
Chairman Mao incisively analyzed the reasons for the failure In 1933, Chiang Kai-shek organized a million troops to encircle and suppress the Central Soviet Region, intending to destroy the Central Red Army in World War I.

author:Snails look for history

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > In 1933, Chiang Kai-shek organized a million troops to carry out encirclement and suppression of the Central Soviet Region, intending to destroy the Central Red Army in World War I. </h1>

Chairman Mao incisively analyzed the reasons for the failure In 1933, Chiang Kai-shek organized a million troops to encircle and suppress the Central Soviet Region, intending to destroy the Central Red Army in World War I.

This war dealt a devastating blow to the Communist Party of China, the Red Army, and the revolutionary cause, and this time the anti-encirclement and suppression failed, and the Central Red Army was forced to start the Long March, and the main reason for the failure was that the military commanders of Li De and Bogu committed left-aggression adventurism, so the Central Committee held the "Zunyi Conference" on the way to the Long March.

At the meeting, Chairman Mao delivered a speech analyzing the reasons for the failure of the Fifth Anti-Encirclement and Suppression War in the Central Soviet Region.

Chairman Mao said: Comrade Bogu, since you say that the enemy is too strong, why do you still have to touch the stone with an egg?

Chairman Mao incisively analyzed the reasons for the failure In 1933, Chiang Kai-shek organized a million troops to encircle and suppress the Central Soviet Region, intending to destroy the Central Red Army in World War I.

In the course of the Fifth Anti-Encirclement and Suppression campaign and the breakthrough, the mistakes in military command were manifested in three stages:

The first stage is adventurism in the offensive.

The second stage is conservatism in defense.

The third stage is escapism in retreat.

Where the three doctrines come from, I see that they come from Bogu, and Comrade Li De does not have a clear understanding of the strength of the enemy and us, and overestimates his own strength.

Say what we say, we are fighting chiang kai-shek now, it is a war between countries, it is a battle between the army against the army, what guerrillaism must all be thrown away, the new thing is to be completely Marxist, and the things of the past were produced by the guerrillas in the mountains, and there is no Marxism in the mountains, so what are the so-called new things you are talking about?

It is to attack on all fronts, that is, to seize the central city, so blindly go to Ganzhou, and when the strong enemy comes, they propose to resist the enemy outside the gate of the country, and they must fight for every inch of land, so they cling to Guangchang.

Do these arguments not correspond to the reality of the Chinese revolution?

I don't think so.

Does it not conform to Marxism?

I don't think so.

Chairman Mao incisively analyzed the reasons for the failure In 1933, Chiang Kai-shek organized a million troops to encircle and suppress the Central Soviet Region, intending to destroy the Central Red Army in World War I.

Lenin said: "The most essential thing of Marxism, the living soul of Marxism, lies in the concrete analysis of concrete situations."

They have precisely forgotten this point, that mobile warfare and mobile and flexible guerrilla warfare are the experiences summed up by the Red Army in the protracted practical struggle, which have been obtained by the blood and lives of countless revolutionaries, and that ignoring them is tantamount to losing our magic weapon for victory and is bound to lead to defeat.

It was this meeting that established the new central leadership represented by Chairman Mao, and the Chinese revolution began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Chairman Mao incisively analyzed the reasons for the failure In 1933, Chiang Kai-shek organized a million troops to encircle and suppress the Central Soviet Region, intending to destroy the Central Red Army in World War I.

The success of the Chinese revolution was the wise decision of Chairman Mao; in the light of China's national conditions, he analyzed the "Marxism" that most conformed to Chinese characteristics; he did not blindly copy it, copied the successful experience of the Soviet Union, and summed up the strategic thinking of "encircling the cities from the countryside and seizing political power by force," thus stepping out of China's own revolutionary road.

Finally, without Chairman Mao, there would be no New China.

The picture comes from the network, thanks to the author!

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