment, isn't it just a wandering soul who refuses to take in even hell?

  No one could see his face clearly.

  Because his face was dead gray, it seemed to have merged with this miserable cold fog, his nose had melted into the fog, and his mouth had melted into the fog.

  Only those ghostly eyes remained.

  There is no light in the eyes, and there is no black and white, but it is full of malice, as if it is cursing all the things and all the people in the world.

  Wherever these eyes see, that place will immediately be stained with ominous bad luck.

  Now, these eyes were slowly looking around, every desolate, every piece of snow, he would never miss.

  Then a smile appeared in his eyes.

  No one can imagine how vicious and terrible this laughter is.

  Just then, a silver bell-like laughter rang out in the mist.

  Not a silver bell, but a dementor bell.

  The Red Lady appeared ghostly in the mist, smiling, "Are you all ready?" ”

  The wandering soul nodded slowly, "Unless people don't come, they don't want to go back alive when they come." ”

  The Red Lady's eyes fluttered, "Do you think he will come?" ”

  The wandering soul said, "What do you say?" ”

  The Red Lady blinked and said, "Why should I say?" ”

  The wandering soul said, "You know him better than we do." ”

  The Red Lady walked over with a smile and glanced at him with her eyes, "Are you still jealous?" ”

  The wandering soul said, "Hum! ”

  The Red Lady said, "You think I'm really interested in him?" ”

  The malevolence in You Soul's eyes deepened, "When he was there, you never accompanied me for a day." ”

  The Red Lady said, "Have you forgotten who told me to do that?" ”

  The wandering soul did not speak.

  The Red Lady sneered, "In order to win him over, you asked me to go to sleep with him, and now you blame me, do you have a conscience?" ”

  The wandering soul said, "No." ”

  The Red Lady smiled again and said, "I didn't expect you to occasionally say something honest." ”

  The wandering soul said, "What about you?" ”

  The Red Lady said, "I am telling the truth in front of you." ”

  The wandering soul said, "If I don't ask you to sleep with him, won't you go?" ”

  The Red Lady said, "I will still go the same way." ”

  The wandering soul said, "Why?" ”

  The Red Lady said, "Because I like to sleep with men." ”

  The wandering soul gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of man do you sleep with?" ”

  Red Lady: "Any kind of man except you likes." ”

  The malevolent color in the wandering soul's eyes had turned to pain, but the eyes had instead lit up.

  The Red Lady looked into his eyes and said, "Are you done asking?" ”

  The wandering soul suddenly grabbed her hair, slapped her face hard with his backhand, and muttered, "You slut." ”

  The Red Lady was neither frightened nor angry, but smiled even sweeter, saying, "I am a slut, but you are more mean than me." ”

  The wandering soul slapped her face again.

  The Red Lady was still laughing and said, "Not only do you like me to sleep with other men, but you also like to ask me, asking me every day, and you don't know how many times you have asked these words." ”

  She didn't let the wandering soul say, and then said, "Because you like these words, like to be tortured by me, only when I torture you, you are a person, you will be happy." ”

  The wandering soul let out a low hiss in his throat and pulled her over hard.

  The Red Lady ate and smiled, "Do you want to..."

  Suddenly, one of them said coldly, "Now is not the time for you to flirt." ”

  It sounded cold as ice.

  Because this sound is coming from the snow.

  The Red Lady smiled and said, "It turns out that he has already gone inside the snow." ”

  A face suddenly emerged from the snow on the ground.

  A face more terrifying than a dead man.

  The Red Lady said, "What's next?" ”

  Chi Lian Snake said, "It's very cool." ”

  The Red Lady smiled and said, "The cooler place in the world than you can no longer be found." ”

  Chi Lian Snake said, "Do you also want to come in and sleep with me?" ”

  The Red Lady said, "As long as you have the patience to wait below, I will always go in sooner or later." ”

  You Soul sneered, "It's just a pity that he has no appetite for you." ”

  Chi Lian Snake looked at the sky and suddenly said, "It's not too early, you still have to die quickly." ”

  The wandering soul said, "You think he won't come?" ”

  The Red Lady said, "Yes." ”

  The wandering soul rushed, "Why? ”

  The Red Lady said, "Because he is good to all his friends besides you." ”

  The wandering soul also looked up at the sky.

  The akebode is white.

  The lone ghosts in the world have reached the time when they should go back.

