
Fairy tales are written by adults to themselves: "Happy Heroes" - Cologne

author:Book of the Dead

Compared with other works, "Happy Hero" is very special in writing, which makes people unconsciously produce a sense of game people, from the beginning of the novel, the characters and scenes are vividly portrayed in front of the reader's eyes, which is very wonderful to read.

Of course, it's a wonderful combination of four people and an empty house.

Guo Dalu seems to be a person with far more flexible limbs than his brain, but in fact, he just doesn't think about things that shouldn't be thought. He has many masters, but he does not have a master, but he integrates the strengths of all the families and creates his own martial arts, and what can bring down the other party is good martial arts. Some people think that he can do anything except give birth to children, but he himself knows that his abilities are all needed to spend money, there is no money to earn, and he is just poor to death, after all, he can use the dart silver he guaranteed directly to help and influence the robbers, not everyone can do it, and in the end, he can only be a robber himself, and the first person to rob is Wang Dong of the Rich And Noble Mountain Villa.

Wang Dong, the seventh generation master of the Rich And Noble Mountain Villa, is a person who will never stand up if he can lie down. In the vast manor house, dozens of houses were pawned only the last bed where he was lying, so that the robber could not find anything of value, but he consulted with the robber, hoping that he could take his sword and use it, and come back to eat with him in exchange for some wine and meat, because he was already too hungry, too poor, and more importantly, he was really lazy. No wonder Guo Dalu said, "I think you really should be called Wang Immovable."

Then came Yan Qi, not because he was the seventh oldest, but because he had been buried alive in a coffin seven times. But even if he was buried alive again, he would not change his name to Yan Ba, because he liked the name Yan Qi. Guo Dalu was very strange, Yan Qi's clothes were very good in texture, but they were so dirty that he never saw him take a bath, but his body never stinked. Because he is a robber dressed as a man, she is also the daughter of Nangong Ugly.

Finally, there is Lin Taiping, a young master who does not want to be arranged by life and runs away from marriage. Silent and melancholy, he has no experience in jianghu, but his martial skills are extremely high, because he is the son of the top gangster "Land Dragon King" and Lady Wei.

Of course, the characters are inseparable from the scene, that is, the "rich mountain villa" that only has real estate except for a bed, that is, an empty house near the cemetery, the chimney never has smoke, and sometimes there is no light.

The story is not written about one thing, because there is no main line of events, nor a complete goal and process, as if it is the kind of essay that describes the characters, or the prose that is scattered and scattered, surrounding four people and an empty house, recording their daily life and emotions, like a stage play now.

All four were poor, often starving for days, drinking water to keep them warm. But they are very happy, because no one will ever ask about each other's past, nor do they dwell on everyone's future, which is a kind of trust, which makes the heart warm and peaceful. They all have a common characteristic, for each other's safety will fight for the safety of the other, even lose their own lives. These are the foundations of their happiness, but they are not heroes. The reason why they are called heroes is because they can fight for their lives to save a stranger, and they can also use their true feelings to impress those who are worthy of redemption, such as the Red Lady, such as the Dragon King on land.

So they are the "happy heroes".

The best part of the story is the two life-and-death bets. One is a gamble with "Hypnotists, Red Chain Snakes, Centipede Gods, and Red Ladies" in the Rich And Noble Villa, except for Yan Qi, everyone else is seriously injured, and Wang Dong, through his insight into human nature, uses the suspicion and greed between opponents to provoke them to kill each other, and finally relies on the concerted efforts between friends, and finally overcomes the danger, and also reawakens the conscience of his lover, the Red Lady, and the two reconcile.

Another gamble is better bet. In the big tent of the "Land Dragon King" outside the villa, the stake is everyone's life, and the chip is the affection between friends. The bet is that Wang Dong is willing to sacrifice himself to save his friends, and his friends will never abandon Wang Dong and run for their lives. The bet is also yu linglong and Lin Taiping's true feelings, both willing to sacrifice themselves in exchange for each other's lives. As long as there is a person who has no feelings and is greedy for life and afraid of death, all people will die with them. In the end, of course, the Dragon King lost, because he never believed that "there are many things in the world that are more important than life", and he lost willingly, but he also lost a big win, not only to reconcile with Lady Wei, but also to win a family reunion with his son and daughter-in-law, and to win a group of friends who could support each other in life and death.

The author made a platonic interpretation of "the inherent goodness of human nature", strongly hoping that true feelings can overcome evil, intelligent and kind people will not suffer losses, and the power of love is great, and at the same time expounded that happiness is not given by others, nor can material be replaced, but is won through their own efforts.

What is happiness, Guo Dalu believes that eating enough and sleeping is happiness;

What is poor, Guo Dalu believes that penniless hunger is not poor, and poverty is not terrible, nor is it necessarily unhappy, and it is really poor to pay off debts to others;

What is a friend, Wang Dong believes that mutual trust will become friends, and if there is a misunderstanding between friends, it must be explained, because not explaining will only make the misunderstanding deeper and deeper.

There is no obvious pit in the novel as a whole, and the thinking is very meticulous, and even zhu Zhu, who abandoned Guo Dalu and eloped with the coachman many years ago, made a conclusion at the end of the story.

And when I read that Nangong Ugly entrusted Yanqi to Guo Dalu, I breathed a long sigh of relief in my heart, and Gu Long finally had a stunning woman in his pen, and did not write a woman in the usual style as a kind of self-righteous two-goods brainless.

The story ends with a reunion, the land dragon king and Lady Wei, Wang Dong and the Red Lady, Guo Dalu and Yan Qi, Lin Taiping and Yu Linglong, lovers eventually became dependents, and since then the world has been peaceful.

As written in countless fairy tales, they have lived happily ever since.

Fairy tales are written by adults to themselves: "Happy Heroes" - Cologne

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