
Turtle Bay - No turtles can only see the bay, and the white waves crash on the beach

author:Step on a photograph

Turtle Bay is quite famous and is a national nature reserve. As the name suggests, it is famous for its sea turtles. It is also the only sea turtle nesting and breeding ground on the 18,000-kilometer coastline of Chinese mainland and the Asian continental shelf. During the breeding season from June ~ October every year, green sea turtles migrate to mate and lay eggs. It's a pity, the time is not right, we don't have a chance to see turtles![crazy]

According to reports, most sea turtles are very migratory, and the female turtle is very loyal to the habitat, no matter how far away, most of the sea turtles will migrate to their original birthplace to mate, lay eggs, and breed. In layman's terms, no matter how far away from home you are, always remember the way home. [snickering] The eggs hatch in the warm, moist sand, and after 49 to 60 days, the young turtles break out of their shells, and they will take a waddling step to run to the sea on their own, and after many years, when the turtles are mature, they will return to their birthplace to continue mating and laying eggs. This characteristic seems to be the case for many animals, such as Tibetan antelope, salmon, Chinese sturgeon, etc.

Although you didn't see a turtle, the sea view of Turtle Bay is still worth a visit.

Since the theme of sea turtles in the scenic area is naturally indispensable (although it is not really [covering face])

Entering the scenic area is a group of sea turtles that seem to be wabbling towards the ocean.

Turtle Bay - No turtles can only see the bay, and the white waves crash on the beach

Is this ring alluding to the migration of sea turtles (let's guess [laughs])

Turtle Bay - No turtles can only see the bay, and the white waves crash on the beach

A baby turtle that broke out of its shell

Turtle Bay - No turtles can only see the bay, and the white waves crash on the beach

Anatomical diagram of a sea turtle.

Turtle Bay - No turtles can only see the bay, and the white waves crash on the beach

Let's enjoy the sea view!

Turtle Bay - No turtles can only see the bay, and the white waves crash on the beach

Wave after wave crashes head-on against the shore, crashing against the reef without stopping, splashing white waves, forming a unique landscape. Standing on the edge of the cliff and listening to the whistling of the sea breeze and the lapping of the waves, one can marvel at the magic and magnificence of nature. You can only experience that shock when you are there.

Turtle Bay - No turtles can only see the bay, and the white waves crash on the beach
Turtle Bay - No turtles can only see the bay, and the white waves crash on the beach
Turtle Bay - No turtles can only see the bay, and the white waves crash on the beach
Turtle Bay - No turtles can only see the bay, and the white waves crash on the beach

Finally, let's end our trip to Turtle Bay with a small video!


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