
This "crispy duck" has a crispy skin and rotten meat, and my family has to make it every Chinese New Year's Eve night every year, and I don't see the bones after eating

author:Kang Kang that foodie

Hello everyone, I am Kang Kang's foodie, today Kang Kang came to Beijing's Jinyang Restaurant to prepare for the New Year, to taste the long-awaited crispy duck, crispy crispy meat crispy duck, with Shanxi's unique air drum cake, the bones are eaten. Let's take a look

When I want to eat Shanxi food in Beijing, the first thing that comes to my mind is Jinyang Restaurant. When I think of Jinyang Restaurant, the first thing that comes to mind is Master Jin Yongquan, and the second thing that comes to mind is the crispy duck that I want to eat the most.

This "crispy duck" has a crispy skin and rotten meat, and my family has to make it every Chinese New Year's Eve night every year, and I don't see the bones after eating

Although Beijing Jinyang Restaurant is an old restaurant for more than half a century and has always made Shanxi cuisine, it cannot be said to be a long-established restaurant in Shanxi. Jinyang Restaurant was founded in 1959 by the state in order to enhance the content of the people's food culture in the capital. How did you think of opening a Shanxi-style restaurant in Beijing? I suspect that this has a lot to do with the frequent entry and exit of Jin merchants in and out of Beijing since the Qing Dynasty.

This "crispy duck" has a crispy skin and rotten meat, and my family has to make it every Chinese New Year's Eve night every year, and I don't see the bones after eating

As the head of the ten major merchant gangs, Jin Shang was well-known in the Qing Dynasty. And the most important thing is that jinshang was a pioneer in the financial industry, and jinshang ticket numbers (equivalent to today's banks) even became the main practitioners of military expenditure in the Qing Dynasty. Cixi's first intention to return to Beijing after fleeing west was also to restore financial exchange immediately to the Jin merchants, otherwise the capital would be too tight to continue. Beijing cuisine itself is a platter, the capital city is heavy to entertain sixteen parties, this is natural, Shanxi cuisine, there must be.

This "crispy duck" has a crispy skin and rotten meat, and my family has to make it every Chinese New Year's Eve night every year, and I don't see the bones after eating

At that time, it was Master Jin Yongquan who was sent to Shanxi to study, fortunately, Master Jin went, and even the study belt was developed, and there were a total of 200 small Shanxi dishes, which allowed me to enjoy rural food in The capital. In Shanxi, on the contrary, there are fewer and fewer traditional dishes that can be used on the table.

Crispy duck is a "Shanxi dish" that Master Jin originated from tradition and is higher than tradition. Crispy duck is very laborious, duck should be fresh, fat and tender, frozen duck is not suitable for use, fried duck oil can not be completely used in new oil, there must be half fried duck aged oil, flavor is strong. To use 16 kinds of Chinese medicines such as angelica, sand kernels, bamboo leaves, plus soy sauce and cooking wine, marinate for 4 hours, steam for another 4 hours, and then fry 3 times at a high temperature of 200 degrees. When frying, it is necessary to "one breast, two backs, three colors", that is, first fry the duck chest, then fry the duck back, and finally fry the color of the whole duck evenly. The prepared crispy duck should be eaten in pieces, with a pretzel sauce, and eaten with "air drum cake", green onions and yellow sauce, which fully reflects the unique flavor of Shanxi roast duck.

This "crispy duck" has a crispy skin and rotten meat, and my family has to make it every Chinese New Year's Eve night every year, and I don't see the bones after eating

Uncle Jin's crispy duck skin was once Bush's favorite, and he not only often went to Jinyang Restaurant to eat but also packed it home. Later, the Bush family also introduced Master Kim Yongquan's crispy duck to other American guests. Two former US secretaries of state, Schultz and Powell, came to Beijing and both ordered them to eat crispy duck. The characteristics of crispy duck: dark red and golden color, thick five-spiced, crispy skin, rotten bone crisp, savor, the more flavorful.

This "crispy duck" has a crispy skin and rotten meat, and my family has to make it every Chinese New Year's Eve night every year, and I don't see the bones after eating

The location of Jinyang Restaurant is quite interesting, in the former residence of Ji Xiaolan. Ji Xiaolan is a controversial figure in history, but the popularity of "Iron Tooth and Copper Tooth Ji Xiaolan" has established in people's minds a witty and intelligent ji Xiaolan who holds a large golden cigarette pole, approves the "Notes on Reading Wei Caotang", compiles the "Four Libraries Complete Book", and has the ghostly And Spirit Du Xiaoyue reading it. Kang Kang had no intention of being a boring historical examiner, so he only cared about the wisteria tree and a few towering hawthorn trees in the former residence.

This "crispy duck" has a crispy skin and rotten meat, and my family has to make it every Chinese New Year's Eve night every year, and I don't see the bones after eating

By the way, Uncle Jin's Northern Sect Pills are also doing extremely well. This northern pie balls eat a "strong", crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, caramelized, in Jinyang restaurant called "dry croquettes" is also.

Spices of pickled duck: sand kernels, cardamom, cumin, ginger, tangerine peel, cinnamon, large ingredients, fennel, windproof, white root, licorice, betel nut, peppercorns, grass fruits, magnolia, cloves, 1 part each of the above herbs and spices, crush and mix well, take as you want, but do not overdose.

This "crispy duck" has a crispy skin and rotten meat, and my family has to make it every Chinese New Year's Eve night every year, and I don't see the bones after eating

Ingredients: About 2.5 kg of duck, 5 g of salt, 100 g of soy sauce, 10 g of monosodium glutamate, 30 g of cooking wine, 20 g of sesame oil, 100 g of spring onion, 100 g of yellow sauce, 15 g of white sugar, 150 g of peanut oil

To prepare Shanxi roast duck:

1. Dispose of the duck and set aside;

2. Marinate the washed duck pieces with soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sesame oil, white onion, fresh ginger, sugar, spices (sand kernels, cardamom, grass fruits, cinnamon, etc.) for 4 hours, and need to be turned twice in the middle;

3. Put the marinated duck and seasoning together into the pot, steam on high heat for 4 hours until soft and rotten, and then take out the soup;

4, then pour half a pot of oil into the pot, cook until it is 90% hot, put the duck breast down into the frying pan and fry until the skin is colored, then fish it out, and turn it over with a colander;

5. Wait until the temperature of the oil in the pan rises to 90% heat again, turn the duck breast upwards and continue to fry until the outer skin is fished out;

6, the temperature of the oil is raised again, fried until it is golden brown, sprinkled with a little MSG plate, a total of three times fried;

7, add the yellow sauce to the sugar, steam it thoroughly in the pot, and then add sesame oil to mix well;

8: Cut the green onion into strips, plate them separately, and walk with the ducks;

9, if you can shanxi noodles "air drum cake", eat together better taste.

This "crispy duck" has a crispy skin and rotten meat, and my family has to make it every Chinese New Year's Eve night every year, and I don't see the bones after eating

Well, today's Kang Kang will share this with you, if you like it, you can collect it, this "crispy duck" from Shanxi will definitely not let everyone feel disappointed! Welcome everyone to actively interact with Kangkang! Thank you! Remember to pay attention to the foodie of Kang Kang Oh, Kang Kang will share different foods for everyone every day!

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