
The same onion, the difference between yellow-skinned onion and purple-skinned onion is very large, don't buy it blindly in the future

author:Little D said healthy

You're in the middle of a bustling market, standing in front of colorful vegetable stalls. Your gaze falls on two piles of onions: one of the familiar yellow-skinned onions, and the other of darker, mysterious, purple-skinned onions. You hesitate and don't know which one to choose. It's not just about taste, it's about making a healthy choice.

Onions, a common ingredient in our cooking, actually hide many secrets that we don't know. Did you know that different colors of onions have very different nutrients and benefits for our body. As a health-conscious person, understanding these differences is essential for your daily dietary choices.

The same onion, the difference between yellow-skinned onion and purple-skinned onion is very large, don't buy it blindly in the future

The basics of onions: a health treasure beyond imagination

Onions, such a common ingredient in everyday kitchens, are actually an underrated treasure trove of health. Not only is it a condiment for a variety of cuisines, but it is also a vegetable that is rich in many nutrients and has multiple health benefits. In this section, we'll demystify onion and explore its amazing health benefits.

Nutrients of onions:

Onions are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, and key minerals such as potassium and iron. They are an excellent source of antioxidants that help the body defend against free radical damage. What's more, onions contain a unique compound, quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Health Benefits:

Heart health: The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of onions help reduce the risk of heart disease. They help lower blood pressure and improve arterial health.

The same onion, the difference between yellow-skinned onion and purple-skinned onion is very large, don't buy it blindly in the future

Control blood sugar levels: Certain ingredients in onions are particularly effective at regulating blood sugar levels, which is especially important for people with abnormal glucose metabolism (diabetes).

Digestive health: Onions are rich in fiber, which helps promote good digestion and prevent constipation.

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial: Onions have natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help reduce the risk of infection.

Scientific research:

In recent years, scientific studies have given more attention to the health benefits of onions. Studies have shown that regular consumption of onions may reduce the risk of certain cancers, particularly stomach and colon cancer. In addition, the quercetin in onions has been shown to have cardiovascular health benefits, reducing the risk of increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries (hypertension).

Application in daily diet:

Onions are not only delicious, but also very versatile. It can be eaten raw, cooked, stewed, roasted, or stewed and used to add flavor and nutritional value to food. Whether eaten raw in a salad or as part of a soup or stew, onions add a special taste and aroma.

The same onion, the difference between yellow-skinned onion and purple-skinned onion is very large, don't buy it blindly in the future

Onion Showdown: The key distinction between yellow and purple skins

Onions, as a regular in the daily diet, not only add flavor to dishes, but are also rich in nutrients that are beneficial to health. But there are some key differences between yellow-skinned and purple-skinned onions that can affect our health choices. Let's dive into the specific differences between these two types of onions.

Nutrient Differences:

Yellow-skinned onion: Known for its high content of sulfur compounds, which help reduce the risk of abnormal glucose metabolism and may improve cardiovascular health. In addition, yellow-skinned onions are also rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber.

Purple onion: Rich in anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant that has a significant effect on improving immunity and preventing increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries. Purple-skinned onions also contain most of the nutrients found in yellow-skinned onions, but the addition of anthocyanins makes them superior in terms of antioxidants.

Differences in Health Benefits:

Yellow-skinned onions: Better for people who are concerned about blood sugar control and heart health. Its sulfur compounds help stabilize blood sugar levels and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The same onion, the difference between yellow-skinned onion and purple-skinned onion is very large, don't buy it blindly in the future

Purple onion: It has a more pronounced effect on improving the body's antioxidant capacity and preventing chronic diseases, such as certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases. The anthocyanins in purple-skinned onions are particularly effective for fighting inflammation and reducing oxidative stress.

Differences in use and taste:

Yellow-skinned onions: Milder in flavor and suitable for long cooking periods, such as stews and baked goods. They retain their shape and texture during cooking, making them ideal for soups and stews.

Purple-skinned onions: Strong, slightly sweet, and ideal for eating raw, such as salads and sandwiches. Purple-skinned onions may become soft when heated, making them suitable for quick cooking.

Application in Healthy Diet:

Yellow-skinned onions are a preferred choice for sugar-lowering and cardiovascular-healthy diets due to their unique health benefits. Purple-skinned onions are more suitable for those who need high antioxidants and want to prevent chronic diseases through their diet.

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