
Longmin Festival | how to do a good job of Buddha jumping off the wall, Fujian cuisine master Yang Weihua personally came to guide and reveal the secret

author:Fuzhou side affairs

For Fuzhou people, Buddha jumping off the wall is no longer a simple food, it has been sublimated to the feelings of Fuzhou people. It contains more than thirty kinds of ingredients in one altar, like the tolerance of Fuzhou people. As a famous dish with a century-old history, Buddha jumped off the wall and hosted countless foreign heads of state at a state banquet, and everyone praised its deliciousness.

Longmin Festival | how to do a good job of Buddha jumping off the wall, Fujian cuisine master Yang Weihua personally came to guide and reveal the secret

On October 19th, the Fuzhou Buddha Jumping Wall Cultural Festival opened in Sanfang Seven Lanes, and the event specially invited Mr. Yang Weihua, the inheritor of the Buddha Jumping Wall in Juchun Garden, to introduce the Buddha Jumping Wall Culture to the public and help the development of the Buddha Jumping Wall Cause in Fuzhou. As the definition of the festival becomes clearer, the content of the Longmin Welfare Day has included more and more factors, and the forms of activities of the festival have become more and more colorful.

Longmin Festival | how to do a good job of Buddha jumping off the wall, Fujian cuisine master Yang Weihua personally came to guide and reveal the secret

Longhu has been in Rongcheng for 4 years and has taken root in Rongcheng. Gradually cultivate more tacit understanding with the city. At the launch of the cultural festival, the Mincai Buddha jumped off the wall to meet with the dragon people at this grand ceremony. At the same time, the organizers also invited Yang Weihua, the master of Fujian cuisine of this cultural festival, to create an offline activity - "Longmin Chinese Restaurant", to expose the "secret of Buddha jumping off the wall" with everyone, and the longmin cooked together to enjoy the beauty, bringing everyone a feast of taste.

Longmin Festival | how to do a good job of Buddha jumping off the wall, Fujian cuisine master Yang Weihua personally came to guide and reveal the secret

What is even more surprising is that the owners who participated in the competition for chinese restaurant dishes will have the opportunity to have the opportunity to have the opportunity to visit and guide the participants in more rich on-site activities with Mr. Yang Weihua, Yang Xin and other masters who are the eighth generation of the well-known Buddha Jumping Wall in Juchun Garden.

Treat every user with kindness, Longhu will bring together the taste of Fuzhou and fireworks, online and offline activities together to bring together Longmin people. Let the combination of love and food will definitely bring more happiness, and participate in this wonderful dragon people feast together!

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