
A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious

author:Lazy kitchen

Love braised beef noodles? Today Xiaobian shares with you the home-cooked version of braised beef noodles, the soup is fragrant and fragrant, the beef is crisp and soft, the noodles are smooth and smooth, the method is simple and easy to learn, you like the xiaobian method, you can try Oh!


Beef, rape, green onion, ginger, peppercorns, red dried chili peppers, soy sauce, oyster sauce, rock sugar, oil, salt.

A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious


Xiaobian chose beef brisket, washed the brisket and cut it into pieces of brisket grains.

A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious

Remove the roots of the rapeseed, soak in water for a while, then gently break the leaves of the rapeseed, taking care not to break them, and then wash off the sediment inside with clean water and drain the water for later.

Pour water into the pot, pour the brisket grains into the pot, add ginger slices, peppercorns and cooking wine, turn on the heat and blanch the beef.

A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious

After the water boils, the blood foam on the surface of the water is skimmed off, and the brisket grains are fished out with a colander. If the surface of the brisket grain is dirty, you can wash it with warm water, do not use cold water, cold water is easy to make the brisket grain meat become woody.

A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious
A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious

Pour oil into the pan and sauté sugar with a few pieces of rock sugar. When frying sugar color, if you are not sure, remember to fry sugar over low heat, the fire is big and easy to paste.

A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious

When the sugar is sautéed until it is dark brown and bubbling, pour in the blanched brisket and stir-fry well.

A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious
A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious

Add sliced ginger, dried red pepper, peppercorns, and green onion and stir-fry well. Pour in the soy sauce and stir-fry with oyster sauce.

A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious

Pour in the right amount of hot water, cover the pot, bring to a boil over high heat and simmer for almost an hour.

A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious

Season with salt and continue to cook for another 15 minutes.

A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious

Take another pot, pour the right amount of water to boil, add the noodles to boil, cook until the noodles are bleached, add the rapeseed.

A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious

When the noodles are cooked until there is no white core, remove them and add them to the bottom of the bowl, add the appropriate amount of beef broth, and place the rape and beef brisket grains.

A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious
A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious
A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious
A quick collection of noodles that loves to eat, braised beef noodles are simple and homely, nutritious and delicious

This braised beef noodle dish is ready, very delicious!

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