
The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

author:Picking the wind Bai Xiaosheng

Text: Bai Xiaosheng

Editor|Caifeng Bai Xiaosheng

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The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

In modern society, more and more people value the nutrition of food rather than the taste, but there is a wild vegetable that tastes delicious and has nutritional value comparable to ginseng.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

In the early days of the countryside, they would appear after a thunderstorm and every household would go out to pick the wild vegetable, but today it is difficult to buy it even if you have money.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Why do they only appear after thunderstorms? Why can't you buy this wild vegetable now?

What is Lei Gong

"Lei Gong Shio" is also known as "ground bush", and although they are one of the algae, it is difficult to confuse them with regular fungi from their appearance.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

They can be found all over the countryside, whether it is green meadows or limestone fields, especially in limestone areas, where they are rich in calcium, allowing them to grow abundantly.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

This exotic plant prefers to grow in calcium-rich environments, and moist hills, verdant meadows, and deep gravel piles are ideal environments for them to grow.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Like other plants, they need water to survive, and they can only thrive if they have enough water, even if the environment is dehydrated, they will still be like withered dry fungus, and when heavy rains fall, the slightly moist soil will immediately bring them to life.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

After several majestic rains, the "Lei Gong" after the rain can be described as thick and delicate, the body swells several times, people are excited to look for them, pieces of "Lei Gong" are presented in front of people, as long as you observe carefully, you can always find their huge figure.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Compared with ordinary ingredients, the appearance of "Lei Gong" is indeed unsightly, and it is difficult for ordinary people to use it as an edible ingredient, and they look more like dried fungus or some kind of nameless round thing.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

The way to eat "Lei Gong" is very simple, as long as you grind, cook, and eat with a knife, you can taste the deliciousness of "Lei Gong". "Lei Gong" is the kind of food that even if it looks ugly, once it is processed into a delicacy, the taste is mouth-watering. Its fragrance that is loved by the elderly, and the taste enjoyment reflected in the simplicity can become a kind of beautiful memory from the amazing effect of taste.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Although its appearance is not good, it is delicious and nutritious

Not only is it delicious, but it is also a nutritious food, and the nutritional value of this wild vegetable is comparable to that of ginseng, and even countless times more than ginseng in taste. Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to nutritional balance, and the requirements for trace elements are becoming more and more stringent, and Lei Gong Shi happens to be one of the wild vegetables rich in a large number of trace elements and vitamins.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

The trace elements and vitamins contained in Lei Gong feces have a large number of benefits for human health, and each element can enhance the body's functions in different ways and maintain the normal functioning of the human body.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Lei Gong feces grow in a specific environment, absorbing rich minerals from the soil, making the mineral content of Lei Gong feces also very rich, which plays a great role in supplementing human health.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

For those who are exuberant, eating more Lei Gong feces can reduce the fire in the body, and Lei Gong feces can also protect their eyesight, so that people's eyes are clearer. These positive effects have made many people willing to try Lei Gong Shi and enjoy the deliciousness.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Although there are more food choices nowadays, and Lei Gong Poop is gradually fading out of people's lives, it is still regarded by many as a gift from nature, a wild plant that is both delicious and nutritious.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

People in rural areas use a variety of ways to cook Lei Gong poop, whether it is in soup or cold salad, it tastes excellent and is even considered more nutritious than ginseng.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Although people nowadays enjoy the improvement of their material life and can choose more rich and diverse foods, Lei Gong Shio is still remembered by many people for its unique taste and rich nutritional value.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

The fading thunder

In recent years, the rapid decline in the coverage of Lei Gong poop has forced its price to rise, and everyone wonders why this once common and robust wild vegetable is becoming scarce. Lei Gong poop can tolerate extreme temperatures, but it is intolerant to polluted environments. It would rather not grow and not survive on polluted land.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Farmers used to use natural manure to provide crops with abundant and nutrient-rich microbial nutrients. However, with the rapid development of society and the advancement of industrialization, natural manure is gradually replaced by chemical fertilizers.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Although chemical fertilizers can provide a lot of nutrients, they also bring many problems to the environment and soil. Lei Gong Poop has a strong rejection reaction to chemical fertilizers and pesticides, so there is almost no trace of Lei Gong Poop in areas where chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used in large quantities.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

