
Nourishing the liver is to nourish life, 5 Chinese patent medicines to soothe the liver, nourish the liver, and clear the liver!#Health preservation##Liver soothing##Strengthening the spleen#1, Xiaoyao Pill - Efficacy: Liver soothing and relieving depression - Used for: caused by stagnation of liver qi

author:Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr. Hou

Nourishing the liver is to nourish life, 5 Chinese patent medicines to soothe the liver, nourish the liver, and clear the liver!#Health##Liver##健脾#

1. Xiaoyao Pill - Efficacy: Relieve liver depression - Used for: Chest tightness caused by stagnation of liver qi, sighing and no appetite to eat

2. Bright Eyes Rehmannia Pill - Efficacy: Nourish the kidney, nourish the liver, and brighten the eyes - used for: astringency, photophobia, blurred vision, and tears in the wind caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency

3. Weeping herb powder - efficacy: Qingli dampness and heat - used for: hepatitis patients have a bitter appetite and do not want to eat

4. Liver protection tablets - efficacy: liver protection, qi regulation, spleen strengthening - used for: chronic hepatitis, early liver cirrhosis fatty liver, drug-induced liver injury

5. Yueju Baohe Pill - Efficacy: Liver soothing and relieving depression, digestion and appetizing - used for: poor mood, irritability, chest and flank swelling pain, epigastric pain, frequent hiccups, heating

Nourishing the liver is to nourish life, 5 Chinese patent medicines to soothe the liver, nourish the liver, and clear the liver!#Health preservation##Liver soothing##Strengthening the spleen#1, Xiaoyao Pill - Efficacy: Liver soothing and relieving depression - Used for: caused by stagnation of liver qi
Nourishing the liver is to nourish life, 5 Chinese patent medicines to soothe the liver, nourish the liver, and clear the liver!#Health preservation##Liver soothing##Strengthening the spleen#1, Xiaoyao Pill - Efficacy: Liver soothing and relieving depression - Used for: caused by stagnation of liver qi
Nourishing the liver is to nourish life, 5 Chinese patent medicines to soothe the liver, nourish the liver, and clear the liver!#Health preservation##Liver soothing##Strengthening the spleen#1, Xiaoyao Pill - Efficacy: Liver soothing and relieving depression - Used for: caused by stagnation of liver qi
Nourishing the liver is to nourish life, 5 Chinese patent medicines to soothe the liver, nourish the liver, and clear the liver!#Health preservation##Liver soothing##Strengthening the spleen#1, Xiaoyao Pill - Efficacy: Liver soothing and relieving depression - Used for: caused by stagnation of liver qi
Nourishing the liver is to nourish life, 5 Chinese patent medicines to soothe the liver, nourish the liver, and clear the liver!#Health preservation##Liver soothing##Strengthening the spleen#1, Xiaoyao Pill - Efficacy: Liver soothing and relieving depression - Used for: caused by stagnation of liver qi

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