
What is the difference between sweet potato noodles, mung bean noodles, and potato noodles? After reading the article, you will understand 1, sweet potato noodles. 2. Mung bean vermicelli. 3. Potato noodles.

author:Chef Jiang Yizhou

What is the difference between sweet potato noodles, mung bean noodles, and potato noodles? After reading the article, you will understand. Dear good friends, hello everyone, I am Chef Jiang Yizhou, today is the time to share the food with you, are you ready?

What is the difference between sweet potato noodles, mung bean noodles, and potato noodles? After reading the article, you will understand 1, sweet potato noodles. 2. Mung bean vermicelli. 3. Potato noodles.

When we all go to the supermarket to buy vermicelli, we often encounter these three kinds of vermicelli, which are sweet potato vermicelli, mung bean vermicelli, and potato vermicelli, so what is the difference between these three kinds of vermicelli, and what are the dishes suitable for each? Today, I will put them in detail. Usage to share to everyone like to eat noodles must collect good this article nonsense not to say more, then directly to everyone on the dry goods.

What is the difference between sweet potato noodles, mung bean noodles, and potato noodles? After reading the article, you will understand 1, sweet potato noodles. 2. Mung bean vermicelli. 3. Potato noodles.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" >1, sweet potato noodles. </h1>

Sweet potato noodles, is our cooking at home, is the most common one, its taste is the most tenacious, the color is slightly black, usually used to make cabbage stew noodles, tofu stew noodles, large pot of noodles inside the dish, etc. These more homely dishes, but its disadvantage is that the foam time is longer, that is, we want to eat sweet potato noodles, we must soak it in the morning in advance, so that its taste will be delicious, temporarily use boiled sweet potato noodles, the taste is particularly unpalatable, this, we should remember well.

What is the difference between sweet potato noodles, mung bean noodles, and potato noodles? After reading the article, you will understand 1, sweet potato noodles. 2. Mung bean vermicelli. 3. Potato noodles.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" >2, mung bean vermicelli. </h1>

In addition to sweet potato noodles in the supermarket, the most sold is mung bean noodles, mung bean noodles and sweet potato noodles are not the same, its foaming time is particularly short, generally soaked in cold water for half an hour, so many friends, more like, take it to make fried rice noodles, fried pho, powder skin scrambled eggs these simple and fast, do not need stewed dishes, we are also, buy sweet potato noodles, soaked in cold water for half an hour, soaking time is not too long, otherwise mung bean noodles are easy to become soft and unpalatable.

What is the difference between sweet potato noodles, mung bean noodles, and potato noodles? After reading the article, you will understand 1, sweet potato noodles. 2. Mung bean vermicelli. 3. Potato noodles.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" >3, potato noodles. </h1>

Potato noodles, white in color, and do not need to foam hair, but the sales are not very good, we generally do not eat at home. Most of the potato noodles are bought by restaurant merchants and made into a separate dish, such as delicious sour and spicy potato flour. We do it at home, it is best to buy those with material packages, cook the potato flour under the pot, cook directly after cooking, directly wrap the ingredients under the pot, and you can eat it directly after boiling.

What is the difference between sweet potato noodles, mung bean noodles, and potato noodles? After reading the article, you will understand 1, sweet potato noodles. 2. Mung bean vermicelli. 3. Potato noodles.


1, sweet potato noodles, mung bean noodles, potato noodles, these three kinds of noodles have their own characteristics. Sweet potato noodles are more suitable for stews.

2, mung bean noodles are more suitable for stir-frying, and potato noodles are more suitable for doing as a dish alone. So we understand the characteristics of these three kinds of vermicelli the next time we buy it for cooking. You know what to buy.

What is the difference between sweet potato noodles, mung bean noodles, and potato noodles? After reading the article, you will understand 1, sweet potato noodles. 2. Mung bean vermicelli. 3. Potato noodles.

Thank you for your patience to read, if you like this article, then please like, comment, and forward it, let more friends see it, I am Chef Jiang Yizhou, we will see you in the next issue.

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