
Red dates are steamed and eaten, nourishing qi and blood, nourishing liver and kidneys, suitable for women and men!

author:Little two gourmet home cooking

Hello friends, welcome to Xiao Er Gourmet Home Cooking, I am Xiao Erjun, today let's talk about an ingredient that everyone is very familiar with - red dates.

When it comes to jujubes, the first thing that may come to mind is its sweet taste, but in fact, jujube is a nutritious "little expert", especially when eaten steamed, it can play a miraculous effect of replenishing qi and blood, nourishing the liver and kidneys!

Red dates are steamed and eaten, nourishing qi and blood, nourishing liver and kidneys, suitable for women and men!

Let's first take a look at the nutritional value of jujubes

Jujube is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B and other vitamins, as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals.

These nutrients are important for our bodies, such as vitamin C to boost immunity, vitamin A to protect eyesight, and calcium and iron to maintain healthy bones and blood.

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, jujube is regarded as an important medicinal material. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that jujube is sweet in taste and warm in nature, and has the effect of nourishing qi, nourishing blood and calming the nerves.

For women, jujube can also reconcile qi and blood and relieve menstrual discomfort. For men, jujube can also nourish the liver and kidneys and enhance physical strength.

Red dates are steamed and eaten, nourishing qi and blood, nourishing liver and kidneys, suitable for women and men!

What are the benefits of steaming red dates?

Steaming jujubes can make the nutrients in them more easily absorbed by the body, while also retaining the original flavor of jujubes. The method of steaming red dates is very simple, you only need to wash the red dates and put them in a steamer to steam them.

Below, Xiao Erjun will introduce you to several recipes and practices of steamed jujubes!

Recipe 1: Red dates and sticky rice

Ingredients: glutinous rice, red dates, sugar


1️⃣ Wash the glutinous rice and soak it for a period of time, wash and remove the core of the red dates;

2️⃣ Mix glutinous rice and red dates together, add an appropriate amount of sugar and mix well;

3️⃣ Put the mixed glutinous rice and red dates into the steamer and steam them.

This red date glutinous rice dish is not only sweet and soft in taste, but also nutritious. The combination of glutinous rice and red dates can play a role in nourishing blood and beauty, especially suitable for female friends.

Red dates are steamed and eaten, nourishing qi and blood, nourishing liver and kidneys, suitable for women and men!

Recipe 2: Steamed pumpkin with red dates

Ingredients: pumpkin, red dates, honey


1️⃣ Peel and seed the pumpkin and cut it into small pieces, wash and pit the red dates;

2️⃣ Put the pumpkin pieces and red dates into the steamer and steam them;

3️⃣ Take it out after steaming and drizzle with an appropriate amount of honey.

This steamed pumpkin with jujube is not only bright and attractive in color, but also has a sweet taste. The combination of pumpkin and red dates can play a role in replenishing qi and nourishing the skin, and can also help digestion, which is very suitable for friends with bad stomach.

Red dates are steamed and eaten, nourishing qi and blood, nourishing liver and kidneys, suitable for women and men!

When choosing jujubes, we need to pay attention to the following points:

To choose jujubes with bright colors and smooth surfaces;

Choose jujubes with plump flesh and sweet taste;

Pay attention to the shelf life of jujube and avoid buying expired and spoiled products.

Jujube steamed food can not only be eaten on its own, but can also be eaten with other ingredients, and the effect is even better!

Like what:

Red dates and wolfberries can be steamed together, which can play a role in nourishing the liver and kidneys and brightening the eye; red dates can be steamed together with longan, which can enhance the effect of replenishing qi and blood;

You can steam red dates and glutinous rice together to make red dates and glutinous rice, which is both delicious and nutritious!

Red dates are steamed and eaten, nourishing qi and blood, nourishing liver and kidneys, suitable for women and men!

It is also necessary to pay attention to the appropriate amount when consuming red dates, although red dates have many benefits, excessive consumption may cause uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea. Therefore, it is recommended that you control the amount of each consumption within 20 grams, and eat 3-5 capsules a day.

Although jujube has many benefits, it is not suitable for everyone. For example, diabetics should not eat too many red dates because of their high sugar content. In addition, people with weak gastrointestinal function should also pay attention to moderate consumption to avoid indigestion caused by excessive consumption.

Red dates are steamed and eaten, which is a very healthy and nutritious way to eat. Whether you are a man or a woman, you can try to eat it! I hope you can enjoy the food while also paying attention to health!

Okay, that's all for today's content!We'll see you next time!Bye~

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