
"Happy Heroes": Guo Dalu's lying flat, unique

author:Nine Crows Culture
"Happy Heroes": Guo Dalu's lying flat, unique

Guo Dalu is Gu Long's child, but Guo Dalu does not know Gu Long.

Gu Long had a lot of children, usually he knew them, they didn't know him.

Because Gu Long made them, he gave them to other parents.

Gu Long was very generous, and the parents he found for Guo Dalu were quite rich, so Guo Dalu received a good education.

For example, you can ride the fastest horse, and you can also ride the fiercest horse.

It can pierce iron armor with one sword, and it can also pierce willow silk in the wind with one sword.

Can jump into the Yellow River to catch fish, but also jump into the air to hunt geese.

You can play the pipa and sing the big river east, you can also play the three strings to sing the willow bank, and the wind is broken.

Singing is like a lifelong singing, cooking is not lost to any famous chef in Beijing, as if only by having children, it is lost at the starting line.

Guo Dalu's parents were able to create such a child, of course, very successful, can rest assured to close their eyes, but they still forgot one thing.

All young men who can master cooking skills will generally be quite numerous, and Guo Dalu's rich parents can actively train even this, and really think deeply. But being able to cook does not mean having rice to cook, cooking well, does not mean eating well, cooking and rice, not necessarily the same thing.

A person's ability alone is not enough, he must also be able to use, willing to use, able to use, do not want to use or use badly, can not use the ability, then it is not called ability.

If the child lacks the training course of psychological education and social education, he is likely to return the ability to the mother's belly, or break and lie down with a special skill.

Therefore, after the death of his parents, Guo Dalu did not live the happy life that his parents hoped for.

"Happy Heroes": Guo Dalu's lying flat, unique

Guo Dalu sold the property left by his parents that year, but in fact, his parents died, which was already his property, and it had nothing to do with his desire to go out and break in. He never thought about poetry or far away. But because he was out of love, he felt that there was nothing to be nostalgic about in his hometown.

Guo Dalu's girlfriend is called Zhu Zhu, and that must be the most beautiful girl in their place. Guo Dalu loved Zhu Zhu very much at that time, and it is said that Zhu Zhu also loved him.

When boys are in love, they will say, I will dedicate my dog life and everything to you, but later they will basically cherish the dog life, and Guo Dalu is not, he is really giving.

Zhu Zhu was very poor, but after Guo Dalu's parents died, she was not poor. Guo Dalu is Zhu Zhu's, Zhu Zhu wants, Guo Dalu just doesn't have it, it must be there, he is all born for Zhu Zhu's happiness in short.

Guo Dalu was too young at that time, and he was not necessarily young later, so he was deceived.

Zhu Zhu did not love him, she loved his money. She had said that she was not married by Guo Dalu, but she ran away the day before she got married and sold everything that Guo Dalu gave him. The only thing left was her promise to Guo Dalu, a gold necklace that did not cost her own money.

And she ran with the grooms of Guo Dalu, as if there are always many beautiful women in this world, preferring other people's grooms or coachmen.

Guo Dalu was defeated and crushed, so he had to run. People are running towards happiness, he is fleeing from pain.

Guo Dalu is a brother, does not care about money, and has the taste of not knowing what money is in nature, not to mention that without love, what is the use of money? So when he sold his property, he was very generous. If you can send it, you can send it, worth three hundred and twenty acres of land, you may as well sell it for one hundred and eighty-two.

Fortunately, the money was still enough for him to buy a good horse, forge a good sword, put on a good outfit, and squander it on the rivers and lakes for a while.

"Happy Heroes": Guo Dalu's lying flat, unique

Guo Dalu set off like this, far away from the place of pain, and still wanted to try to live, but as for how to live, he actually did not know.

People with martial arts are not afraid of doing nothing, and good things and bad things are called things. People with martial arts generally have adventures.

After Guo Dalu stepped into the jianghu, the first thing he did was that ma Weiren arrived first, fell in mid-air, and subdued a world-famous thief with one move, saving Luo Zhenyi, the chief dart head of the Central Plains Dart Bureau.

Guo Dalu knew at that time that his martial arts were not bad, Luo Zhenyi was shocked, your martial arts are so good, why don't you do dart heads?

