
The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

author:Entertainment Society

Because of his debut in these years, he has been involved in too many lawsuits, so he has become a spokesperson for the lawyer's website! Although this sentence sounds reasonable, it contains too much information.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

The bright red-haired lawsuit sister is the 12-year-old most popular child star, and now only 31-year-old American actress Lindsay Rohan.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

Lindsay Rohan on the photo is tightly wrapped, rosy-faced, smiling and cheerful, it is such a healthy image behind you can not imagine that she entered the police station in 6 years and 6 years, and the headshots are almost collected in the nine palace grids.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

Lindsay Rohan once became the representative word of "bad girl", not to mention the picture of her being beaten by her boyfriend at the beach, which became a classic example of negative teaching materials in the mouths of thousands of mothers.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

Many times everyone forgets that many years ago Lindsay Rohan was just a child, and with such a pair of vampire-like parents on the stall, even the best cards could not be won.

Lindsay Rohan was born in 1986 in New York, USA, her mother Dina Rohan is of mixed Irish and Italian descent, and her father Michael Rohan was born on Wall Street and came to a wealthy family.

Regardless of the rapport between Lindsay Rohan's parents, Michael Rohan not only drank heavily but also abused domestically, according to Dina Rohan. Lindsay witnessed her father's domestic violence since she was a child and "saw a lot of crazy things."

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

And Lindsay's mother is not a good role model, Lindsay Rohan was once reported to split legs as an adult, she responded: "I don't believe in leg splitting, I've watched my mother do that kind of thing all my life, so I'm really not interested." 」 ”

Such a couple, their marriage lasted for 22 years, and they divorced in 2005.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

Lindsay Rohan was actually not so stunning when she was a child, but she was particularly cute with red hair and small freckles, coupled with a naïve healing smile, and was photographed by an advertiser at the age of 3 and entered the Ford Modeling Company to start a modeling career.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

By the time she starred in Disney movies at the age of 13, she had shot more than 60 TV commercials.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

In 1998, she participated in the Disney movie "Born a Couple" and stepped into the film world, in which Lindsay Rohan played two roles in one person, showing her acting talent. To this day, people still look for another actor in the twins besides Lindsay Rohan.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

After "Born a Couple", Lindsay Luohan was not busy with the entertainment industry, and in the next five or six years, she only made two or three small movies. I know that in 2004, 18-year-old Lindsay Rohan took over the film "Mean Girls" (domestic translation as "Jian Girl")

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

The film let Chinese girls know what a "plastic sister flower" is, and also met an American girl named Lindsay Rohan.

"Mean Girl" is expected to earn $25 million in the three days of its premiere, becoming the top box office winner in North America that week, and Lindsey Rohan also won the Best Actress Award at the 14th MTV Movie Awards for this film. Lindsay Rowe was furious and even appeared on the cover of People magazine. She showed her musical talents and released her debut music album "Speak", which was ranked fourth in the national pop album chart in the first week of release.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

At that time, Lindsey Rohan was the focus of people's attention everywhere he went, and there were even fashion blogs such as "What Lindsay Rohan wore today" or simply called "Lindsay Rohan's Wardrobe".

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

2006 was a year of explosion in Lindsay Rohan's career.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

It was also the year she began to fall, and this year, she was once called the four big girls in Hollywood with Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Nicole Richie.

Since 2007, she has repeatedly entered police stations and rehab centers.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

In May 2007, Lindsay was arrested for finding a cocaine in her car and in her blood; in July, she drove a sports utility vehicle to chase after her former personal assistant's mother, who was arrested again, but only 84 minutes for pleading guilty, and los Angeles police indicted Lindsay in March 2009 for five counts, including drunk driving, and was sentenced to 3 years in prison, compulsory community service, and drunk driving education.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

On April 21, 2010, Lindsay was suspected of stealing a watch and was searched by police officers, but was not found, Lindsay denied that the incident was not her doing; on September 26, Lindsay was arrested for drugging during parole, tested positive and sentenced to 30 days in prison by a Los Angeles court, she appealed, paid $300,000 bail, and spent about 15 hours in prison to regain her freedom, which caused dissatisfaction among the American people.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

In 2011, Luo Han was involved in a jewelry theft case, and the parole period did not end until the end of 2014.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

Going to a correctional center is even more commonplace.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

2009 was probably Lindsay Rohan's most miserable year, when she broke up with her same-sex girlfriend Samantha Rosen.

Lindsay Rohan announced his coming out in July 2008, and the lover is Samantha Rosen, the sister of the famous British musician Mark Ronson.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

Ever since Lindsay met Samantha, she has stopped dating other men. You should know that Lindsay used to be full of scandals, including the rich harry Morton and the male star Leonardo DiCaprio.

