
"Family Doctor" in the Mountains

author:Upstream News

May 19 is the 14th World Family Doctor Day, and this year's theme is "Scientific weight control, healthy and long-term companionship". In Chongqing, the team of family doctors guards the health of the people just like every day.

"Family Doctor" in the Mountains

Fulu Town Health Center in Bishan District has 7 family doctor teams with a total of 50 family doctor members. They serve 6 administrative villages and 1 community, so that villagers in mountainous areas can enjoy convenient and fast medical and health services.

"Family Doctor" in the Mountains

The medical staff of the family doctor team often go to the village to conduct free clinics, physical examinations, and face-to-face follow-up for key groups such as hypertension and diabetes.

"Family Doctor" in the Mountains

In recent years, Bishan District has continuously strengthened the construction of the grassroots health service network, improved the rural health service system, and used the contracted service of family doctors as the carrier, so that the masses can enjoy various medical and health services provided by family doctors.

"Family Doctor" in the Mountains

Upstream News Special Photographer Sun Kaifang Photo Report

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