
Are any of these family doctors recognized?

author:Shanghai Changning

May 19 is the 14th World Family Doctor Day. On May 17, the health system of Changning District launched the theme activity of "World Family Doctor Day" in 2024 to commend and award the new round of outstanding family doctors in Changning District and the fourth round of excellent family doctor studios.

Are any of these family doctors recognized?
Are any of these family doctors recognized?

(Click on the image to enlarge it)

Ye Xiaojing, Tan Chunhua, and Zhou Xiangjun, representatives of outstanding family doctors, demonstrated the style of the benevolent doctor lecture hall. Gu Jieyan, deputy head of the district, led all the leaders of the National Health Commission to send holiday greetings to the representatives of family doctors.

It is understood that there are currently 310 general practitioners in 10 community health service centers in Changning District, of which 169 are engaged in family doctor work. There are 42 family doctor studios set up by family doctors, community nurses, public health physicians, rehabilitation therapists, health managers, administrative assistants, etc., to provide basic medical care, basic public health, and comprehensive, continuous, and whole-process health management services for community residents. As of April 2024, 327,600 people in the jurisdiction have signed up with family doctors, with a contract coverage rate of 47.22%, and 176,300 people in key groups such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, and patients with chronic diseases have signed up with family doctors, with a contract coverage rate of 93.45%.

Are any of these family doctors recognized?

In the future, the District Health Commission will continue to focus on improving the capacity of community health services, and promote community health services such as service characteristics, appropriate technologies and advantageous projects, hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, and resident health management; Actively promote the signing of family doctors, expand the coverage of contracts, improve the quality of contract services, so that the masses can obtain better, more convenient and more comprehensive medical and health services, so that family doctors can continue to escort the health of the masses.

Are any of these family doctors recognized?
Are any of these family doctors recognized?

Some of the pictures are from the District Health Commission

Written by Zhao Li

Editor: Bi Yangjing

Editor-in-charge: Yan Wenbin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

Are any of these family doctors recognized?

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