  The wandering soul said, "I'm going to die." ”

  The Red Lady said, "Hurry up and die." ”

  The wandering soul walked slowly over to a deserted grave next to it, took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and placed it on the head of the grave.

  Then his people suddenly disappeared into the grave.

  The Red Lady sighed a long time and murmured, "How nice it would be if he never came out of it." ”

  Chi Lian Snake said, "What's so good?" ”

  The Red Lady looked down at him, her eyes drenched, and said softly, "Is it not good to have only the two of us left?" ”

  Chi Lian Snake said coldly, "Then we have to wait until all the women in the world are dead." ”

  The Red Lady rushed over, spit on his face, and said with hatred, "Are you human?" ”

  Chi Lian Snake smiled and said, "No." ”

  Before the words were finished, the face was already hidden in the snow.

  The Red Lady was scared for half a day, as if she suddenly had a lot of things on her mind.

  After a long time, her figure suddenly rose again.

  She immediately disappeared into the fog.

  When the wind blew, the dead gray fog spread over the earth.

  The sky is also dead gray.

  It's deserted, it's snowy, there's no one, not even ghosts.

  Only one kite remains slowly falling.

  It's not a kite, it's a spell that kills ghosts.

  The kite has fallen.

  The sky was gray and nothing could be seen.

  Wang Dong walked slowly on the road, and there was still no expression on his face.

  Even if he had fear in his heart, he would never fall on his face.

  Whoever has suffered from his pain and suffering should have learned to hide his emotions in his heart.

  All kinds of emotions are hidden in the heart.

  But emotions are like wine.

  The deeper you hide, the longer you hide, the more intense it becomes.

  Now he was alone.

  Of course his friends did not come.

  Did they turn their backs on him, or did he convince them?

  No one knows.

  No one could tell from the expression on his face.

  But everyone knows that there is no shortage of feasts in the world, no matter how good friends, sooner or later there will be a time to break up.

  Life is impermanent, whether it is gathering or scattering, why should it be too serious?

  It was hazy, but it was already light.

  Although he walked slowly, he finally reached the ground.

  Life is like this, many things are like this, why are you in such a hurry?

  The wind was still cold, cold as a knife, and the knife scraped across his face.

  He walked slowly through the deserted grave, silently counting the tombstones.

  Some of the tombstones have been dumped, some have been eroded by the wind and snow, and it is impossible to distinguish even the words.

  Who are the people in the grave? No one cares anymore.

  When they are alive, do they not have their glory and humiliation, their joy and sorrow?

  But now they have nothing.

  So why do you have to put the honor and disgrace of life and death in your heart all the time?

  Wang Dong sighed softly and suddenly stopped.

  Because he had heard the laughter of the Red Lady.

  The Red Lady smiled like a silver bell, "I already knew you were coming, and you did come." ”

  Wang Dong said, "I'm here." ”

  He had seen her, standing under a dead tree in the snow, still dressed in that bright red dress, as if he had seen her for the first time.

  But the time that has passed has ceased to come, and the joys and sorrows of the past will be forgotten.

  Even if it has not been forgotten, sooner or later it will be forgotten.

  The Red Lady also stood there looking at him, and she didn't know whether she was angry or resentful in her eyes. Is it love or hate?

  Whether she loves or hates, it doesn't matter.

  The Red Lady finally smiled and said, "You really came for Lin Taiping to get the antidote?" ”

  The Red Lady bit her lip and said, "For me, you won't come?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "No." ”

  The Red Lady smiled very sadly and said, "Why are you better for other friends than for me?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Because you are not my friend." ”

  The Red Lady said, "I'm not your friend?" Have you forgotten how happy we were when we were together before? ”

  Wang Dong said, "I forgot." ”

  The Red Lady shook her head, "No matter how hard your mouth is, I know that you will never forget it in your heart." ”

  Her eyes were like fog, and she continued quietly: "Do you remember that one day we were lying on the top of Mount Hua, using white clouds as our quilts, the earth as our beds, and it seemed that there were only two of us left between heaven and earth." ”

  Her voice was deeper and softer, and she added, "Another time, we lay on the boundless desert, counting the stars in the sky, until both of us had been buried in the sand... Can you forget these things? ”

  Wang Dong stopped talking.

  These things are indeed something that Huai cannot forget.

  Can he really forget?

  In the face of his first lover in his life, can his heart really be as calm as his face?

  The Red Lady stared at him, tears already in her eyes, and said, "I will never forget these things, that's why I hate you, hate you when you leave, don't even say a word, hate so much that I want you to die, but..."

