
Food sharing: Dry pot beef with skin, black pepper beef diced, braised beef simple method dry pot beef with skin black pepper beef diced braised beef

author:Healthy food

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > dry pot beef with skin</h1>

Food sharing: Dry pot beef with skin, black pepper beef diced, braised beef simple method dry pot beef with skin black pepper beef diced braised beef

Ingredients: 1000 g of beef with skin.

Ingredients: 50 g of red pepper, 200 g of white radish.

Seasoning: 50 grams of vegetable oil, 3 grams of refined salt, 8 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of chicken essence, 10 grams of oyster sauce, 20 grams of chili sauce, 20 grams of cooking wine, 20 grams of ginger, 50 grams of garlic seeds, star anise, 5 grams of cinnamon, 30 grams of whole dried pepper, 2 grams of pepper powder, 20 grams of red oil, 10 grams of sugar color, 500 grams of fresh soup.


1: Blanch the beef with skin, wash it, cook it in a pot until it is broken, remove and cut it into 4 cm long, 2.5 cm wide and 0.5 cm thick slices and set aside;

2: Remove the tip of the red pepper and cut into 1 cm long segments; Garlic seeds destemmed; Cut the ginger into thick slices; Peel the white radish and cut into thick slices the same size as beef;

3, the net pot on the high fire, put the oil to 60% heat, under the beef sautéed until the skin is small bubbles, add spices, ginger slices, whole dried pepper stir-fry incense, and then cook cooking wine, stir-fry dry water, add fresh soup, put fine salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, oyster sauce, spicy girl pepper sauce to adjust the taste, add sugar to color, pour into the pressure cooker for 12 minutes, and then select spices, whole dried pepper, ginger slices to set aside;

4: Put the net pot on the high heat, add red oil, sauté the garlic seeds and red pepper rings, pour the beef juice into the pot, and then collect the soup juice, out of the pot into the dry pot with white radish.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > diced beef with black pepper</h1>

Food sharing: Dry pot beef with skin, black pepper beef diced, braised beef simple method dry pot beef with skin black pepper beef diced braised beef

Ingredients: beef shank, cucumber, russet, black pepper juice, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, red wine, salt, baking soda, black pepper grains.


1: Cut the beef into cubes, add a little baking soda, oyster sauce, soy sauce and red wine, and marinate for a while.

2: Dice cucumber and white cubes.

3: Heat the pan first, then add the appropriate amount of oil (hot pan cold oil), low heat, add the diced beef and fry. After one side changes color, it is turned over, and all of them change color and then bloom.

4: Add the diced zi and a little water to the pot and cook.

5: Add the diced cucumber and turn it slightly, add the black pepper juice, add a little salt and stir-fry well.

6: Add diced beef and stir-fry well, grind in an appropriate amount of black pepper grains before coming out of the pot to increase the aroma.


1, baking soda can make beef more tender, occasionally a small amount of consumption is harmless to the body, very taboo, please abandon it.

2, if you choose a beef tenderloin is better, but the beef leg is already very tender.

3, again, to achieve a tender taste, to use a low heat to fry the cooked beef, do not rush to turn, one side completely discolored and then turned, each piece as long as it is turned once. Afraid of trouble, it is recommended to lubricate oil.

4, black pepper juice, my chef uses is ready-made. Black pepper grains, that is, the kind in the grinding bottle, the grinding particles are not very fine, especially fragrant.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > braised beef</h1>

Food sharing: Dry pot beef with skin, black pepper beef diced, braised beef simple method dry pot beef with skin black pepper beef diced braised beef

Ingredients: Beef 600 g Garlic 6 shallots 4 slices ginger 4 slices star anise 1 cinnamon 1 piece Dried chili 4 cooking wine 2 tbsp yellow sauce 1 tbsp soy sauce 2 tbsp sugar Appropriate amount Of salt Salad oil appropriate amount

1: Cut the beef into large pieces and blanch them in boiling water for one minute, then remove and rinse

2: Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a wok and sauté chives, sliced ginger, garlic and other spices

3: Stir-fry the beef slightly

4: Stir-fry soybean paste until fragrant, pour in cooking wine and soy sauce and stir-fry evenly

5: Add an appropriate amount of boiling water (the amount of water should not exceed the beef) and bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for about 90 minutes

6: Finally, add an appropriate amount of sugar and salt to adjust the taste and turn on high heat to thicken the soup

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