
How to pick red dates, teach you these tips, delicious and practical

author:Little two gourmet home cooking

Hello family, welcome to Xiao Er Gourmet Home Cooking, I am your good friend Xiao Erjun.

Today, let's talk about a topic that everyone is very concerned about - how to choose red dates. As a common ingredient in our daily life, jujube is not only sweet in taste, but also extremely nutritious. However, there are many varieties of jujubes on the market, and the quality is uneven, how to choose delicious and practical jujubes?

How to pick red dates, teach you these tips, delicious and practical

Don't worry, Xiao Erjun will give you a few tricks today!

The selection of jujubes is not based on size, but on its overall quality.

Some friends may think that jujube meat is more fleshy and tastes good, but in fact, it is not necessarily. Sometimes, those jujubes that don't look big have a sweeter taste because of the superior growth environment and abundant sunshine.

So, how exactly do you choose?

How to pick red dates, teach you these tips, delicious and practical

The first trick: look at the color

The color of high-quality jujube is usually a darker dark red, and the color distribution is relatively even. If the color of the jujube is too bright or unevenly distributed, it may have been dyed or treated, so you should be careful.

The second trick: touch the feel

Good jujubes should be dry to the touch and not sticky to your hands. If the jujube feels a little wet or sticky, it may be improperly stored or damp, and such jujube not only tastes bad, but also is prone to mold and deterioration.

The third trick: taste the taste

If conditions permit, you can taste the taste of red dates. High-quality red dates should taste sweet but not greasy, and the taste is soft and glutinous. If the jujube tastes sour or bitter, it means that there is something wrong with its quality.

How to pick red dates, teach you these tips, delicious and practical

Trick 4: Smell the smell

Normal jujubes should have a faint sweet fragrance. If the dates smell bad or have no fragrance, they may have been stored for too long or are of poor quality.

The fifth trick: look at the pulp

When buying jujubes, you can break one open and look at the flesh inside. High-quality jujube pulp should be plump and firm. If the flesh of the jujube is shriveled or hollow, it means that its quality is not good enough.

How to pick red dates, teach you these tips, delicious and practical

In addition to the above five tricks, Xiao Erjun also wants to tell you a little secret for choosing jujubes - that is, to look at the place of origin.

Generally speaking, the quality of jujubes produced in Xinjiang, Hebei, Henan and other places is relatively good. The climatic conditions in these areas are suitable for the growth of jujubes, with sufficient sunshine and large temperature difference between day and night, which is conducive to the accumulation of sugar content of jujubes.

Of course, selecting delicious jujubes is only the first step, and how to preserve and use them is also very important.

Although jujube is resistant to storage, it is also necessary to pay attention to moisture and insect prevention. It is recommended that you store the jujube in a dry and ventilated place, and regularly check whether there is mold or deterioration.

When using red dates, Xiao Erjun recommends that you can use them to make porridge, soup or tea.

How to pick red dates, teach you these tips, delicious and practical

Jujube can not only increase the taste and nutritional value of food, but also have a good tonic effect. Especially for female friends, regular consumption of jujubes can also beautify the skin and condition the body!

Well, today's tips on how to choose red dates are shared here!

I hope everyone can choose delicious and practical red dates, enjoy the food at the same time, but also harvest health and beauty! Remember to share these tips with your friends, so that more people can benefit! See you next time, bye~

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