  She lowered her head and said, "As long as you are willing to change your mind, as long as you are willing to say a word, I will follow you now, no matter where the end of the world, I will follow you." ”

  Wang Dong suddenly shouted, "I'm not going anywhere." ”

  He spoke so loudly that he seemed to want to wake himself up from his dream.

  The Red Lady bit her lip and said, "You don't go anywhere, so why are you coming?" ”

  Wang Dong said coldly, "Forced." ”

  "There's no other reason than that?"

  The Red Lady said, "You don't want to come and see me?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "I don't want to." ”

  The Red Lady's face suddenly turned blue, as blue as a green scorpion.

  The tenderness and sweetness in her eyes were gone, and she stomped her feet hard, saying, "Well, the antidote is in the back, you can get it yourself!" ”

  When the king looked back, he saw the porcelain bottle on the head of the grave.

  The Red Lady said, "This time we will give you the antidote, just because we still regard you as a friend, and it is best to leave quickly after you take it." ”

  Wang Dong still had no expression on his face.

  No matter what she said, he didn't believe a word.

  He knew that they would never give him the antidote so easily.

  But he walked over anyway.

  He had to get the antidote.

  If the bottle of antidote is in the water, he will jump into the water, and if the bottle of antidote is in the fire, he will jump into the fire.

  The snow is cold and soft.

  Wang Dong had only taken six or seven steps before he could reach out and get the antidote.

  He held out his hand.

  The porcelain bottle was cold, as cold as a dead man's hand.

  He picked up the porcelain bottle.

  His hands were colder than a porcelain bottle.

  For he has felt the breath of death.

  A pair of hands suddenly reached out of the grave and hit the "ring jump" hole in his knee.

  The other hand reached out from under the snow at the same time and waved two cold stars into his ankles.

  He knelt down and knelt before the grave.

  Then he saw that a cave had been exposed under the tomb.

  The tomb turned out to be false and empty.

  The Red Lady's silver bell-like laughter sounded again, and she smiled sweetly, "You really don't have to go anywhere now..."

  Wang Dong knelt in front of the grave, his face not completely expressionless, but his face was terriblely pale.

  He knew these people well. Very knowledgeable about the means of these people.

  He was waiting, waiting for them to use their means.

  Finally, a voice came out of the grave: "You lost."

  He knew it was the sound of the hypnotic, and wherever it spoke, it looked like it was coming out of the grave.

  "I lost."

  He could only concede.

  The hypnotist said, "This time you don't have a chance to turn the page." ”

  Wang Dong said, "I didn't." ”

  The hypnotist said, "Do you know what you lost?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "I only have one life to lose." ”

  The hypnotist said, "You have something else." ”

  Wang Dong said, "What else do you want?" ”

  The hypnotist said, "You should always know what you want when you reach out from the coffin?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Want money?" ”

  The hypnotist said, "Yes, it is money." ”

  Wang Dong said, "If you ask for money, you will find the wrong person." ”

  The hypnotist said, "I've never looked for the wrong person." ”

  Wang Dong said, "I should have asked for money, and the money in the public account should have also had a share." ”

  The hypnotist said, "Of course you have one, but you shouldn't swallow all four of them alone." ”

  Wang Dong did not speak, and the expression on his face suddenly became very strange.

  The hypnotist said, "We had a good income in those years. ”

  Wang Dong said, "Very good." ”

  The hypnotist said, "Is it only the five of us who know how much we earn?" ”

  The hypnotist said, "Is it only the five of us who know how much we have saved and where we exist?" ”

  The Hypnotist said, "Is there a sixth person?" ”

  The hypnotist said, "Whoever takes that money is enough to enjoy it comfortably for a lifetime." ”

  Wang Dong said, "Even the most wasteful person is enough." ”

  The hypnotist said, "But after you left, we learned that you were the only one who could enjoy the money." ”

  Wang Dong said, "You think I have taken that money with me?" ”

  The hypnotist said, "That sum of money is running out of money, who do you think took it?" ”

  Wang Dong let out a long breath and said, "I know now why you came here." ”

  The hypnotist sneered, "I already know why you left, that money is enough to make anyone betray their friends." ”

  Wang Dong suddenly smiled.

