
#记录我的2024#今天下午破天荒的暴饮暴食了一顿, I regretted it after eating. I especially like to eat sweets, and when I was young, I didn't get fat by eating anything, and I always kept my weight


#记录我的2024#今天下午破天荒的暴饮暴食了一顿, I regretted it after eating.

I especially like to eat sweets, I didn't get fat when I was young, and my weight has always remained below 110 pounds. When I was 50 years old, my weight suddenly reached 126 pounds, and I didn't look good in clothes. Since that year, I have been determined to lose weight and have a sweet tooth that I don't eat much. I restrained myself from buying sweets, and it was very hard to restrain myself. When I really want to eat, I occasionally eat a little.

Because I am afraid of fat, the birthday cake card issued by the unit when I used to go to work has not been spent in the past two years since I retired.

Yesterday my husband bought two bags of chocolate bread when he left work, saying that he saw that I hadn't eaten dessert in a long time, and left me a bag.

I went out for a walk this afternoon and came back, suddenly felt very hungry, so I ate a loaf of bread, the more I ate the more fragrant, how could I not resist the temptation of sweet bread, I ate three breads in one go, after eating it I still felt that it was not enough to enjoy it, I ate three pieces of sugar in a row, and drank a large cup of milk tea.

Hey, I always can't control my mouth, I have worked hard every day for more than a month, and I finally lost two pounds of meat.

Can you keep your mouth shut in order to lose weight every day?

#中年减肥有多难# #低糖生活点滴# #更年期见闻分享# #分享更年期见闻# #我的减肥期日记# #更年期如何减肥#

#记录我的2024#今天下午破天荒的暴饮暴食了一顿, I regretted it after eating. I especially like to eat sweets, and when I was young, I didn't get fat by eating anything, and I always kept my weight
#记录我的2024#今天下午破天荒的暴饮暴食了一顿, I regretted it after eating. I especially like to eat sweets, and when I was young, I didn't get fat by eating anything, and I always kept my weight
#记录我的2024#今天下午破天荒的暴饮暴食了一顿, I regretted it after eating. I especially like to eat sweets, and when I was young, I didn't get fat by eating anything, and I always kept my weight
#记录我的2024#今天下午破天荒的暴饮暴食了一顿, I regretted it after eating. I especially like to eat sweets, and when I was young, I didn't get fat by eating anything, and I always kept my weight

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