
Millet plus longan, eat a little every day, strengthen the spleen and stomach and help sleep, eat more if you don't sleep well

author:Little two gourmet home cooking

Hello family, welcome to Xiao Erjun Gourmet Home Cooking, I am Xiao Erjun, today Xiao Erjun wants to bring you a combination that is both delicious and healthy - millet longan porridge.

Don't worry, and let me tell you why this combination can be a good helper for us to strengthen our spleen and stomach and improve our sleep.

Millet plus longan, eat a little every day, strengthen the spleen and stomach and help sleep, eat more if you don't sleep well

1. Nutrition tips

❇️ Millet, as one of our traditional grains, can be described as a household name. Not only does it have a delicate taste, but it also has a very high nutritional value.

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, millet has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, nourishing yin and nourishing blood. It is recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that millet "cures nausea and dysentery, cooks porridge, benefits dantian, replenishes weakness, and opens the stomach". In other words, regular consumption of millet porridge can help us regulate the spleen and stomach and enhance digestive function.

❇️ Longan, also known as longan, is a fruit that everyone is very familiar with. It is delicious, sweet and delicious, and rich in vitamins and minerals.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that longan can nourish the heart and spleen, invigorate qi and blood, and calm the nerves. In "Shennong's Materia Medica", longan is listed as the top grade, saying that it is "strong and intelligent for a long time, and light and immortal". Especially for those who don't sleep well, eating a few longans before going to bed can play a good role in helping you sleep.

Millet plus longan, eat a little every day, strengthen the spleen and stomach and help sleep, eat more if you don't sleep well

When millet meets longan, what kind of sparks will collide?

In fact, cooking porridge with millet and longan can not only give full play to the nutritional effects of the two, but also enhance each other's effects. The delicate taste of millet porridge and the sweet taste of longan are simply a natural pair.

Every time you drink a bowl of such millet longan porridge, it is as if it injects a warm current into the tired body, making people feel comfortable and relaxed instantly.

Second, millet longan porridge practice

Below, Xiao Erjun will share with you the specific method of millet longan porridge!

Millet longan porridge


100 grams of millet, 30 grams of longan meat, 10 red dates, appropriate amount of water.


1️⃣ Wash the millet and soak it for 30 minutes in advance, so that the porridge will be more delicate.

2️⃣ Wash the longan meat, remove the pit and wash the red dates for later use.

3️⃣Add enough water to the pot, bring to a boil, add millet, and slowly simmer over medium-low heat.

4️⃣ Cook until the millet blooms, add the longan meat and red dates, and continue to cook for about 10 minutes.

5️⃣ When the porridge becomes sticky, turn off the heat.

Millet plus longan, eat a little every day, strengthen the spleen and stomach and help sleep, eat more if you don't sleep well


❇️ When choosing millet, it is necessary to choose the one with golden color and full grains, so that the porridge cooked by millet is sweeter.

❇️ Longan meat should choose thick meat and bright color, so that longan meat has higher nutritional value.

❇️ When cooking porridge, add enough water at one time to avoid adding water halfway through to affect the taste of the porridge.

❇️ This porridge is suitable for breakfast and dinner, especially for those who have a weak spleen and stomach and poor sleep, and it is a rare health product.

Okay, that's all for today's Xiao Erjun health class!

Millet plus longan, eat a little every day, strengthen the spleen and stomach and help sleep, eat more if you don't sleep well

Although millet longan porridge has good health benefits, it is not suitable for everyone. Diabetic patients should pay attention to controlling sugar intake, and can reduce the amount of rock sugar or replace it with sugar substitutes such as xylitol. Pregnant women should also pay attention to the appropriate amount when eating, because longan has a certain blood-invigorating effect, and excessive consumption may cause adverse effects on the fetus.

I hope you can like this millet longan porridge, and I hope it can bring a little help to your health. Remember that a healthy lifestyle is inseparable from a reasonable diet, let's take care of our body with delicious food!

See you next time, take care of yourself!

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