  The Hypnotist said, "You think we're ridiculous?" Think we're stupid? ”

  Wang Dong: "I am a fool, no matter who has that money, he will not live my life, unless he is a fool." ”

  The Hypnotist said, "What kind of life have you lived?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Poor days." ”

  The Red Lady said, "Poor days? ”

  The Red Lady suddenly swept over, and the silver bell smiled, "How poor are you?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Very poor." ”

  The Red Lady blinked, "I heard that there was a person in the Kuiyuan Pavilion in this county town who lost tens of thousands of taels of silver in one night, who is this person?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "It's me." ”

  Red Lady: "I heard that there is a person who is at the bottom of the mountain, Yan Maoyuan, who bought hundreds of taels of silver wine in a month, who is this person?" ”

  The Red Lady said, "There is also a person's family, who has just changed a batch of furniture recently, and even the chairs in the backyard hut are made of sandalwood, which is worth at least seven hundred taels of silver. ”

  Wang Dong said, "It can't be counted." ”

  Red Lady: "We have inquired, although this place is called Rich And Noble Villa, since the previous generation, there has been no place of wealth except for this name." ”

  Wang Dong said, "Not bad." ”

  The Red Lady said, "In all these years, you haven't gone out to do business again?" ”

  Wang Dong said lightly: "A person can enjoy happiness at home, why should he go out?" ”

  The Red Lady said, "Silver will never fall from the sky." ”

  Wang Dong said, "But it can be dug out of the ground." ”

  The Red Lady said, "I didn't expect you to admit it quickly." ”

  Wang Dong said, "I don't admit it, can't I?" ”

  The Red Lady said, "No." ”

  Wang Dong said, "Since it can't work, why don't I admit it yet?" ”

  He smiled, smiled reluctantly, and said, "If you want to investigate a person's details, even three generations of his ancestors must be dug out, and if you want a person to tell the truth, even a dumb person cannot not open his mouth, and I always know this better than others." ”

  The Hypnotist said coldly, "So you don't have to go at all." ”

  Wang Dong sighed, "Unfortunately, many people often do things they shouldn't do." ”

  The hypnotist said, "Okay, let's go." ”


  Wang Dong said, "Go? Where to go? ”

  The apocalypse said, "Go get back our three copies." ”

  Wang Dong said, "Okay, go and get it." ”

  The hypnosis said, "Where to get it?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "You can take it wherever you are happy." ”

  The hypnotist said, "If you don't say how do we know where the money is hidden?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Why should I say that?" I didn't say anything. ”

  The Hypnotist snapped, "You still don't admit it? ”

  The Red Lady sneered lightly, "You want money?" Or do you want to die? ”

  Wang Dong said, "When you can survive, of course, you will die, and if you can't live, you will have to ask for money." ”

  The hypnotist said, "How do you want to agree?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "If you promise to pay back my life, I will promise to repay your money." ”

  The hypnotist was silent for half a moment, and suddenly said, "Well, pay back your life." ”

  Wang Dong said, "One life, one money." ”

  The Hypnotist said, "How many lives do you have?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "I have one, Guo Dalu, Lin Taiping, Yan Qi, four lives, and four pieces of money." ”

  The hypnotist said, "One life, four pieces of money." ”

  Wang Dong said, "No." ”

  The hypnotist said, "If you can't do it, you have to do it, you are alive, the money is dead, we can find you, or are we afraid that we will not find the money?" ”

  Wang Dong was also silent for a long time before he said slowly, "Well, let's return the order first." ”

  The hypnosis said, "Whose life is it?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "Who do you want to pay back?" ”

  The Red Lady smiled again, eating and laughing, "I already knew that he was still a smart person after all, and finally knew that no matter whose life was not as valuable as his own life." ”

  The hypnotist said, "First untie your poison, and then undo the cave path." ”

  Wang Dong said, "If you don't understand the cave path, you can still take my life at any time." ”

  The hypnotist said, "I promised to stay satisfied with you." ”

  The Red Lady smiled and said, "Yes, it is better to live than to die, you still want to open something." ”

  Wang Dong was silent for a long time, and finally he let out a long sigh and said, "It seems that I have no other way to go." ”

  The hypnotist said coldly, "When you took that money, you were already on the dead end." ”

  Wang Dong said, "The people who have been caught in the ring jumping cave cannot take any road." ”

  The Red Lady smiled and said, "You can't go, I carry you, don't forget that you always pressed me before." ”

  The hypnotist said coldly, "You follow me." ”

  The Red Lady blinked and said, "Then who carries him?" ”

  A man suddenly emerged from the snow, and the snake came out like a snake, saying, "I." ”

  The king was prostrate on the back of the Chilian snake.