It turned out that if the martial arts were good, he had to do the dart head, not to mention that Guo Dalu originally had nothing to do, so he really did the dart head, and as soon as the game began, he achieved the position of vice president.

Unexpectedly, however, this vice president with high martial arts skills was screwed up the first time he took the dart.

Of course, the thief was not enough for him to fight, but he was poor.

What's not to do? Isn't it okay to sell steamed buns? Isn't carnivorous minced meat?

No, uncle, there is no cost to do business, and there is no way to live without being a robber.

This is easy to do, I have the cost, come over, one person one hundred and two to take.

Guo Dalu finished dividing the money, and then remembered that the money was not his, so he had to go back to discuss, my horse, the money on my body, almost half enough, the rest deducted from my salary.

This caused the company boss to kneel for him. You saved my life, and I'll pay for the rest of the money. You are my uncle, you hurry up, the sooner the better, the farther the better, we only as if we have not seen it before, just hope that we will not meet it in the future.

The surging beauty of the blood disappeared, the pleasure of being a hero disappeared, the horse and the silver on his body also disappeared, and Guo Dalu turned and left.

But what is this? Can a manly husband still be overwhelmed by this? The good man of the jianghu should have had today and no tomorrow, drinking heavily and eating meat in large pieces, and Uncle Guo should be even more so. Therefore, Guo Dalu still ate with the last few pieces of silver.

After eating, I was afraid that my pockets would not be clean, and I had to empty them to tip.

Where to eat the next meal, Guo Dalu has no idea, but of course he still has to live in the best shop. If he lives in and has no money to give to others, then he can only stay and work as a cook for others.

To serve people with virtue, not to be a scoundrel, to sell things is OK, to sell character is not OK, this is a must for him.

Needless to say, Guo Dalu's cooking skills were really good, so he used more than twenty pounds of oil in three days, broke more than thirty bowls, and more than forty plates, and people didn't bother with him.

But the next thing, people can't help but worry.

"Happy Heroes": Guo Dalu's lying flat, unique

The guest said that the sweet and sour fish he made was a little light, and he directly put the sweet and sour fish on the guest's face. Do I cook or do you? You'll do what you do to do it well. I suspect you haven't eaten sweet and sour fish. This frightened no one to dare to come to the door again.

Guo Dalu was unemployed again, which was a bit difficult to handle, but he still didn't care. I have so many vocational skills to get a job certificate, what am I afraid of?

Guo Dalu's next thought was to sell singing, but he couldn't open his legs and open his mouth. Singing to the uncles of the restaurant is definitely not the same as playing the piano at home.

In the end, Guo Dalu felt that he was still selling art reliably.

People like Guo Dalu want to sell art, of course, it is very attractive, but he did not open the scene, ah, randomly find a lively corner on the street, directly practice.

Guo Dalu's martial arts were bright, and people must pay attention to it, but this was a bit scary.

Why did this man suddenly become practicing on the street? Is there something wrong with it?

Guo Dalu practiced for a while, and when he saw that no one was around, he thought, don't blame others, I must be not amazing enough, so he punched the wall with one punch, kicked down the stone pillar of the people's tethered horses, and ripped his pants out.

At this moment, there was no one on the street for an instant.

All of Guo Dalu's skills could not be exchanged for money, and he could not fill his stomach, and he was really worried at this moment. Qin Qiong fell and wanted to sell horses, and Guo Dalu had no horses to sell, so in the end, he had to be poor and short-minded, from a hero to a robber, from a bodyguard to a robber.

It's just that Guo Dalu is not a bad person, and if he wants to do it, he can only take the road of robbing the rich and helping the poor.

As a result, Guo Dalu explored the way to the home of Wang Dong, who was poorer than him, and If Wang Dong did not come to a counterattack, he was already very worthy of him.

"Happy Heroes": Guo Dalu's lying flat, unique

Because Wang Dong's martial arts, wisdom and jianghu experience combined, must be much higher than Guo Dalu, and that was in Wang Dong's territory, Wang Dong had already been hungry and red-eyed. Fortunately, Guo Dalu met a person who was the laziest and more tolerant of hunger under the heavens.

This person is also never curious. You come and go, and at most you will ask, is there nothing? I myself hope to find something worth a dime.

