
In 2015, Cao Dewang took out 1 million to replace a girl's kidney. But who knows, after the girl was cured, she gave Cao Dewang an unexpected "reward". (Information source: CCTV program.)

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In 2015, Cao Dewang took out 1 million to replace a girl's kidney. But who knows, after the girl was cured, she gave Cao Dewang an unexpected "reward".

(Information source: CCTV program "Started")

Cao Dewang is a very kind-hearted entrepreneur, who does not forget his original intention after making a fortune, still harbors good thoughts, and often helps those who are desperate.

But even such a good person can be hurt by his own kindness, what is going on?

In 2018, Cao Dewang was invited to participate in the lecture, and everything he told aroused applause from the audience.

Soon it was time for the audience to ask questions, and one audience member described what happened to him while working in the countryside, and asked Cao Dewang what kind of attitude he had towards charity.

Cao Dewang smiled slightly and said: "To do charity, we must first know what the ultimate purpose of charity is, which is to build a harmonious and stable society. Then he began to tell about an incident that had happened to him.

It was in 2015 that Cao Dewang suddenly received a lot of distress letters, which were sent by a retired old couple, who were fellow villagers with Cao Dewang.

The elderly couple sent a distress letter for only one thing, and that was their daughter.

Their family was originally very happy, and when they gave birth to a daughter, they both felt extremely satisfied, but all this was shattered when their daughter was seven years old.

Their daughter suffered from nephritis, and in order to cure her, they sought medical treatment everywhere, and soon the family's savings were exhausted, and the couple could only earn money while taking care of their daughter.

Time passed slowly, and my daughter was 31 years old, by which time the nephritis had progressed to a very serious level, and the doctor told them that the only way to save her daughter was by replacing her kidney.

But the husband and wife have long since retired, where can they get the money for the kidney replacement? At this moment, they thought of the big entrepreneur in the same township: Cao Dewang.

Thinking of Cao Dewang's kindness, the husband and wife could only hold on to this life-saving straw and write a letter of help to Cao Dewang, just to be able to save their daughter.

After Cao Dewang learned about it, he was also opposed by many people, but Cao Dewang didn't care, and now he only cares about one thing: whether what the old couple told is true.

Soon the news came back, and the news was true, so Cao Dewang contacted the couple and said that he could help them, and he would cover all the money for the operation.

When the husband and wife heard Cao Dewang's assurance, they were very moved in their hearts, their daughter was finally saved, and soon the girl's surgery had been scheduled.

Under Cao Dewang's arrangement, the girl was treated by the best doctors, and the results of the operation went well, and the girl was successfully out of danger.

But then there is another problem in front of them, the operation is done, but there is anti-rejection therapy in the follow-up, which is an expensive cost.

Anti-rejection is the rejection of the kidneys and the body, if the rejection reaction is violent, it will still be life-threatening, and the anti-rejection treatment will not exceed three years at most.

After learning about this situation, Cao Dewang said directly: "This girl's medical expenses for the next three years are all counted on me." ”

Time flies like an arrow, and in a blink of an eye, three years have passed, and the time agreed between Cao Dewang and the girl has arrived.

On this day, Cao Dewang was sitting in the office, and suddenly there was a knock on the door of the secretary, and after letting the secretary in, Cao Dewang saw that she was stumbling, and she wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it, so she asked her to speak out boldly.

The first thing the secretary said was, "I hope you don't get angry." Cao Dewang wondered in his heart, what would he be angry about? Then the secretary told the story of the matter.

At that time, the girl asked her attending doctor to help her write a certificate to prove that she still needed to do anti-rejection, but the doctor did not understand because the girl's body was completely healed, and even the medicine was stopped.

When the doctor asked her what to do, the girl's next words made everyone feel cold, and the girl asked the doctor not to worry about it, anyway, Cao Dewang had money.

This means that Cao Dewang will be eaten for the rest of his life, and after hearing this, the doctor immediately said that the girl was a hooligan and a liar, and called Cao Dewang, but the secretary received it.

Then there was what happened above, Cao Dewang didn't show anger after hearing it, and the secretary asked him: "How is Mr. Cao going to deal with this matter?"

Cao Dewang said lightly: "What is this dealing with? I already know why she is sick." This sentence means that Cao Dewang will not pay any of the girl's follow-up expenses, and the girl's family has no relationship with Cao Dewang from now on.

This matter ends here, but it has also caused many people to think, what will be the feeling in the face of such an unreasonable request from the rescuer?

The answer is obvious, after hearing the girl's words, Cao Dewang's heart may also be full of sadness, but his approach is already the best.

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In 2015, Cao Dewang took out 1 million to replace a girl's kidney. But who knows, after the girl was cured, she gave Cao Dewang an unexpected "reward". (Information source: CCTV program.)
In 2015, Cao Dewang took out 1 million to replace a girl's kidney. But who knows, after the girl was cured, she gave Cao Dewang an unexpected "reward". (Information source: CCTV program.)
In 2015, Cao Dewang took out 1 million to replace a girl's kidney. But who knows, after the girl was cured, she gave Cao Dewang an unexpected "reward". (Information source: CCTV program.)

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