
The appreciation of Zhu Ziqing's "Spring" - feel the spring in the writer's pen full of vitality

author:Cloud sails

Looking forward to it, looking forward to it, the east wind is coming, and the footsteps of spring are approaching.

  Everything looked like he had just woken up, and he opened his eyes happily. The mountains rose, the water rose, and the sun's face blushed.

  The grass sneaked out of the soil, tender and green. In the garden, in the field, lo and behold, a large field full of people. Sit, lie down, play two rolls, kick a few balls, race a few runs, catch a few times to hide. The wind is gentle and the grass is soft.

The appreciation of Zhu Ziqing's "Spring" - feel the spring in the writer's pen full of vitality

  Peach trees, apricot trees, pear trees, you don't let me, I don't let you, are full of flowers to rush to the trip. Red like fire, pink like Kasumi, white like snow. The flowers were sweet, and when I closed my eyes, the trees seemed to be full of peaches, apricots, and pears. Hundreds of bees buzzed under the flowers, and butterflies of all size flew around. Wildflowers are everywhere: miscellaneous, nameless, nameless, scattered in the flowers, like eyes, like stars, and blinking.

The appreciation of Zhu Ziqing's "Spring" - feel the spring in the writer's pen full of vitality

  "Blowing noodles do not chill willow wind", nice, like a mother's hand caressing you. The wind brings some freshly turned earthy smells, mixed with the smell of grass, and the fragrance of various flowers, all brewing in the slightly moist air. The birds nestled among the flowers and leaves, and became happy, playing with their crisp throats and singing melodies that followed the breeze and water. The piccolo of the shepherd boy on the back of the cow is also loud and loud all day long.

The appreciation of Zhu Ziqing's "Spring" - feel the spring in the writer's pen full of vitality

  Rain is the most common, three or two days at a time. Don't worry. Look, like cow hair, like flower needles, like filaments, densely woven obliquely, and a thin layer of smoke is caged on the roof of people' homes. The leaves are shiny green, and the grass is so green that it forces your eyes. In the evening, the lights are on, and a little yellow halo of light sets off this quiet and peaceful night. In the countryside, on the paths, by the stone bridges, there are people who walk slowly with umbrellas, and there are farmers working in the fields, wearing hats and hats. Their thatched huts, sparse and sparse, were silent in the rain.

The appreciation of Zhu Ziqing's "Spring" - feel the spring in the writer's pen full of vitality
The appreciation of Zhu Ziqing's "Spring" - feel the spring in the writer's pen full of vitality

  There are more kites in the sky and more children on the ground. In the city and the countryside, every household, old and young, also rushed out, one by one. Shu Live and relax the bones, shake the spirit, each do their own part of the child's work, "the plan of the year lies in the spring"; just starting out, some are work, some are hope.

  Spring is like a doll that has just landed, it is new from head to toe, it grows.

  Spring is like a little girl, full of flowers, smiling, walking.

  Spring was like a strong young man, with iron arms and waists, and he led us forward.

I am a Chinese teacher in middle school, and I have taught middle school Chinese for many years without this text of Zhu Ziqing's "Spring". Some insights to share with you.

This "Spring" can be said to have firmly occupied the "boss" position in the writing essay in the junior high school Chinese textbook. Of course, the prose of Zhu Ziqing is delicate and deep, and the prose is dense, which is enough to be admired.

I appreciate it from three perspectives, and the author has painted six pictures for us with a passionate pen. The first is the spring mountain map. From a macroscopic and distant perspective, from the dimension of time, the scene of mountains and rivers in early spring is written, based on the overall and macroscopic, to elicit the description of the five spring storyboards below. But the use of the rhetorical method of "happily opening one's eyes, the mountains rising, the water rising, and the sun's face reddening" fully expresses the author's joy at the return of spring to the earth, the germination of all things, and the beauty of spring. It makes people feel the arrival of the spring season and brings endless vitality. The article has a kind of spring vitality in the card head.

