
Lian Yiming and Shi Lanya starred in "Several Degrees of Chrysanthemum", a textile legend that spans the times

author:Plot maze wanderer
Lian Yiming and Shi Lanya starred in "Several Degrees of Chrysanthemum", a textile legend that spans the times

"Several Degrees of Chrysanthemum Fragrance" is a TV series set on the eve of the liberation of Shanghai in 1949, which tells the story of the grievances and hatred between Lu Jiaqi, the owner of Huxin Textile Factory, and his cousin Lu Jialiang, as well as the love story between Lu Jialiang and Ju Xiang, a female worker in Shanghai.

Lian Yiming and Shi Lanya starred in "Several Degrees of Chrysanthemum", a textile legend that spans the times

In the plot, Lu Jiaqi found out that his cousin Lu Jialiang was having an affair with his little wife Su Rong, so he was furious. At the instigation of his eldest wife, Lu Jiaqi decided to leave Lu Jialiang in Shanghai to guard the family business, while he took the whole family to Hong Kong. This decision laid the groundwork for the complex plot that followed.

Lian Yiming and Shi Lanya starred in "Several Degrees of Chrysanthemum", a textile legend that spans the times

After Lu Jialiang stayed in Shanghai, he met Ju Xiang, a female worker in Shanghai. The two fell in love and got married, and Ju Xiang not only helped Lu Jialiang run Huxin, but also taught him the art of making tea. Their lives seemed to be happy, but they were jealous and retaliated against by Lu Jiaqi.

Lian Yiming and Shi Lanya starred in "Several Degrees of Chrysanthemum", a textile legend that spans the times

One of the climaxes of the plot is that Lu Jiaqi did not hesitate to set fire to Lu Jialiang's tea factory in order to regain control of Huxin, and framed him as a member of the Communist Party, resulting in Lu Jialiang's arrest and imprisonment. In order to rescue Lu Jialiang, Ju Xiang did not hesitate to exchange her body for help from Lu Jiaqi. However, Lu Jiaqi did not keep his promise, but took the opportunity to encroach on Juxiang and make her pregnant with his child. In desperation, Juka chose to commit suicide.

Through its tense plot and complex character relationships, this drama shows the social contradictions and individual moral choices of that era. "Several Degrees of Chrysanthemum" is not only a love story, but also a profound exploration of human nature, love and social responsibility in the context of that era. The plot of this drama is ups and downs, and the emotions are delicate, making it a TV series worth watching.

Lian Yiming and Shi Lanya starred in "Several Degrees of Chrysanthemum", a textile legend that spans the times

Another climax of "A Few Degrees of Chrysanthemum" occurs after Lu Jialiang learns the news of the death of his beloved Chrysanthemum in prison. The news devastated him, and he vowed to avenge Ju Xiang. With the help of his fellow inmates, Lu Jialiang successfully escaped from prison and returned to Shanghai. He found Lu Jiaqi and started a life-and-death struggle with him. In this fierce duel, Lu Jialiang stabbed Lu Jiaqi to death with the tea knife left by Ju Xiang to avenge her. However, due to his injuries, Lu Jialiang also collapsed at Juxiang's grave and reunited with her in heaven.

Lian Yiming and Shi Lanya starred in "Several Degrees of Chrysanthemum", a textile legend that spans the times

The ratings for this drama are very high. "A Few Degrees of Chrysanthemum" is known as a touching TV series, showing the sacrifice and indomitable struggle of a pair of lovers for love and justice in the context of turbulent times, and finally towards a tragic ending. In the play, Lian Yiming and Shi Lanya's acting skills are profound and touching, and their expressions, eyes and movements are full of deep emotions, which deeply moved the audience.

Lian Yiming and Shi Lanya starred in "Several Degrees of Chrysanthemum", a textile legend that spans the times

Luo Haiqiong and Han Qing play Lu Jiaqi's eldest wife and little wife in the play, although their roles are evil, but their performances also show the hardships and ideals behind the characters. "Several Degrees of Chrysanthemum Fragrance" is not only a romantic drama, but also a historical drama, which reflects the social outlook and the development and changes of the textile industry on the eve of the liberation of Shanghai. This drama is worth watching, it not only makes us feel the richness and poignancy of chrysanthemums, but also shows the historical depth of that era and the complexity of the fate of the characters.

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