
Ant Manor Education: Which art is praised in a different idiom?Highland food is difficult to cook?

author:Tease Chubby

Ant Manor Education: Which art form was first praised by the idiom "Unique"?Did you know?Food is difficult to cook on the plateau, which of the following factors is closely related?These are the questions of Ant Manor Education, and there are two options for the answer to the question of Ant Manor Education?What factors are related to the difficulty of cooking food on the plateau??

It's not clear, which art form is praised first when the idiom is unique?Food on the plateau is difficult to cook, and what factors are closely related?Answering students, let's take a look at the summary of Ant Manor education questions and answers.

Summary of Ant Manor Education Topics

Which art form was first praised by the idiom "unique"?

A. Cooking

B. Painting

Did you know that food is difficult to cook on the plateau, which of the following factors is closely related?

A. Strong light

B. Low air pressure

Ant Manor Education: Which art is praised in a different idiom?Highland food is difficult to cook?
Ant Manor Education: Which art is praised in a different idiom?Highland food is difficult to cook?
Ant Manor Education: Which art is praised in a different idiom?Highland food is difficult to cook?
Ant Manor Education: Which art is praised in a different idiom?Highland food is difficult to cook?
Ant Manor Education: Which art is praised in a different idiom?Highland food is difficult to cook?
Ant Manor Education: Which art is praised in a different idiom?Highland food is difficult to cook?

Ant Manor Education Answer Analysis

Barley is a cereal crop of the genus Poaceae barley.

Because of the separation of the inner and outer shells of highland barley and the bare grains, it is also called naked barley, yuan barley, and rice barley. It is mainly produced in Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places in China, and is the main food of the Tibetan people. At the same time, there are many ways to eat highland barley, such as highland barley noodles, highland barley wine, and highland barley porridge, etc., which are all good choices, and in fact, highland barley is also a very unique traditional food in Tibet.

There are many types of highland barley, such as white barley, black barley, and dark green barley. In fact, barley is a food with a long history of cultivation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and it has a history of 3,500 years. At the same time, highland barley is mainly distributed in Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan and other places, and is mainly the food that grows in the alpine areas at an altitude of 4200~4500 meters.

The root system of highland barley is a fibrous root system, which is composed of primary roots and secondary roots. The primary roots are grown from the embryo of the seed, and the primary roots are generally 5~6, and there are 7~8 roots. The number of primary roots is closely related to seed size and seed viability. Under good soil conditions, the depth of initial rooting into the soil can reach 60~70cm during the wintering of autumn-sown barley, and the initial rooting depth of some varieties can reach about 200cm in the late growth stage. Barley stems are erect and hollow.

There are a number of nodes and internodes are composed, the aboveground part has 4~8 internodes, the general variety has 5 internodes, the dwarf variety generally has 3 internodes, the internodes at the base of the stem are short, and the upper is the longer it is. The height of the stem (plant height) is generally 80~120cm, and the height of the dwarf variety is 60~90cm. The diameter of the stem is 2.5~4mm, and the stem includes the main stem and the tillering stem.

They are all made up of nodes and internodes. The stem nodes can be divided into above-ground stem nodes and underground stem nodes, and the underground stem generally has 7~10 non-growing internodes, which are densely packed together to form tillering nodes. Aboveground stem nodes usually have 4~8 distinctly elongated internodes to form stems.

The cuisine of Danba is mainly based on Tibetan flavors, with rich ethnic characteristics. Among them, the most representative delicacies are barley wine, butter tea and Tibetan sauerkraut noodles.

Highland barley wine is a traditional liquor in the Danba region, which is made from highland barley. Highland barley is a unique alpine crop with rich nutrients. The barley wine made is fragrant and mellow, and it is an important drink for the festivals and hospitality of the people of Danba.

Butter tea is a common drink in the daily life of the people of Danba. It is made with ghee, tea leaves, and salt as the main ingredients, which are boiled and stirred. Butter tea not only has the effect of refreshing the mind, but also keeps warm from the cold, which is very suitable for the living environment of the plateau area.

Tibetan sauerkraut noodles are a specialty dish in Danba. Made with sauerkraut, dough sheets, and a variety of spices, it has a sour and delicious taste that is perfect for appetites in the highland region. This dish is not only rich in ethnic characteristics, but also shows the ingenious use of ingredients and culinary creativity of the people of Danba.

In general, the gastronomic culture of Danba is the product of the combination of its national culture and geographical environment, which not only has rich characteristics, but also reflects the life emotions and wisdom of the local people.

Ant Manor Education Answers Summary

Which art form was first praised by the idiom "unique"?



Answer: Painting.

Did you know that food is difficult to cook on the plateau, which of the following factors is closely related?

The light is strong

Low air pressure

Answer: Low air pressure.

The above is the answer to the Ant Manor education topic: Which art form was first praised by the idiom "unique and unique"?Do you know?It is difficult to cook food on the plateau, which of the following factors is closely related?I hope you will like it.

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