
Wild vegetables that can be eaten 171.Citrus: alias jujube, chicken paw goji, swastika. The fruit is sweet and sour, and the taste is delicate, which is a kind of food that many people like to eat. Can be made as stewed pig heart and lungs, can

author:An extraordinary and colorful river

Wild vegetables that can be eaten 17

1. Citrus : aliases jujube, chicken paw goji, swastika. The fruit is sweet and sour, and the taste is delicate, which is a kind of food that many people like to eat. It can be made into stewed pig heart and lungs, can be made into wine, can be steamed chicken liver, made pork lung soup, and boiled porridge.

2. Apricot leaf vegetables: scientific name crannie, sweet bellflower, apricot leaf sand, etc. It can be cooked and cooked, and the leaves are oval like apricot leaves, and its young leaves can be mixed cold, steamed with flour, and stuffed dumplings. And its roots are as fat as chicken thighs, boiled with water and chewed like legs, so it is called "old hen". It can be fried meat, fried, chicken soup, sweet milk cake, jam biscuits, sweet apricot tarts, etc. The taste is delicious, sweet and fragrant.

3. Mountain ruler: aliases: big leaf full of stars, green wind wood, baffota tree, big sand leaf. The whole plant can be used medicinally. Its roots and leaves can be dried separately, and it can be fried in soup and decoction water as tea.

4. Epimedium: aliases fairy spleen, just before, fairy spleen, three-branched nine-leaf clover, hornflower, iron water chestnut, etc. It can be used to soak in water and bitter taste, and it can be used to make wine, noodles, oyster broth, aphrodisiac chicken porridge, and stewed pig hearts.

5. Mountain pepper: mountain pepper, plum chai, slippery leaf tree, mountain ginger. Wash and drain fresh vegetables to make sauce, stir-fry, stir-fry all kinds of meats, shellfish, make egg noodles, stewed chicken soup, boiled fish, fried rice, and mountain flour dumplings.

6. Rotten lung grass: alias duck foot board, buttercup, monkey garlic, tiger whisker, spicy grass, sleepy grass. The whole herb is poisonous for medicinal purposes (mostly for external use), and cannot be eaten by humans and animals.

7. Weeping pot grass: It grows inside the crevices of small riverside stones. They all call it stone vegetables and also call it dog tooth flap.

8. Sea cabbage: also known as "stone lettuce", sea spinach, sea strips, moss. Dishes as crunchy as shredded kelp, can be mixed cold, stir-fried, boiled in soup,

9. Moss: Also called moss, chicken intestine vegetables. Fishing out and drying is called "moss, seaweed", between kelp and seaweed. It can be made into small twist flowers, biscuits, moss cakes; Its taste is delicious. It can be used as a cold dress, soup, fillings, buns, dumplings, and spring rolls.

Wild vegetables that can be eaten 171.Citrus: alias jujube, chicken paw goji, swastika. The fruit is sweet and sour, and the taste is delicate, which is a kind of food that many people like to eat. Can be made as stewed pig heart and lungs, can
Wild vegetables that can be eaten 171.Citrus: alias jujube, chicken paw goji, swastika. The fruit is sweet and sour, and the taste is delicate, which is a kind of food that many people like to eat. Can be made as stewed pig heart and lungs, can
Wild vegetables that can be eaten 171.Citrus: alias jujube, chicken paw goji, swastika. The fruit is sweet and sour, and the taste is delicate, which is a kind of food that many people like to eat. Can be made as stewed pig heart and lungs, can
Wild vegetables that can be eaten 171.Citrus: alias jujube, chicken paw goji, swastika. The fruit is sweet and sour, and the taste is delicate, which is a kind of food that many people like to eat. Can be made as stewed pig heart and lungs, can
Wild vegetables that can be eaten 171.Citrus: alias jujube, chicken paw goji, swastika. The fruit is sweet and sour, and the taste is delicate, which is a kind of food that many people like to eat. Can be made as stewed pig heart and lungs, can
Wild vegetables that can be eaten 171.Citrus: alias jujube, chicken paw goji, swastika. The fruit is sweet and sour, and the taste is delicate, which is a kind of food that many people like to eat. Can be made as stewed pig heart and lungs, can
Wild vegetables that can be eaten 171.Citrus: alias jujube, chicken paw goji, swastika. The fruit is sweet and sour, and the taste is delicate, which is a kind of food that many people like to eat. Can be made as stewed pig heart and lungs, can
Wild vegetables that can be eaten 171.Citrus: alias jujube, chicken paw goji, swastika. The fruit is sweet and sour, and the taste is delicate, which is a kind of food that many people like to eat. Can be made as stewed pig heart and lungs, can

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