
12 kinds of Chinese patent medicines, solve your daily problems! Come and collect, let you secretly benefit!1. Dry throat, sticky mouth? Try pharyngitis tablets! Nourish yin and moisten the lungs, clear away heat and detoxify,

author:Dr. Zhou said Chinese medicine

12 kinds of Chinese patent medicines, solve your daily problems! Come and collect, let you secretly benefit!

1. If you have a dry throat and a sticky mouth, try pharyngitis tablets! Nourish yin and moisten the lungs, clear away heat and detoxify, clear the throat, relieve cough and relieve itching, and let you say goodbye to the troubles of chronic pharyngitis.

2. If you are weak and walk for a long time, you should rest for a while? Try Eleuthero tablets! Nourish qi and strengthen the spleen, replenish qi and calm the nerves, and make you energetic.

3. If your hands are wet and you are always sweating, try to replenish the Zhongzhong and Nourishing Qi Pills!

4. Wind chill and cold, heavy head, light cough and white phlegm, all over the body, Jingfang granules to help! sweat and relieve the surface, disperse wind and dampness, so that you can quickly recover your health.

5. Correct migraine, chills, nasal congestion, gastrodia headache tablets to save you! Nourish blood and dispel wind, dissipate cold and relieve pain, so that you can easily get through the headache moment.

6. Serum cholesterol increase, hyperlipidemia, cassia lipid lowering tablets to help you lower blood lipids, lower serum cholesterol, make your body healthier.

7. The forehead and cheeks often have acne, acne, and yellow urine?

8. A lot of gray hair is not too old, and you don't absorb and eat fat? Longan Qiongyu granules will help you! Nourish the heart and spleen, nourish the blood and calm the nerves, nourish the yin and black hair, and make you rejuvenate and energetic.

9. Mouth ulcers, painful tears when you touch something after eating, a clear capsule to help you! Clear away heat and detoxify, dissolve blood stasis and stop bleeding, so that you can say goodbye to the pain of mouth ulcers.

10. Prostatitis, urinary tract infection or urinating is not good?

11. If you can't let out the farts and suffocate your stomach, you will feel uncomfortable? Agarwood stagnation pills will help!

12. The cough can't be stopped, the phlegm is yellow or sticky and it is not easy to cough out?

These proprietary Chinese medicines are essential medicines for families, allowing you to easily cope with all kinds of minor problems. If you have any health problems or need help, seek medical attention. #TCM# #清风计划#

12 kinds of Chinese patent medicines, solve your daily problems! Come and collect, let you secretly benefit!1. Dry throat, sticky mouth? Try pharyngitis tablets! Nourish yin and moisten the lungs, clear away heat and detoxify,
12 kinds of Chinese patent medicines, solve your daily problems! Come and collect, let you secretly benefit!1. Dry throat, sticky mouth? Try pharyngitis tablets! Nourish yin and moisten the lungs, clear away heat and detoxify,
12 kinds of Chinese patent medicines, solve your daily problems! Come and collect, let you secretly benefit!1. Dry throat, sticky mouth? Try pharyngitis tablets! Nourish yin and moisten the lungs, clear away heat and detoxify,

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