
In 1942, a Chinese boy fell into the Atlantic Ocean and survived for 133 days by drinking bird blood and eating sharks. A passer-by merchant ship saw his appearance and shouted, "Don't save it!"


In 1942, a Chinese boy fell into the Atlantic Ocean and survived for 133 days by drinking bird blood and eating sharks. A passer-by merchant ship saw his appearance and shouted, "Don't save it!"

In the midst of World War II, the world in 1942 was full of uncertainty and chaos. It was a time when international shipping routes were still barely functioning, but sea travel was fraught with risk.

The story of Pan Lian, a young Chinese boy, has become one of the most thrilling pages in the ocean adventure.

Pan Lian, an 18-year-old young man, was sent to Hong Kong by his father in search of a better life and work opportunities.

Eventually, he landed a job as an apprentice on a British merchant ship called the Belomon and soon became a full-fledged crew member.

November 23, 1942, was supposed to be another working day for Pan Lian, but fate prepared a cruel turn for him.

The "Bellomont", which was traveling in the Atlantic, suddenly suffered an explosion of unknown cause.

Pan Lian saw the crew jumping into the sea in a panic to escape, and in a hurry, he also put on a life jacket and jumped into the vast sea.

Looking back at the sunken "Belomon", Pan Lian realized that from now on he would face unknown challenges and the struggle for survival.

Pan Lian struggled in the water for hours before finally finding an empty life raft.

He swam over, dragged himself onto a life raft, and began his journey to survive at sea. There was some fresh water, biscuits and chocolate on the raft, as well as a flashlight and two flares.

He quickly fastened the canvas to the mast at the corner of the raft and made it into a makeshift shelter.

In the days that followed, Pan Lian used rainwater harvesting devices to store fresh water and fished with hooks made of modified flashlight springs.

However, life in the Atlantic was far more difficult than he had imagined. Pan Lian faces not only food and fresh water shortages, but also unpredictable weather and constant threats to his life.

Once, a sudden wave nearly toppled the life raft.

Pan Lian urgently tied himself to the raft, which barely avoided the fate of being swallowed by the waves. After this incident, food, water and fishing tools were lost, and Pan Lian had to start catching seabirds, living on bird meat and blood.

However, it is clear that such a lifestyle cannot be sustained in the long term.

One afternoon, when the sea was unusually calm, Pan Lian decided to try fishing again, hoping to find some new food sources for herself.

A rudimentary fishing hook made from a flashlight spring and a thin fishing line re-kneaded, Pan Lian waited quietly.

Time seemed to freeze, the water rippled slightly, and everything seemed so quiet until the surface of the water suddenly broke and a shark appeared. This is the first time Pan Lian has faced such a formidable opponent on the sea.

Its body was longer than a life raft, and its sharp teeth seemed to tear everything apart in one bite. In the face of such a fierce beast, although Pan Lian's heart was full of fear, he was more excited and challenged.

Because he knew that if he could successfully catch this shark, it would not only solve the food problem, but also greatly improve his confidence in survival.

Pan Lian clutched the mast in his hand, which was his only weapon. He waited patiently, looking for the best moment to attack.

When the shark reappeared and opened its huge mouth to attack, Pan Lian predicted its movements with the help of several days of observation of the waves and the shark's behavior.

At this critical moment, Pan Lian used all his strength to slam down on the shark's head.

One blow, two blows, and even the third blow, the huge impact force shocked the life raft.

Pan Lian's heartbeat reached the extreme at this moment. In the face of the shark's final struggle, he did not flinch in the slightest. With the last of his strength, he finally dragged the giant shark onto the life raft.

Pan Lian knows that this is not only a victory against the beast, but also a great test of his will and desire to survive.

He cut open the shark's abdomen with a nail removed from the life raft and a carefully sharpened hook, and blood flowed down the sheet.

Although the smell of blood is strong, it is the most precious nutrient for Pan Lian, who is hungry.

Over the next few days, Pan Lian cut the shark meat into tiny pieces, dried them and stored them.

These dried fish became an important source of food for him at sea, and whenever he was hungry, he would eat a few pieces to replenish his strength and nutrition. What's more, this experience has made Pan Lian's mentality change dramatically.

In the face of the ensuing difficulties and challenges, he no longer felt fear and despair, but became more resilient and courageous.

He began to cherish every day in front of him more and face life with a more positive attitude.

In the cruel natural environment, an ordinary person through strong will and unremitting efforts, finally overcome difficulties and survive a true portrayal. This is not only a test of personal courage and wisdom, but also the best proof of the indomitable and never-giving spirit of human beings in the face of desperate situations.

In 1942, a Chinese boy fell into the Atlantic Ocean and survived for 133 days by drinking bird blood and eating sharks. A passer-by merchant ship saw his appearance and shouted, "Don't save it!"
In 1942, a Chinese boy fell into the Atlantic Ocean and survived for 133 days by drinking bird blood and eating sharks. A passer-by merchant ship saw his appearance and shouted, "Don't save it!"
In 1942, a Chinese boy fell into the Atlantic Ocean and survived for 133 days by drinking bird blood and eating sharks. A passer-by merchant ship saw his appearance and shouted, "Don't save it!"

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