With the progress of society, the growth environment of Lei Gong Shio has gradually become smaller. Lei Gong feces have gradually become scarce, and the difficulty of artificial reproduction has also increased, because Lei Gong feces have very high requirements for the growth environment. At present, Lei Gongshi's excrement is still expensive, and even dry products can be sold for hundreds of yuan.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

In addition, the reason why Lei Gong Poop is highly sought after is also because of the increasing attention of modern people to healthy food, and people are eager to find more natural and original food sources, and it just so happens that Lei Gong Shio, as a natural and wild plant, meets this market demand, and its unique taste, nutritional value and health benefits make it widely concerned and sought after.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

The disappearance of Lei Gong Shio needs attention

Although the number of natural wild vegetables is decreasing, the market demand for natural wild vegetables continues to rise every day, and with the advancement of technology, people feel that a healthy diet is more important, and people are looking for more natural, pollution-free food sources.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

As a pure natural wild vegetable, Lei Gong Shio just meets this market demand, and its special flavor, nutritional value and health effects have attracted widespread attention and pursuit, so Lei Gong Shio has been more widely recognized and praised in today's society.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

In order to protect this rare resource, many protected areas and environmental organizations have begun to pay attention to the protection of Lei Gongpo, and strive to improve its living environment to ensure its continued reproduction.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

More and more groups are advocating organic agriculture and sustainable development models to reduce over-reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides to protect the living environment of rare plants such as Lei Gong Poop.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

As an environmentally demanding and nutritious wild vegetable, its number is decreasing with the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. But at the same time, the demand for it is increasing. In order to protect this scarce wild vegetable resource, conservation areas and environmental organizations have taken action to promote sustainable development and organic agriculture to create a more suitable environment for the growth of Lei Gong Shi.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Wild vegetables that are not taken seriously - Mother-in-law

Dandelion is a common wildflower, also known as mother-in-law, when the dandelion blooms, the flower will transform into many light and small fruits, each fruit has a clump of white fluff on the top, these fluff will gather together to form a white pom-pom, which is the dandelion's hairy ball.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

And its leaves, also known as Po Po Ding, are a common weed in the countryside, which grows on the roadside and in the fields of villages, and may have been overlooked for a time. But in fact, Po Po Ding is a plant with extremely high value, whether it is eaten as a wild vegetable or as a health tea, Po Po Ding has valuable medicinal and nutritional value.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Po Po Ding is rich in nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, as well as important elements such as calcium and copper, and dandelion is also rich in healthy nutrients such as choline, organic acids and inulin.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Dandelion also contains many medicinal ingredients that can treat a variety of diseases, dandelion is an excellent plant for both medicine and food, its leaves can not only be eaten raw, but also can be added to seasonings to make cold dishes, buns or dumplings, and can be boiled and drunk. The taste is fresh and refreshing, rich in nutrients, and dandelion tea is also a good choice, with the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

Given these characteristics and versatile uses of dandelions, it is undoubtedly a good choice for friends who like to eat dandelions to grow a few pots of dandelions at home. The maintenance of dandelion is relatively simple, as long as you pay attention to giving enough sunlight and water, and properly apply organic fertilizers, you can ensure its healthy growth.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

However, now in the countryside in the wild, there are fewer and fewer wild vegetables, which reminds us that environmental protection is particularly important, and only under the premise of paying attention to environmental protection together, can we bring wild vegetables back to our lives, inherit the good memories of childhood, and let these flavors come back to life.

The nutritional value is comparable to ginseng, and it will appear after every thunderstorm in the countryside, so why is it difficult to find money now

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