He later persuaded Guo Da robber to sell the sword for some food, and Guo Dalu had to sell it himself.

Rich Mountain Villa, that was left by Wang Dong's parents, but its name is Fugui, in fact, it is just an empty shell mountain villa, and even rats are desperate for this place. Unexpectedly, after Guo Dalu came, he did not leave, he fell in love with this place, and Wang Dong here, very happy to lie with Wang Dong, starve together, drink cold water together to fill his hunger.

What's even stranger is that behind this, the family is prominent, Lin Taiping, who originally had to drink bamboo leaf green must use emerald jasper cups, and the female dressed as a male ghost elf, Yan Qi, who was not afraid of heaven, came and did not leave, and they lay flat collectively.

These four young people will only move when they really want to starve to death, and once they have eaten, they will not care about the next meal, and when today has passed, they will not care about tomorrow.

The reason they didn't starve to death was because there was something else on the lake that made them have to move, or someone had to force them to move. In this process of movement, the meal comes naturally.

This movement, of course, also includes their respective secret pushes.

All four of them have a secret they don't want to tell, and neither of them asks each other, nor does they inquire, but each secret involves outsiders, and outsiders will come to them.

Wang Dong was very hurt because he was betrayed by his friends and love, and he felt sorry for his parents and guilty, so he lay flat. But his ex-friend and ex-girlfriend didn't want to let him go.

Lin Taiping came here to escape marriage and escape from his autocratic parents, but he fled to the ends of the earth, and his parents could find them. They are so capable that they don't need to look for a police uncle.

"Happy Heroes": Guo Dalu's lying flat, unique

Yan Qi's reason is that she has a father who is obviously very great, but cannot prove herself, and has been spurned and hunted down by the whole world, and she has to hide her identity and hide her tracks. But the whole world is looking for her father, including her three friends who love to live or die regardless of whether they are alive or dead.

Yan Qi's humiliation, helplessness, and sorrow, she couldn't do anything but lie flat.

"Happy Heroes": Guo Dalu's lying flat, unique

Nothing in the world is unconcerned, and the secrets of these four people are ultimately related to love words. Nothing in the world is about money, and all kinds of people and horses are ultimately driven by materialism. So their comedy of life is the comedy of the whole world.

Therefore, the biggest charm of The Rich And Noble Villa is not only in not seeking fame, not seeking profit, not seeking house and car tickets, only anti-worldly, anti-hero, anti-inner volume, expensive and suitable lying flat, but also in the warm healing of friendship, a high degree of trust, understanding and respect, and the nobility of doing something and not doing something.

No matter how poor it is, it is also very rich, no matter how difficult it is, there is joy. Once the hero lives like a dog, there is no external value to sway, which can save a lot of burdens.

People have joy, does it matter whether the hero is still heroic?

In fact, they are also mutual mentors, who can learn from each other's strengths and establish new cognitive and value systems.

For example, Guo Dalu has not been able to let go of Zhu Zhu, do not understand why Zhu Zhu will give up on him to fall in love with a groom, once said, the lesson I got is that men must not respect women too much, too respectful, she will think that you are a fool, worthless.

Ke Yanqi told him that it was wrong, wrong, wrong! She doesn't do it because you respect women, but because she's a bad woman at all.

Dude, you're right to respect women, you're not unworthy, it's wrong that you meet the wrong person. That makes sense.

This is actually a story of growth and testing, they all encountered a certain obstacle that their lives cannot overcome, and fortunately met each other.

Happiness is contagious, pain needs to be shared, and bad luck may as well be contagious and bearable.

So these four Haojie, who could have commanded one side, finally supported each other, stepped out of the shadows, and solved the world.

The most important thing is not the outside world, but the inner world.

"Happy Heroes": Guo Dalu's lying flat, unique

There is no one under the heavens who is not born unmoving.

No one is born with a love of lying flat.

There is no one who can still live and does not want to live.

If you can live as a dragon and tiger, no one wants to live as a dog.

When the problem is solved, the wound is healed, when the world changes color, and the ideal shines into life, everyone will be his hero again.

"Conclusions are usually rarely wrong.

What is wrong is usually not a conclusion. ”

Since Guo Dalu has found their own love destination and life direction, this must be the conclusion.

Text | Nine Crows

Figure | Internet

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