
Rural red women 6000 yuan / kg, why no one breeds it?

author:Focus on the three rural areas to understand the facts

You may not have heard of what the Red Lady is? But these things are definitely seen, if you are in Henan Hebei or Shaanxi and other places. On top of some Tsubaki trees, in the summer, he would gather densely on the trees, sometimes "peeing" from the sky, and the ground was wet and very oily. These things are called "Big Sister Flowers" by us, and Big Sister Flowers are very common in rural areas, but why is its purchase price so high? Some buyers give a price as high as 6,000 yuan / kg, what is the role of these things?

Rural red women 6000 yuan / kg, why no one breeds it?

It turned out that this flower sister was a very expensive medicinal herb. Although it is a worm, it has extremely high medicinal value. His scientific name is "Spotted Wax Cicada", which is a necessary raw material for the production of certain medicinal herbs.

Mainly because he is highly toxic among the flower sisters, containing "red melanin, cantharidin", we can buy related ointments on the Internet, and the effect of these ointments is still quite large. So why can't rural farming be cultivated?

Rural red women 6000 yuan / kg, why no one breeds it?

(1) Private can not be acquired: Hua Dajie is prohibited from selling in the market, although there is a quotation, but it is also in a state of no market. It is forbidden for individuals to operate privately, even if the hospital wants to buy this medicinal material, it is necessary to pass the approval of layers.

Because the toxins inside it are particularly strong, it is also on the body's respiratory system as well as on the skin. Mucous membranes produce a very strong irritating effect . At present, many chinese herbal medicines are prohibited, such as snake venom, or other poisonous things such as wolf venom, chinese medicine basically can not be used, and if you want to use these things, you must go to the hospital to buy.

(2) Farming technology is difficult: So there is a quotation for this thing, but in all parts of the country, you have not heard of the cultivation of this thing. After breeding, some ordinary pharmacies or hospitals did not dare to buy these things at all. Do you want to know where to sell it in the future?

Rural red women 6000 yuan / kg, why no one breeds it?

There is also a demand is relatively small, so it is more difficult to sell, when we catch in the summer, this thing will fly, capture a day may not catch half a pound, not to mention that it is made into dry products, after making dry skin, it is estimated that 4 pounds will be out of a pound of dry, very troublesome.

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