
Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

author:Tidal Bean Tournament
Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

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Since ancient times, freshwater fish has been an indispensable and important part of the daily diet of the Chinese people. Archaeological data confirm that as early as the Yin Shang period, our ancestors had records of eating fish.

For the sons and daughters of China, delicious freshwater fish has long been deeply rooted in food culture, and it is a rare delicacy that is difficult to give up.

For Chinese, freshwater fish can be described as an indispensable and important part of life. Whether it's sauerkraut fish from the north, steamed sea bass from the south, or even smoked fish from the northeast, it's mouth-watering and unforgettable.

Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

Not only that, freshwater fish is also an indispensable and important element of our Chinese national food culture, showing the dietary wisdom accumulated by our ancestors for thousands of years.

Surprisingly, in distant European and American countries, these freshwater fish have become a major problem. It is puzzling that the U.S. government chose to catch and grind invasive Asian carp and make it into pet feed.

Xiao Li recalls the good times he spent in a rural fishing village during his childhood, when his family would catch fish and shrimp together during the Chinese New Year and then cook them into a variety of delicious dishes.

He remembers that his grandmother was very good at cooking all kinds of freshwater fish, and each dish made him unforgettable to this day. Now, he has lived abroad for many years, but he is rarely able to taste these familiar tastes, and he can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

Hit hard

In order to find the answer, we have to review the historical development trajectory of European and American countries. During the Industrial Revolution at the end of the 19th century, factories sprung up like mushrooms, discharging large quantities of untreated industrial wastewater directly into rivers, making the otherwise clear waters muddy.

Zhang recalls visiting the banks of the River Thames when he was traveling in England. At that time, he saw that the river water was as black as ink, emitted a pungent chemical smell, and was surrounded by heavy industrial smoke.

Local residents joke that the river, once known as the "Old Father's Thames", has now been reduced to a "poisonous ditch". He couldn't help but sigh that it would take hundreds of years of hard work to restore the river to its former clarity.

Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

This industrial wastewater contains a lot of toxic substances such as sulfides, carbonates and lead, which seriously pollute the river, causing smog in the city, a sharp deterioration in air quality, and even the tragic consequences of mass mortality of life in the river.

Xiao Zhang recalled what he saw with his own eyes at that time, those aquatic creatures that were originally vibrant, died one after another under the invasion of pollution, and the corpses floated on the black water, which made people unbearable to look at directly.

To make matters worse, with the population booming and the influx of rural people into cities, domestic sewage treatment has been seriously neglected, and this untreated domestic sewage has also been dumped into streams and lakes.

Xiao Zhang recalls that locals used to tell him that when it rained, sewage from these cities would rush into the river, making the otherwise clear water unsightly.

Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

It is conceivable that it will take hundreds of years of hard work to completely restore these polluted rivers. During this period, the freshwater fish that survived in it had long been doomed, and the Western public had to give up eating them for their own health.

Huge difference

In addition to the influence of environmental factors, we cannot ignore the significant differences between the East and the West in terms of food culture and table customs. In the East, people have always paid great attention to the purity of water quality, while the diet of Western countries pays more attention to the freshness of ingredients and the uniqueness of cooking techniques.

Xiao Wang recalls his own experience growing up in China, and he remembers that his family always paid special attention to the source and quality of drinking water, for fear of pollution. Whenever my mother buys fresh freshwater fish, she carefully cleans it to make sure there is no smell or contamination before cooking it carefully.

Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

Having lived abroad for many years, he found that Westerners pay more attention to the freshness of ingredients and the way they cook them, and rarely consider water quality.

In contrast, the characteristics of freshwater fish are very different from the preferences of Westerners. Their bodies are covered with dense tiny fish bones, and they also have a relatively strong fishy smell.

In contrast, marine fish have harder spines and fewer spines, making them more convenient and safe to eat. Xiao Wang can't help but sigh that these unique characteristics are also one of the important reasons for Westerners' rejection of freshwater fish.

Not only that, but there are also huge differences between China and the West in terms of table culture. Chinese are accustomed to eating with flexible and convenient chopsticks, which can better remove fish bones and avoid the risk of getting stuck in the throat.

Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

Westerners, on the other hand, prefer knives and forks, which are obviously not as handy at removing fish bones as chopsticks.

