
"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", but the two ways to eat white radish are wasted in nutrition!

author:Crown County release


It is a low-calorie and low-fat type

Rich in vitamins and minerals

and dietary fiber of vegetables

To improve the body's immunity and prevent diseases

All have a good promoting effect

Saying goes:

"Eat radish and ginseng in winter"

Winter is here

Many people choose to eat radishes for tonic

There are many types of turnips

There are also differences in approach

How to eat it exactly

In order to achieve the effect of health preservation?

Let's talk about it


There are two ways to eat white radish

Nutrition is wasted

"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", but the two ways to eat white radish are wasted in nutrition!

1) Peel

Loss of anthocyanins and sulfur-containing compounds. The skin of white radish is rich in anthocyanins and sulfur-containing compounds, which will have some anti-inflammatory effects, and if the skin is removed, this part of the nutrients will be greatly lost.

Recommended Eating Method:

If you don't peel and feel spicy and unacceptable, you can use the cooking method of stewed soup.


Cooked and eaten to replenish qi and smooth qi, especially stewed with pork, mutton, etc., the effect is better.

2) Blanching or salt killing: loss of vitamin C and minerals.

Blanching or killing with salt, and then squeezing out the water, in this process, will lose most of the vitamin C in the radish, including some minerals.

Recommended Eating Method:

Eat raw: Eating raw white radish or cold white radish can retain nutrients to the greatest extent, and its spicy ingredients can promote gastric juice secretion, adjust gastrointestinal function, and have a certain anti-inflammatory effect.

Cooked food: You can use the cooking method of stir-fried or stewed soup, and after cooking, the effect of tonic and laxative can be better reflected.

How to pick:

It is better to have a slender body, smooth epidermis, and a large body weight.

You can break the radish tassel and take a look, if there is no moisture in it, it means that the radish bran is not delicious.

"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", but the two ways to eat white radish are wasted in nutrition!

3) 5 kinds of collocation, pattern health

1. White radish + mutton: warm the stomach

Eating mutton in winter can dispel the cold, warm the heart and stomach, and also replenish qi and blood, nourish the liver, and improve blood circulation.

If it is stewed and eaten with white radish with a cooling effect, it not only dissolves phlegm and pours fire, but also can relieve greasy and make nutrition complementary.

2. White radish + vinegar: appetizing and promoting digestion

The mustard oil and dietary fiber in radish can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and help the excretion of waste products from the body.

If it is paired with vinegar, it has a better appetizing effect on digestion, especially suitable for people who have no appetite and indigestion. But people who have too much stomach acid or have stomach problems should avoid eating it.

3. White radish + pear: clear away heat and moisten the lungs

Pears have the effect of moistening the lungs and cooling the heart, eliminating phlegm and removing fire, and squeezing juice with white radish can not only cover up the spicy taste of white radish, but also double the therapeutic effect.

In winter, people with a bad spleen and stomach, if they can't drink too cold juice, they can also boil the two together and drink it.

"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", but the two ways to eat white radish are wasted in nutrition!

4. White radish + crucian carp: spleen and dampness

White radish and crucian carp boiled soup has the effect of warming the middle and lowering the qi, strengthening the spleen and promoting dampness.

This soup is also wonderful on the "Erbai" ingredients, white radish soaked in milky white fish soup, which makes people very appetizing when they look at it.

5. White radish + green onion: prevent colds

Winter is a time when wind chills and colds are common. After being infected with wind and cold, people will be afraid of cold, wind, sweat less, nasal congestion and runny nose, cough with phlegm, and should eat some food that makes people feverish.

Boiling green onions, ginger slices and white radish slices together has the effect of dissipating cold and relieving cough, and this soup can also prevent colds.



The king of chlorophyll content

It has some benefits for the immune system

"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", but the two ways to eat white radish are wasted in nutrition!


The chlorophyll content is relatively high, and the iron, potassium, minerals, and zinc content in chlorophyll are relatively high, which have certain benefits for the immune system. At the same time, the content of vitamin C is also very high, and the effect of antioxidant and free radical reduction is relatively strong, which can prevent tumors to a certain extent.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, green radish not only clears away heat and sheates the liver, but also relieves phlegm and dry mouth.

How to eat:

Green radish is rich in chlorophyll and vitamins, so it is recommended to eat it raw.


The body shape is cylindrical, the radish tassel is blue-green, the appearance is smooth, and the skin color is more green and less white, and the taste is good.



The king of carotene content

Boosts immunity

Fights upper respiratory tract infections in winter

"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", but the two ways to eat white radish are wasted in nutrition!


Of all the turnips, carrots are the most abundant in carotene, and at the same time high in vitamins.

Carotene has certain anti-aging and antioxidant effects.

Carotene enters the body to form vitamin A, which is very useful for our eyesight, skin, mucous membranes, including improving immunity.

In particular, winter is the season of high incidence of influenza, which can resist the occurrence of upper respiratory tract infections in winter to a certain extent.



The king of anthocyanin content

Antioxidant and tumor prevention

"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", but the two ways to eat white radish are wasted in nutrition!


The content of anthocyanins in the heart is much higher than that of other radish, and its main role is to resist oxidation and prevent tumors.

The moisture content is relatively high, especially for long strips and small round carrots.

How to eat:

Carrots, including carrots and radishes, are suitable for eating raw.

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