
What should men who suddenly decline in function and have no sex in the short term? Because in a short period of time, it is suddenly weak, difficult to get up, and discharged

author:Director Gong of the Department of Andrology of Traditional Chinese Medicine

What should men do if they suddenly lose their function and have sex in a short period of time;

These people, you must not blindly make up for it, otherwise it is easy to make up for it and get worse.

Because if you suddenly become weak in a short period of time, it is difficult to get up, and if you leak out too quickly, it is likely to be caused by two situations.

The first one is liver depression, which may have a lot to do with recent emotional ups and downs, for example, if you have encountered something recently, you are under a lot of pressure, you have been angry, your mood is very broken, etc., this liver meridian is not smooth.

You must know that the tendon below is also under the management of the liver, and if the liver meridian is not passed, the bottom will not be passed, so it is easy to turn off the fire halfway and explain too quickly.

In this case, you need to adjust your mentality, practice breathing and breathing, and you can moderately use some drugs to relieve liver and depression, such as Xiaoyao Pill, Chai Hu Shu Liver Pill and the like.

The second is dampness and heat, you can look at the tongue coating, if it suddenly becomes very yellow and thick, as if you have eaten a lot of oranges, and then you have bad breath.

Yellow urine, urgency, painful urination, and damp scrotum, it is most likely damp and hot. At this time, the damp heat will entrench in the lower coke, intruding on the yang tendons, resulting in sensitivity and easy discharge.

This kind of medicine needs to use some dampness and heat medicines, such as Ermiao pills, gentian laxative liver pills, etc., and then avoid eating, don't eat spicy and greasy, and drink less alcohol.

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What should men who suddenly decline in function and have no sex in the short term? Because in a short period of time, it is suddenly weak, difficult to get up, and discharged
What should men who suddenly decline in function and have no sex in the short term? Because in a short period of time, it is suddenly weak, difficult to get up, and discharged
What should men who suddenly decline in function and have no sex in the short term? Because in a short period of time, it is suddenly weak, difficult to get up, and discharged
What should men who suddenly decline in function and have no sex in the short term? Because in a short period of time, it is suddenly weak, difficult to get up, and discharged

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