
28 kinds of toxic varieties of traditional Chinese medicine (9) Red Lady \ Raw Thousand Gold Poisoning and Treatment

author:Wu Wenbo Traditional Chinese Medicine Popularization

Wu Wenbo Shijiazhuang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hebei Province

1. Red Lady poisoning and treatment

Cause of poisoning: Mistakenly taken.

Principle of intoxication: there are obvious symptoms of the central nervous system and digestive system.

Toxic manifestations: local burning, flushing, and then blisters and ulcers after skin contact. After misdirection, it is manifested as strong gastrointestinal symptoms, mouth, pharyngeal burning sensation, tingling, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and blood in the stool, accompanied by dizziness, headache, irritability, insomnia, blurred vision, numbness and other neurological symptoms. When the toxin is excreted from the kidneys, it irritates the urethra, with frequent urination, burning pain in the urethra, hematuria, and dysuria. May also stimulate penile erection, uterine contractions, or bleeding.

Poisoning first aid: (1) After skin contact, rinse with water immediately, blisters and ulcers appear, and a little burn ointment can be applied. (2) Immediately after accidental ingestion, gastric lavage with 1:5000 potassium permanganate liquid and induce diarrhea with sodium sulfate.

(3) Traditional Chinese medicine treatment: 30g of red stone powder, 5 to 7 egg whites, 2 bowls of milk, water frequency adjustment. Those who have been poisoned by mouth for more than 5 hours should be taken with 10g of glauber's salt to relieve diarrhea.

2. Poisoning and treatment of raw gold seeds

Causes of poisoning: accidental administration, overdose.

Poisoning principle: contains thousand gold sterol, thousand gold alcohol palmitate, etc., strongly stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, and is also toxic to the central nervous system.

Toxic manifestations: initial dizziness and headache, severe vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, cold sweat and less urination, and rapid heart rate. Severe cases died of shock.

First aid for poisoning: repeated gastric lavage and diarrhea; Infusion of glucose solution plus vitamin C and intramuscular furosemide detoxification; Symptomatic treatment, pay close attention to the rescue of respiratory and circulatory failure.

Traditional Chinese medicine first aid: for those who have diarrhea, drink cold porridge or black vinegar. For shock, 10g of Korean ginseng, fry warmly.

28 kinds of toxic varieties of traditional Chinese medicine (9) Red Lady \ Raw Thousand Gold Poisoning and Treatment

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