
Soda biscuits nutritious and stomach-nourishing? Reminder, these people are not suitable for eating the nutritional components of soda biscuits, is soda biscuit really stomach-nourishing?

author:A dietitian who is delayed by writing

Wen 丨 is a nutritionist who is delayed by writing

I've often been asked by friends,

Is it not stomach acid reflux, eat some soda biscuits just fine?

Is it true that soda biscuits are highly nutritious, do not contain sugar, and can also nourish the stomach?

If you don't like to eat occasionally, can you fill your hunger with soda cookies? It shouldn't be bad for the body, right?


Soda biscuits nutritious and stomach-nourishing? Reminder, these people are not suitable for eating the nutritional components of soda biscuits, is soda biscuit really stomach-nourishing?

To be honest, I used to like to eat soda biscuits, because compared to those sweet and greasy biscuits, soda biscuits seem to be more in line with my appetite, but when I am not in a hurry to eat, I can eat, or I still have to eat.

What I'm going to share with you in today's article is about soda cookies.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the nutritional content of soda biscuits</h1>

There are many kinds of soda biscuits on the market, but in addition to some special flavor additions, general soda biscuits are inseparable from wheat flour, soda powder and butter and other raw materials.

At the same time, soda biscuits relative to ordinary biscuits, will add a certain amount of calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate (is commonly known as baking soda), and because of the need to achieve a crispy taste, so that a certain amount of vegetable oil, shortening, and even margarine, etc., and will reduce the protein content.

From the raw materials of soda biscuits, the nutritional value of soda biscuits is not high, and the nutrient composition is relatively single.

To this end, I deliberately intercepted the nutritional ingredient list of some soda biscuits from some common brands on the market so that everyone can understand it more clearly:

Soda biscuits nutritious and stomach-nourishing? Reminder, these people are not suitable for eating the nutritional components of soda biscuits, is soda biscuit really stomach-nourishing?
Soda biscuits nutritious and stomach-nourishing? Reminder, these people are not suitable for eating the nutritional components of soda biscuits, is soda biscuit really stomach-nourishing?
Soda biscuits nutritious and stomach-nourishing? Reminder, these people are not suitable for eating the nutritional components of soda biscuits, is soda biscuit really stomach-nourishing?
Soda biscuits nutritious and stomach-nourishing? Reminder, these people are not suitable for eating the nutritional components of soda biscuits, is soda biscuit really stomach-nourishing?

In summary, the nutritional composition of soda biscuits has the following characteristics:

1, the heat is not low. The lowest calorie per 1980 kJ in the above figure, converted into kcal is about 473, calculated by a bag of net weight of 100 grams, the small partner who loses weight depends on eating it, it may be really difficult to lose weight.

2. High fat content. Although there is no greasy feeling in soda biscuits, but its fat content is indeed not low, the general fat content is between 20 and 30 grams per 100 grams, this concept we can understand this way, the fat content of lean pork per 100 grams is 6.2 grams, while chicken is 9.4 grams. It's a little surprising that the fat content of soda crackers is higher than the lean meat we often eat, but it's true.

3. High content of carbohydrates. After all, the raw material of soda biscuits is mainly wheat flour, so its high carbohydrate content is also expected, not to mention that some soda biscuits will add some additional sugar, so it seems that friends who are worried about blood sugar problems should also take a detour.

4, sodium content is not easy to ignore. Different brands of soda biscuits, sodium content will vary, but basically more than 450 mg, some will even reach 1000 mg, if according to the sodium content of 1 gram of salt (about 533 mg) to convert, each hundred grams of soda biscuits probably contain 1 gram or more of salt, such a content is not low, after all, according to China's dietary guidelines, the recommended daily salt intake is not higher than 6 grams, hypertension people are best controlled below 5 grams.

Soda biscuits nutritious and stomach-nourishing? Reminder, these people are not suitable for eating the nutritional components of soda biscuits, is soda biscuit really stomach-nourishing?

Combining the nutritional characteristics of the above-mentioned soda biscuits, some friends think that healthy food may not really be as healthy as imagined, of course, it does not contain any harmful substances, but there is no need to eat it often or in large quantities for the sake of mistaken health.

Therefore, the personal advice is that soda biscuits as an occasional emergency hunger is OK, after all, it can supplement calories and sugars for the body, but its vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are too small, not suitable for meals or long-term meal replacements to eat, easy to cause malnutrition, is not conducive to the health of the body.

If you have to eat soda biscuits, try to learn to look at the nutritional composition list behind the package, compare and choose those with low calorie and fat content and high protein content, while some soda biscuits will add some additional dietary fiber and other ingredients, which can also be used as a plus.

However, some special groups are not recommended to eat soda biscuits, such as diabetics, hypertension and hyperlipidemia patients, some kidney disease patients who need to limit sodium, weight loss people, etc., the reasons are also said above, calories are not low, rich in sodium, high sugar content (the average glycemic index is 72), fat content is high, and some soda biscuits will also add margarine, shortening and other saturated fats, which is not conducive to disease and index control.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > do soda cookies really nourish the stomach? </h1>

To be honest, I have really seen some manufacturers in the promotion of their own soda biscuits, will emphasize the role of relieving stomach acid, stomach nourishment, on this issue, I will say some personal views.

Soda biscuits because of the addition of alkaline sodium bicarbonate, so it can indeed play a role in neutralizing stomach acid to a certain extent, relieving acid reflux, heartburn, which I have personally tested, but the effect varies from person to person, for me, there is a little effect, but it will not be particularly obvious.

Soda biscuits nutritious and stomach-nourishing? Reminder, these people are not suitable for eating the nutritional components of soda biscuits, is soda biscuit really stomach-nourishing?

However, we should be clear that although soda biscuits can play a certain role in neutralizing stomach acid, this does not mean that it has the effect of nourishing the stomach, for two reasons:

First, if you want to achieve the effect of neutralizing stomach acid, not only soda biscuits, but also baked ordinary steamed bun slices.

Second, there is no research or evidence that confirms that soda biscuits can nourish the stomach, or treat various stomach problems, improve stomach function, etc.

Third, the occurrence of many stomach diseases is closely related to diet, two reasonable eating habits, balanced and adequate nutrition, is the basis for maintaining and improving stomach health, just like if your stomach disease is damaged by the gastric mucosa, then you need protein and a variety of trace elements and other nutrients to help the body repair the gastric mucosa, which is not a simple soda cookie can do.

Therefore, on the statement that soda biscuits nourish the stomach, individuals do not dare to agree, but it is said that it can neutralize stomach acid and relieve acid reflux, then there is nothing wrong with it. #健康2021 #

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