Xiao Wang recalls that in China, the whole family sat around the table, competing to enjoy the freshwater fish cooked by his mother, and everyone skillfully used chopsticks to remove the fish bones, and chatted about family cooking while savoring the delicious food.

Abroad, he always had to carefully cut the flesh with a knife and fork, for fear of missing a thorn.

In addition, in Western culture, it is considered extremely rude to slowly spit out uneaten food after putting it in the mouth again, and people tend to try to avoid it.

Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

Xiao Wang feels that this kind of table manners also exacerbates the resistance of Europeans and Americans to freshwater fish, after all, it is too much effort to completely remove the fish bones without getting stuck.

It can be said that these deep-rooted cultural differences make it difficult for freshwater fish to be widely accepted and recognized in European and American countries.

Culinary wisdom

Although freshwater fish is difficult to find favor in European and American countries, for Chinese, they have long become a favorite delicacy. This is inseparable from the rich and diverse culinary wisdom that our ancestors have accumulated over thousands of years.

Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

Xiao Li recalls that when he was in China, his family would go to the river to catch those plump freshwater fish during the Chinese New Year. Grandma always used a variety of cooking techniques to turn these freshwater fish into delicious dishes with all the flavors and flavors.

Sometimes sauerkraut fish, melt-in-your-mouth carp soup, sometimes steamed sea bass, each of these recipes is still unforgettable.

From the fire cooking discovered by the Peking ape man, to today's various cooking methods such as stir-frying, roasting, steaming, frying, and boiling, the creativity of Chinese in enjoying food can be described as vivid.

Even for freshwater fish with a fishy taste, we can handle them skillfully and turn them into delicious dishes.

Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

Xiao Li recalls that her grandmother always rinsed the freshwater fish repeatedly with clean water to remove the sediment and impurities, and then flexibly used various spices, such as green onions, ginger and garlic, to give the fish an attractive aroma.

Then, she chooses the appropriate cooking method according to the different dishes, sometimes steamed, sometimes braised and sometimes stewed with sauerkraut, each time bringing a new taste experience.

It is with the unique charm of Chinese food culture that the Chinese can evolve these freshwater fish into unforgettable delicacies. Whether it's sauerkraut fish from the north, steamed sea bass from the south, and smoked fish from the northeast, it's all mouth-watering.

It can be said that this is the reason why it is difficult for Europeans and Americans to understand.

Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

Xiao Li feels that these rich and diverse cooking methods not only cleverly mask the fishy smell of freshwater fish, but also perfectly remove their tiny fish bones, so that people can enjoy the delicious taste with peace of mind.

In contrast, Westerners usually only use two simple cooking methods, grilling and boiling, which is undoubtedly far from enough for freshwater fish with a special flavor.

It is the unique culinary wisdom of the Chinese that makes these freshwater fish occupy an important place on our tables and become a beloved delicacy. It is no wonder that Europeans and Americans find it difficult to understand why the Chinese are so obsessed with these freshwater fish.

It is gratifying to note that in recent years, some countries in Europe and the United States have begun to realize the seriousness of the problem and have begun to actively participate in the battle to combat river pollution caused by the Industrial Revolution.

Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

During a recent trip to the UK, Wang witnessed first-hand the efforts of the local government to clean up the River Thames. He saw that workers were taking various measures to try to remove the toxic industrial and domestic wastewater, in the hope of restoring the former "poisonous water ditch" to its former clarity.

Regrettably, all the efforts he had seen seemed to have been in vain, and no substantive breakthrough could be achieved. Xiao Wang couldn't help but sigh that if this river is fully restored, it may take hundreds of years of time and energy.

During this period, the freshwater fish that survived in it were already doomed, and the Western public had to give up eating them for their own health. It also means that they will not be able to taste the unique experience that comes with these delicious dishes again.

It can be said that these rare freshwater resources and fishery resources have not been fully utilized so far, which is really embarrassing. Xiao Wang hopes that in the future, European and American countries can make greater breakthroughs in the control of environmental pollution, so that these endangered freshwater fish can re-enter people's field of vision and regain their rightful status.

Why don't European and American countries eat freshwater fish? Don't they know how to cook? Just look at their rivers

Only when we cherish the gifts of nature and take care of these life-threatening creatures with a loving mindset can we let these delicacies get the attention and inheritance they deserve. I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to bring these rare freshwater resources and fishery resources back to people's tables and become a delicacy shared by everyone.

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