
Should you eat less mulberries if you have bad kidneys? Doctor: If you want to stay away from uremia, these 3 foods should be touched less

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Mr. Li, have you been particularly fond of mulberries lately?"

The doctor glanced at Mr. Li's physical examination report and frowned slightly. Mr. Li scratched his head and replied a little embarrassedly: "Yes, doctor, I eat a lot of mulberries every day and think it is good for the body." ”

The doctor put down the report and sighed: "Mr. Li, let's not talk about whether mulberries are good for your body, your kidney function is now a little problematic, and eating mulberries may not be good for you." ”

Should you eat less mulberries if you have bad kidneys? Doctor: If you want to stay away from uremia, these 3 foods should be touched less

Recently, he found that his kidney function was somewhat impaired during a physical examination, which made him very worried, so he rushed to the hospital for consultation. "Doctor, my kidneys are not good, so I can't eat mulberries?" Mr. Li asked eagerly.

The doctor nodded: "Yes, mulberries do have a certain burden on the kidneys. You know that mulberries contain a lot of oxalate, and once these oxalate accumulate too much in the kidneys, it is easy to form calcium oxalate stones, which increases the burden on the kidneys. ”

Should you eat less mulberries if you have bad kidneys? Doctor: If you want to stay away from uremia, these 3 foods should be touched less

Mr. Li was frightened and hurriedly asked, "Then what should I do to make my kidneys better?" ”

The doctor patted Mr. Li on the shoulder and said patiently: "Mr. Li, if you want to stay away from uremia, in addition to eating less mulberries, there are three foods that you have to pay special attention to, and it is better to touch less." ”

Should you eat less mulberries if you have bad kidneys? Doctor: If you want to stay away from uremia, these 3 foods should be touched less

First of all, the doctor said: "The first is high-salt food, too much salt intake can cause blood pressure to rise, and long-term high blood pressure can damage the kidneys.

Globally, more than 7 million people worldwide suffer from high blood pressure due to a high-salt diet every year, which induces kidney disease. The kidneys are an important excretory organ of our body, and a high-salt diet will increase the burden on the kidneys, making the kidney function gradually weakened, and even causing kidney failure. ”

Should you eat less mulberries if you have bad kidneys? Doctor: If you want to stay away from uremia, these 3 foods should be touched less

Mr. Li nodded and took note of the doctor's words. The doctor continued, "The second food is a high-protein food. In particular, the high protein in red meat and processed meat will keep the kidneys in a high-load state for a long time, which can easily lead to kidney function decline. ”

Mr. Li frowned: "Then I can't eat meat anymore?" ”

Should you eat less mulberries if you have bad kidneys? Doctor: If you want to stay away from uremia, these 3 foods should be touched less

The doctor smiled: "It's not that you can't eat it, it's just that you should eat it in moderation, especially choose more high-quality proteins, such as fish, beans, etc." ”

Finally, the doctor mentions a third food: "Foods that contain a lot of phosphorus should also be eaten sparingly. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for our body, but excessive intake can lead to a decline in kidney function.

Should you eat less mulberries if you have bad kidneys? Doctor: If you want to stay away from uremia, these 3 foods should be touched less

Phosphorus levels are high in carbonated beverages, processed foods, and some dairy products. About 500,000 people suffer from kidney disease each year due to excessive phosphorus intake, especially those who prefer to drink carbonated beverages, and are more likely to have kidney function problems. ”

Mr. Li was confused: "Phosphorus has such a big effect on the kidneys?" I hadn't paid attention to it before. ”

Should you eat less mulberries if you have bad kidneys? Doctor: If you want to stay away from uremia, these 3 foods should be touched less

The doctor nodded: "Yes, so you must pay attention to these invisible threats in your daily diet." In fact, as long as you eat a reasonable diet and pay attention to balanced nutrition, your kidneys can stay healthy. ”

Seeing that Mr. Li was a little sad, the doctor said, "Actually, you don't have to worry too much, as long as you start to pay attention to your diet, have regular physical examinations, and maintain a healthy lifestyle, your kidney function can still be gradually improved." ”

Should you eat less mulberries if you have bad kidneys? Doctor: If you want to stay away from uremia, these 3 foods should be touched less

Mr. Li breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in understanding: "Thank you, doctor, I will definitely pay attention to these eating habits in the future." ”

Just as Mr. Li was about to leave, he suddenly thought of a question: "Doctor, can I drink some wine?" Will it affect the kidneys? ”

Should you eat less mulberries if you have bad kidneys? Doctor: If you want to stay away from uremia, these 3 foods should be touched less

The doctor smiled and replied, "Mr. Li, it's not a big problem to drink in moderation, but it must be in moderation." Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration and increase the strain on the kidneys.

In addition, alcohol can affect liver function, and the liver and kidneys are closely related organs, and liver damage can also affect the kidneys. Therefore, drink alcohol in moderation. ”

What do you think about uremia? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Should you eat less mulberries if you have bad kidneys? Doctor: If you want to stay away from uremia, these 3 foods should be touched less

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