  The body of the red snake is soft, damp and cold.

  The fog will dissipate.

  But the sky was still dark, and the sun could not be seen, nor could the light be seen.

  There is no light at all, because there is no hope at all.

  The Chi Lian Snake suddenly said, "This is your way home." ”

  Wang Dong said, "I only hope that I will not go back to my hometown." ”

  Chi Lian Snake said, "You hid the money at home?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "If it is you, where is it hidden?" ”

  Chi Lian Snake said, "Of course, it is a place that can be touched at any time, money is like a woman, it is best to put it in a place that can be touched at any time." ”

  Wang Dong smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to understand women." ”

  Chi Lian Snake said, "Just because I understand, I don't want to." ”

  Wang Dong said, "You just need money?" ”

  Chi Lian Snake: "Money is better than women, money will not deceive you, there is no one in the world more loyal than money." ”

  Wang Dong said, "Therefore, money can be placed in the living room, but women cannot." ”

  Chi Lian Snake said, "The money is in the living room?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "In a person's home, what other place is more spacious and conspicuous than the living room?" ”

  Chi Lian Snake nodded, "Yes, the more conspicuous the place, the less others will pay attention." ”

  The hypnotic never wants to walk in front of anyone.

  There is indeed such a person in the world, because he has been plotting against others too many times behind his back.

  So he would never want anyone to walk behind him.

  He clung to the Red Lady as if it were a shadow.

  The Red Lady could even feel his icy breath—breath with the smell of dead bodies.

  Her face was extremely ugly.

  The hypnotist could not see her face, only her neck.

  He was looking at her neck with an expression of appreciation on her face, for her smooth white neck had gotten goosebumps from his breathing.

  The Red Lady looked at Wang Dong in front of her and suddenly said, "Do you think he will really take us to get the money?" ”

  The hypnotist said, "He has no choice." ”

  The Red Lady said, "But I don't think something is right." ”

  The Hypnotist said, "What's wrong?" ”

  The Red Lady said, "He is not such an easy person to deal with, nor should he be so afraid of death." ”

  The Hypnotist sneered, "Whatever kind of person he is, it doesn't matter now." ”

  The Red Lady said, "Why?" ”

  The hypnotist said, "Because he is now a dead man." ”

  The Red Lady said, "Dead man? ”

  The hypnotist said, "You think I'm really going to keep his life?" ”

  The Red Lady said, "Of course I know you won't, but he's not dead yet." ”

  The hypnotist continued, "Although I am not completely dead, I am already half dead." ”

  The Red Lady said, "He still has friends." ”

  The hypnotist said, "One is a friend who is dying, the other two are almost dead, and the three of us have enough to deal with them, what else are you worried about?" ”

  The Red Lady suddenly smiled again and said, "I'm not worried, I just think it's a bit of a pity." ”

  The Hypnotist said, "What a pity? ”

  The Red Lady smiled leisurely, "Unfortunately, I haven't slept with those three boys yet." ”

  The hypnotist suddenly bit down on her neck.

  It was as if it were a mad dog that had bitten a.

  It was dark, so it was dark in the living room.

  The window was open, and the shadows of the two could be faintly seen from the outside.

  Chi Lian Snake said, "Who is inside?" ”

  Wang Dong said lightly, "I didn't expect your eyes to be able to do it lately." ”

  The eyes of the Red Snake could not have been done.

  Anyone who has been immersed in all kinds of poisons all his life will not have good eyesight.

  But even people with poor eyesight, as long as they look at it a few times, can see that it is just two scarecrows.

  Two scarecrows draped in filial piety.

  Wang Dong suddenly smiled and said, "If you haven't seen it clearly, I might as well tell you: If I die, they will be my filial sons, and if you die, I'm afraid you can only use them as filial piety." ”

  Chi Lian Snake said, "Such a filial piety is at least better than a loser." ”

  Wang Dong said, "So you'd rather have no children and no grandchildren?" ”

  Chi Lian Snake said, "It's better not to even have friends." ”

  The Red Lady suddenly caught up and said, "What about your friend?" ”

  She asked Wang Dong, because among these people, only Wang Dong had friends.

  Wang Dong said, "They are waiting for me at the bottom of the mountain." ”

  The Red Lady said, "Why did you go down the mountain?" ”

  Wang Dong said, "If you were them, where would you wait for me in this situation?" ”

  Chi Lian Snake said, "She won't wait for you at all." ”

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