
Dietitian: Although it has three major benefits for the body, it is not suitable for these four types of people

author:Dr. Jiro

  Yellow peel is abundant in the south, the color of the peel is yellow or dark yellow, the flesh is milky white and translucent, the taste is sweet and sour, and contains a large number of substances that are beneficial to the human body, especially vitamin C and pectin, sugar, organic acids.

  These substances have a good nutritional and health care effect on human health, so what are the benefits of eating some yellow skin for human health?

Dietitian: Although it has three major benefits for the body, it is not suitable for these four types of people

  What are the benefits of yellow skin on the human body?

  1. Dissolve phlegm and relieve asthma

  There are also a large number of amide alkaloids in yellow peel fruit, such as neo-yellow skinamide, yellow skinamide and bridge ring yellow skinamide, etc., these amide alkaloids can absorb lung qi, and can also effectively prevent and reduce abnormal spasm of smooth muscle, and can play a role in phlegm, asthma, cough and other effects.

Dietitian: Although it has three major benefits for the body, it is not suitable for these four types of people

  2. Strengthen the stomach and eliminate appetite

  There are many organic acids in yellow peel, which can promote the secretion of gastric juice and intestinal juice, help the food in the gastrointestinal tract to digest quickly, and improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

  3. Clear away the heat

  When entering the summer, eat some yellow skin appropriately, which can effectively play the role of clearing heat and reducing fire and quenching thirst, if there has been heat stroke, you can also eat some yellow skin appropriately, which can effectively alleviate some discomfort caused by heat stroke.

Dietitian: Although it has three major benefits for the body, it is not suitable for these four types of people

  However, it is worth noting that not all groups of people are suitable for eating yellow skin.

  Who should not eat yellow peel?

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases

  Although the yellow skin has the effect of strengthening the stomach and eliminating food, the yellow skin has a bitter taste, which will stimulate the gallbladder and make the gallbladder secrete a large amount of bile, and for people who already have gastrointestinal diseases, it is easy to have gastrointestinal disorders, and it will also affect the health of the gallbladder.

Dietitian: Although it has three major benefits for the body, it is not suitable for these four types of people

  2. Diabetes

  The sugar content in the yellow peel has reached about 18%~20%, which is a fruit with high sugar content and fast glycemic index. Therefore, for diabetic people, they must not eat yellow skin in their daily life, let alone eat some candied fruits and other foods made of yellow skin, otherwise it will affect the stability of blood sugar values.

  3. Infants and young children

  Although there are more nutrients in the corpus luteum, for infants and young children, it is best not to eat too much yellow skin in daily life. Because some of the ingredients contained in yellow peel will irritate the gastrointestinal tract, the gastrointestinal function of infants and young children is not sound, and once consumed, it may cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea.

Dietitian: Although it has three major benefits for the body, it is not suitable for these four types of people

  4. Pregnant women

  After pregnancy, many women like to eat some yellow skin with a strong sour taste due to morning sickness, which can play a role in relieving morning sickness.

  However, due to the fact that the yellow skin contains a certain amount of pharmaceutical ingredients, if it is consumed by pregnant women, it is very likely to have a certain impact on the normal development of the fetus, especially for pregnant women with high blood sugar during pregnancy, they must not eat the yellow skin.

Dietitian: Although it has three major benefits for the body, it is not suitable for these four types of people

  All in all, yellow peel is a very common tropical fruit, the taste is sweet and sour, and contains a lot of substances that are beneficial to the human body.

  However, for the above four types of people, it is best not to eat yellow skin in daily life, let alone eat a large amount of yellow skin. In addition, if women are breastfeeding, they should not eat yellow skin, otherwise it will produce more internal heat, which will affect the health of themselves and their babies.

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