During the relationship, the two once planned to get engaged and have children, and many fans believe that the years with Samantha Rosen were the peak of Lindsay's appearance.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

In 2009, Samantha Rosen proposed a breakup to Lindsay Rohan. Lindsay Rohan lost dozens of pounds in just one month because he cried so badly in the car and was comforted by paparazzi.

Along with it, Lin Dad exposed his daughter's privacy everywhere. In fact, as early as lin dad and lin mama divorced him, he opened this new business: selling his daughter's privacy and negative news... He even sold his daughter's diary and led the police to search her daughter's house...

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

For money, Michael Rohan deliberately recorded the call with his daughter, ex-wife, and daughter's agent, and edited it and sold it to the gossip media. Michael Rohan, on the other hand, has always made public about his daughter's privacy in front of the media, claiming that it was all about helping her. "When my father made my privacy public, it was a time when my life was at a low ebb... He kept kicking at my privacy, and I used alcohol and poison to anesthetize myself, trying to hide my predicament with alcohol and cocaine."

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.
The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

He also slandered his daughter for being ridiculous because she had AIDS...

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

In May of the same year, Michael also led paparazzi and police into Lindsay's residence in Los Angeles, saying that he was worried that his 16-year-old daughter Ali would be dangerous to live with his sister Lindsay, 23, so he asked the police to help him enter the house.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

Speaking of Lindsay Rohan's sister Ali, in fact, Lindsay Rohan loves her sister quite much, not only her sister, but the children of the Rohan family have lived under the wings of their sisters since childhood, especially her youngest brother, Cody Lohan.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

Lindsay Rohan's younger brother is exactly 10 years younger than her, and little Cody has been her sister's little follower since she was a child.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

It's like going where to go.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

On the talk show queen Oprah's television network O W N, Lindsay Rohan has his own variety show "Lindsay Reality Show", and the guests in one issue are enemy-like fathers, not to tear in front of their faces, but Lindsay hopes to persuade dad to buy a car for his little brother Cody as a 18-year-old birthday gift. However, Dad refused.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

Lindsay was in tears: "Adult gifts are very important things. Something that all his friends have, he never has, you know how hurtful that is?! This family owes the most to him! He's never had a dad who could take him to basketball... He needs a dad!! ”

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

But why didn't Lindsay Rohan buy a car for his brother? Because at that time, she was almost exhausted.

Since 2007, Lindsay Rohan has rarely made films, and the reason for this does not need to be elaborated.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

"Bankrupt Sisters" in September 2013 was her last work, and it was only a cameo.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

With the decline in popularity and her own unbridled profligacy, Lindsay Rohan's Laodice has basically been eaten up, and her "Lindsay Reality Show" on OWAN was her only source of income.

It's understandable why she wanted to shoot the cover of a famous magazine.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

At that time, Lindsay Rohan's father came out again, saying that Lindsay, with the help of Lin's mother, earned money to pay off debts when she was a senior escort...

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.
The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

This was not until April 2016, when Lindsay Rohan became engaged to her 22-year-old russian rich second-generation boyfriend, Egor Tarabasov, who had been dating for less than a year.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

While fans were breathing a sigh of relief for her, in August of the same year, the two broke up over a mobile phone fight on a beach on the Greek island of Mykonos.

The reason for this is that Lindsay said in an interview with a Russian television station that Egor did not pay a penny during their relationship and called him a "idle slacker." Lindsay also broke the news that Egor's lavish lifestyle was all sponsored by his rich father. "He doesn't have any money, what can I do?" We lived in my house, and I paid for all the expenses, and his dad paid part of the money, but most of it was paid by me. But I realize now that it's not right to do this, and I should tell him: 'Find something to do, I can't do everything alone.' I'm just a woman in my 30s and I'm raising a man who doesn't work. ”

But Egor said after the breakup that he always paid for everything...

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

No matter who pays the bill, the way this relationship ends is extremely ugly.

And then... Disney is going to do a live-action version of "The Little Mermaid", a red-haired Lindsay Luo Han Mao introduced himself, netizens said "don't want to see the broken Little Mermaid", "don't want to watch people with alcohol addiction play princesses"...

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

To be honest, Lindsey Rohan, who is only 31 years old, looks like a 40-year-old vicissitudes and a middle-aged woman.

The most beautiful child star in history, her mother pushed her into the abyss, and her father earned money by selling her negativity.

But it is such a Lindsay Rohan that is difficult to dislike, maybe her appearance is too confusing, maybe the impression she left on us when she was a child is too good, maybe we have always had pity for her...

But in Lindsay Rohan's mind, she may not be confused, she just shows her truest side. Lindsay Rohan's idol is Marilyn Monroe, and one of her favorite quotes from Monroe goes like this: I'm selfish, impatient, insecure, I'll often do the wrong thing, I'll often get out of control, but if you can't cope with my worst side, you don't deserve my best.

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