
Yi Shu's lucky star: In the end, only the body is their own, and everything else is a floating cloud

author:Liang Xiaoli

Wen 丨 Liang Xiaoli

A person who relies on himself, especially a woman, falls into the abyss at a moment's notice, and can never be reborn.

Yi Shu's novel "Lucky Star" is a young and beautiful woman every year, with outstanding looks, erudite and talented, master's degree, and good popularity.

But unfortunately, at the age of twenty-four, he fell ill, got cancer, the kind that was inherited.

What followed was that love had nothing to do with her from then on, and the lover quietly left her.

In the long road of life, she was left alone to fight against fate.

Yi Shu's lucky star: In the end, only the body is their own, and everything else is a floating cloud


Lu Qingshan is a boyfriend of the year, and the two have been together for more than a year.

When Lu Qingshan, the rich second generation, took Nian Nian home to see his parents for the first time, Lu's mother was very happy, and she was so happy that she immediately took off a family heirloom blue diamond ring in her hand and put it on Nian Nian's hand, smiling uncontrollably.

Nian Nian is also very willing, because Lu Qingshan loves her very much, is good to her, obedient and meticulous, and swears to be good to her alone in this life.

When it comes to talking about marriage, the marriage date, honeymoon, and marriage room of the two people have been completed, and they are almost registered with the license.

In the year when he learned that he had cancer every year, Lu Qingshan had feelings and righteousness for every year, and did not abandon it, and stayed by his side.

Yi Shu's lucky star: In the end, only the body is their own, and everything else is a floating cloud

The Lu family also does not abandon it every year and redoubles its care.

Because of various chemotherapy and electrotherapy, it is impossible to have children every year.

After the Lu family learned of this problem, they sternly and righteously asked Lu Qingshan to break up with Nian Nian, and if they did not divide, Lu Qingshan would not be able to inherit the family wealth in the future.

Lu Qingshan immediately said goodbye and fled without a trace, not even having the courage to say a word of parting to the face of Nian Nian.

Lu Qingshan loves nian nian, but he loves wealth even more.

It turns out that love is in front of money, weak and can't help the wind.

Yi Shu's lucky star: In the end, only the body is their own, and everything else is a floating cloud

There is no love in the world, and if there is, it is only on the basis of physical and mental health and talent.

Illness comes like a mountain, not only the infringement of your own body, but also the ruthlessness and unrighteous abandonment of your lover behind you.

Sensibly, he instinctively fled, all on his own.

The world is incomparably realistic, health is there, people are there, people are in love, and then all the glory and wealth are also there.

Yi Shu's lucky star: In the end, only the body is their own, and everything else is a floating cloud


The first year is a counselor who quits drinking every year, he is an engineer, with good facial features, tall and handsome.

When he first met Nian Nian, he liked this beautiful-looking woman.

He patiently counseled and took care of it.

In the long time together, the feelings of the two people gradually grew, and the two broken and lonely people relied on each other to survive and survive through the most difficult moments of life.

Every year, she is willing to marry the first year, live with him for rough tea and light meals, and help him wash and cook.

The first year is also willing to marry every year, spend the rest of her life with her, and simply live a long and thin life.

Yi Shu's lucky star: In the end, only the body is their own, and everything else is a floating cloud

But the first year is just an engineer, and his income can only cope with ordinary life.

And every year is a patient who needs a lot of money to maintain life.

Therefore, what lies in front of the first year is a deep feeling with each year, a future prospect.

In the end, he gave up the year and chose the latter, and he did not want to go on years and years, because he could not afford to live every year.

He also didn't want to be dragged down by years and drag down his future.

The relationship between the year and the first year passed like a rainstorm in the middle of summer.

Men are the most realistic people in the world, in love and the future, do not hesitate to choose the latter, very rationally weigh the pros and cons.

Yi Shu's lucky star: In the end, only the body is their own, and everything else is a floating cloud


When we were very young, we all aspired to be what kind of person we were, and we all naively thought that as long as we worked hard, worked hard, and behaved well, our wishes could be achieved.

It turns out that what awaits us is the mold of destiny, whether we like it or not, we will squeeze it up.

Finally we endured the pain and survived strangely in the cracks.

At this time, there is already a big difference from our original appearance, which is really sad.

Yi Shu's lucky star: In the end, only the body is their own, and everything else is a floating cloud

In a person's life, there are parents, lovers, and children, and parents will gradually grow old after you grow up, and they cannot accompany you forever.

Lovers may change their hearts and empathize with you in the middle of the way, and they will no longer be able to spend the rest of their lives with you.

When children grow up, they will go far and high, have their own lives, jobs and families, and cannot always be accompanied.

A person lives alive and lives to the end, and only the body is his own.

Anything in the world can easily betray you, even a piece of aspirin, which can silently expire in your days of life and lose its effect when you have a headache.

Only the body will not betray itself, only the body is completely its own, so how important it is to live healthily.

Yi Shu's lucky star: In the end, only the body is their own, and everything else is a floating cloud

How many people in life overstretch their health indefinitely in order to work and earn money.

Some people stay up all night in order to catch up with the drama; some people like nightlife, calling friends and friends to play until two or three in the morning; and some have nothing to do in the grinding and postponing late sleep.

Staying up late is a way to lose your health.

Life is only a few decades, the most important thing is to learn to love yourself, if you don't love yourself, who will love you.

Whatever you do, remember to do it for yourself, and there will be no complaints.

Yi Shu's lucky star: In the end, only the body is their own, and everything else is a floating cloud

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