Next are five pictures, divided into spring sketches, spring flowers, spring winds, spring rains and spring in the order of succession. In the order of the five pictures, it can be said that there are many opinions, but I personally feel that they are written in the order in which things grow in the spring. The first to reflect the color change of the mountain in spring is of course the green grass, the grass is full and then the flowers are hairy; the flowers are then fragrant, the spring breeze is swaying, and the aroma is rich and long. Spring rains are long, and everything grows more luxuriantly. In the end, people came out happily, in the same breath as nature. Active in the vibrant spring light. In fact, the article has its own rhythm. Some people say that the spring wind must be the earliest coming of spring, why should it be written after the spring sketch and the spring flower map? This is the rhythm of the layout when the author wrote "Spring", and the spring wind written by the author is by no means the spring trade wind in the early spring, when everything is depressed, and the spring is cold, but the harmonious wind after the spring grass is flailing and the spring flowers bloom. The same goes for spring rains. Some people say that when it rains in the spring, then the grass germinates and the flowers bloom. In fact, the spring rain at this time is the spring drink, and it is the irrigation of the plants. Therefore, at this time, the leaves are bright and the grass leaves are green, which is the image of lush spring. And the peasants have already begun to work. Finally, the spring map was undertaken. People come out of their homes one after another, participate in the vibrant, free nature, and feel the spring weather full of strength, health and liveliness.

Secondly, Zhu Ziqing's "Spring" describes the beauty of nature in spring and expresses the author's love for nature and love for life. The grass sneaked out of the soil, tender, green, and lo and behold, a large patch full of it. Analyzing this sentence, we have to marvel at the subtlety and conciseness of Zhu Ziqing's language. Grasping the characteristics of the color, texture and area of the grass, using anthropomorphic and repeated rhetoric, the characteristics of the grass are fresh and cute, vibrant, and free, and also writes the happiness that people bring when they see the grass spreading out.

Therefore, the beauty of prose is not only the gorgeous language, but whether it really drives the reader's emotions. From Zhu Ziqing's peaceful and beautiful language, three words and two words feel the vitality and appeal of the arrival of spring, which continues until the end.

"Red like fire, pink like Xia, white like snow, all full of flowers to rush" This is really a wonderful use of language, colorful to highlight the flowers, more than the rhythm and reflect the flowers, the word "rush" is full of emotion, igniting the vitality of the flowers, upward strength, and the call of spring to life. Between the lines, they all came out. Sometimes, language cannot be analyzed, you analyze a lot, but in the eyes of the writer, a few words are already out, which is unbelievable. Of course, the smell in the spring wind map is fragrant and fragrant, and the rain in the spring rain map is fine and soft, and these Zhu Ziqing have a very good grasp and present it with great precision.

Third, the "true" | of this article Pure "positive" attitude towards life. "True" means that the author completely puts his mind on the expression of the "thing" god and the "thing" state, comparing the grass to a newborn baby, reflecting the purity of the grass and the urgency of growth; showing the spring flower, comparing it to a little girl, showing its beauty, showing its swagger, and pointing out its agility. If there is no meditation, there is no ability to transform this thing into me.

Pure means that although the whole article depicts six pictures, it is described closely around the beauty of spring and the love for nature, and it is never oblique. Only in this way can we enter the feeling of the scenery. All scenery is love language. The scenery is actually open to every writer, but whether you have realized it or not. The whole thing is to express the beauty and love of spring. Then spring will really come to the heart of the writer.

This article is full of spring because of writing spring; because of love for spring, and spring light can be felt, spring grass can run, spring flowers can be smelled, spring rain can be bathed; because of the sense of spring, and full of vitality and vitality, between the lines, let people feel the power of "shaking and shaking the spirit, soothing and rejuvenating the bones". This is also the reason why this article has been praised for a long time.

It is recommended that when teaching, teachers must be full of emotions about the text of this article, combining speaking and reading, and combining pictures and recitation. The picture is not exhaustive, but be sure to wash the taste and explanation in several classic clips. Let students empathize with emotions and pictures.

The appreciation of Zhu Ziqing's "Spring" - feel the spring in the writer's pen full of vitality

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