
Men turn yellow after eating oranges in a row?Note: These four foods can cause "discoloration".

author:Dr. Zhang Lijuan

On an ordinary autumn day, Mr. Li, a retired middle school teacher, noticed that his palms, soles of his feet and even his cheeks were gradually turning a faint yellow. At first, he thought it was due to some internal problem in his body, such as abnormal liver function. However, after a series of medical tests, the results showed that his liver function was completely normal, and other health indicators were also within the normal range. This left Mr. Li and his family very confused.

After an in-depth conversation with the doctor, Mr. Li mentioned his recent change in eating habits - since retirement, he has started to consume a lot of oranges every day as a way to supplement vitamin C. In fact, he eats at least a dozen oranges a day. It dawned on the doctor and explained to him the scientific reason behind the phenomenon.

Men turn yellow after eating oranges in a row?Note: These four foods can cause "discoloration".

Scientific explanation of food and discoloration

This unusual story leads to a little-known medical phenomenon: specific ingredients contained in certain foods, such as carotene, can accumulate in the human body, altering skin color. This phenomenon is known as "food-induced skin discoloration" and is not a pathological change, but a physiological phenomenon caused by food.

Carotene is a fat-soluble pigment that is widely found in yellow or orange fruits and vegetables such as oranges, carrots, and pumpkins. The human body cannot synthesize carotene on its own and can only be ingested through food. In a normal diet, ingested carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body, which is involved in vision, the normal function of the immune system, and the healthy maintenance of skin and mucous membranes. However, when a large amount of this type of food is ingested, excess carotene is deposited in the stratum corneum of the skin, especially in the palms and soles of the feet, causing the skin to gradually turn yellow.

This food-induced discoloration is not limited to carotene. For example, the beet red pigment in sugar beets can also cause red urine or skin if consumed in excess, while excessive intake of lycopene, which is abundant, may also give the skin a faint orange-red color. It is worth mentioning that this discoloration is usually harmless, and after stopping the intake of these foods, the skin color gradually returns to normal.

However, foodborne skin discoloration occurs more than just a simple color change. It actually reflects the body's ability to absorb and metabolize food components, as well as how well these components accumulate in the body. To a certain extent, this also suggests that we need to pay attention to the diversity and balance of food in our daily diet, so as to avoid unnecessary health problems caused by excessive intake of a certain food.

Men turn yellow after eating oranges in a row?Note: These four foods can cause "discoloration".

Food Color Variation: Prevent the unexpected spectacle of "color change".

In our daily lives, our dietary choices are not only related to the satisfaction of taste buds, but also have a direct impact on the appearance of our health and appearance. Some foods, due to their rich nutrient content, can cause unexpected "discoloration" in the body while providing us with health benefits. Understanding how these four foods are common causes of "discoloration" can help us maintain the normal color of our bodies while enjoying our meals.

Carrots: Yellow temptation

Carotene, which is abundant in carrots, is a powerful antioxidant that is extremely beneficial for eye health. However, when carotene accumulates in the body to a certain extent, it can be deposited on the surface of the skin, especially in the palms and soles of the feet, giving the skin a yellow appearance. This phenomenon is called carotenemia, and while harmless, it can be worrying.

Pumpkin: More than just a Halloween decoration

Pumpkins, a common decoration this Halloween, are also rich in carotene. Like carrots, it can add color to our diet, but it can also cause the same "discoloration" problem. Especially when pumpkin is made into a major ingredient in soups or pastries, its intake is likely to be exceeded.

Beets: a warning in ruddy

Beetroot is rich in betalain, a natural pigment that gives beets their bright red color. Although beets have a certain regulatory effect on blood pressure, after excessive consumption, betalin may be excreted through the urine, making the urine appear red, which may be mistaken for hematuria, causing unnecessary panic.

Tomato: The secret of the red face

The lycopene in tomatoes is not only a source of its vibrant red color, but it is also a powerful antioxidant that is very beneficial for cardiovascular health. However, as with the other foods mentioned, excessive intake of lycopene-rich foods may cause a slight reddening of the skin, especially in people with fair skin.

Men turn yellow after eating oranges in a row?Note: These four foods can cause "discoloration".

The Art of Eating: Finding the Harmony of Colors in Balance

The key to avoiding food-induced discoloration is to eat a balanced diet. This not only means that we need to control the intake of the above foods, but it also means that we should get nutrients from a variety of foods to meet the needs of our body rather than relying on a single food source.

Explore dietary diversity

Encourage the intake of a variety of vegetables and fruits, such as dark greens, purple vegetables, etc., which contain different nutrients and can help avoid problems caused by excessive consumption of one ingredient.

Understand the composition of food

An in-depth understanding of the main components of food and their roles can help us plan our diet more scientifically. For example, knowing the health benefits of carotene and lycopene, as well as the possible effects of their excessive intake, can help us make more informed food choices.

Listen to your body's feedback

The body is the best laboratory. Pay attention to how your body reacts to different foods, and if you notice unusual changes, you should consider adjusting your eating habits. At the same time, if discoloration occurs, a doctor should be consulted in time to rule out other health problems.

Maintain the principle of moderation

"Moderate amounts" is the golden rule in your diet. Even foods that are highly beneficial to health can be detrimental when consumed in excess. Learning to control the intake of each food and maintain a balanced nutrition is an important part of maintaining good health.

With the above strategies, we can not only enjoy a delicious and rich diet, but also maintain the health and appearance of the body. Food choices and intake should be adjusted according to the individual's health status and nutritional needs to achieve a truly balanced diet.

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