
The ancient myths written by Wang Shuo are too funny, right?

The ancient myths written by Wang Shuo are too funny, right?

The ancient myths written by Wang Shuo are too funny, right?

After the phenomenal discussion of "The Beginning: Chronicles" and "The Beginning of the Bamboo Book" came out one after another, the long-awaited third volume of "Jedi Tiantong" is here! What kind of wonderful story will Wang Shuo bring to readers this time? Don't worry, let's talk about it in detail~

The ancient myths written by Wang Shuo are too funny, right?

What is Jedi Skypass?

In the process of editing the manuscript, a marketing editor once asked, what does the word "Jedi Tiantong" refer to?

Actually, the break of these four words should be absolute, earth and heaven, and pass (note, it has nothing to do with Jedi Knights). The word comes from the Book of Shang, which means that the grandson of the Yellow Emperor and one of the Five Emperors, Zun Xu, was moved by all kinds of violence caused by confusion of thoughts, and ordered the severance of communication between the earth and the heavens, in other words, the prohibition of direct communication between people and gods, such as inviting gods, séances, possession, etc.

God imprisons the people, and there is no fragrant virtue, and the punishment is only fishy. The emperor mourned and killed innocently, repaid the abuse with threat, and curbed the Miao people, and there was no world. It is a fate to re-establish the Jedi Tiantong, and there is no degrading.

- "Shangshu Lu Xing"

So, if you're smart, you've guessed that this book is about the Three Emperors and Five Emperors period (voiceover: Does it take a lot of intelligence to guess...). )。 That's right, "Jedi Tiantong" depicts the ancient story of the beginning of the juvenile career of Emperor Yan and the Yellow Emperor, the battle of Yanhuang Hanquan, the battle between the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou Zhuolu, and the Jedi Tiantong.

The ancient myths written by Wang Shuo are too funny, right?

What is the difference between the ancient story and the stories in the first two parts of "The Beginning"? "The Beginning of the Chronicle" takes place in the Han Dynasty, and its basic framework comes from a large number of historical books such as "Zizhi Tongjian", "Historical Records", and "Hanshu". "At the Beginning: The Bamboo Book" took place in the Xia Shang Zhou Dynasty, based on the unearthed ancient books such as "The Bamboo Book Chronicle" and "The Biography of Mu Tianzi", but compared with the "official history" such as "Zizhi Tongjian", the systematization and completeness of these ancient books are obviously much worse, especially "The Biography of Mu Tianzi", many people think that the elements of its legends and stories are greater than the facts. In the ancient times of "Jedi Tiantong", even if you collect all the classics that can be borrowed, you can only get a few words, and most of them are magic-filled tales, such as the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", which is known as the ancestor of Chinese mythology. Therefore, if "The Beginning: The Chronicles" comes from the history of faithfulness, and "The Beginning of the Bamboo Book" comes from the legend of the emperor, then "The Beginning: The Jedi Tiantong" comes from ancient mythology.

From the remnants of ancient books, the world is opened

Let the classic myths in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" reflect into reality

However, works based on ancient mythology do not seem to be unusual, especially a large number of immortal cultivation online texts, national style games, and animations, all of which use a large number of stories in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas". Unlike these fantasy stories, which are also based on ancient mythology, Wang Shuo's "Jedi Tiantong" does not have any magic that calls the wind and rain, nor does it have the immortal art that can go to heaven and send down the netherworld.

A mythical age without magic?!So how do you write about it?

This is what makes Wang Shuo unique. For example, in the battle between Emperor Yan and Emperor Huangdi in Hanquan, in the earliest record of this battle in "Liezi", there is only one line:

The Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor fought in the field of Hanquan, with handsome bears, wolves, leopards, pigs, and tigers as the forerunners, and eagles, cats, eagles, and kites as banners.

- "Liezi: The Yellow Emperor"

Literally, the Yellow Emperor brought a zoo to fight with Emperor Yan in Hanquan (of course, some people say that those animals are tribal totems, not that the Yellow Emperor is a circus animal trainer).

In "Jedi Tiantong", Emperor Yan and the Yellow Emperor did not start a melee like an animal world, and the two sides were still facing each other when they were interrupted by a heavy snowfall. In order to survive, the two armies worked together to dig a city under the snow.

The various units spontaneously sprung up with a movement of interconnection, and the greenhouses were opened up to form a spectacular white square, in which countless pillars of snow stood in the middle, supporting skylights as pure and open ice as salt. When there is sunlight during the day, the windows are foggy blue, the sunset is purple and pink orange, and the Milky Way is the most beautiful at night, and the bean green flows.

In this "Frozen"-like snow city, there are barbecue restaurants, bars, playgrounds, streets and alleys, and army barracks. The officers and soldiers of Yan and Huang engaged in ice sculpture competitions, drank and bragged, stargazed and told fortunes, held talks about barbecues, talked about life, ideals, and the future, and finally became friends who were irreversible, and the Yan and Huang Alliance was born.

After the Yanhuang Alliance, there was the famous Zhuolu battle with Chiyou. The battle of Zhuolu is slightly more recorded in ancient books, and the most famous is this paragraph in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Chi You made a soldier to attack the Yellow Emperor, and the Yellow Emperor was ordered to respond to the dragon's attack on the wilderness of Jizhou. Should be the dragon and animal water, Chi You please Fengbo, rain master, wind and rain. The Yellow Emperor is the goddess of heaven. When the rain stopped, he killed Chiyou.

——"The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Great Wilderness of the North"

It's basically the déjà vu of a magic battle. In Wang Shuo's "Jedi Tiantong", the so-called great water is not the result of Ying Long, Feng Bo, and Yu Shi exerting their mana, but because spring has arrived, the amazing snow melted, causing an equally amazing flood, so that Chi You had to flee to the north for refuge. In the book, Chi You told the envoy of the Yanhuang Alliance such a passage that made people laugh out of eight-pack abs:

The south has suffered a catastrophe, the southwest snow-capped mountains have been completely destroyed, and people on the roof of the world have washed down. The whole Bashu Basin is a big whirlpool, like brushing a pot, brushing people down the Three Gorges. Tropical brothers, who meet on the water, are worse than us, many children have never seen land since they were born, and they don't have the word "earth" in their vocabulary, thinking that they are marine mammals.

In Wang Shuo's writing, it was in the snowstorms, floods, and later droughts and epidemics that the primitive ancestors went from questioning each other, to understanding each other, and finally becoming each other, forming the foundation of the tribal alliance that would later form the Chinese civilization. There are no incredible spells, nor a bloody and brutal battle, Wang Shuo uses incredible imagination to turn an ancient book account of only a few hundred words into a flowing novel, constructing a "Shuo-style time and space" that belongs to reality. The ancient myths that were originally full of bloody slaughter have become human stories full of fireworks.

It begins with a myth and ends with a human voice

Ancient myths are not only frugal in things, but also have records of people to the extent that they are about equal to zero. The vast majority of characters have only one name handed down, and it's hard to say whether he's a "human" or not. For example, Xingtian, a frequent guest in modern Xianxia novels and anime, is recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas":

The shape of the sky and the emperor to fight for the gods, the emperor cut off his head, buried in the mountain of the sheep, is to milk for the eye, to the navel for the mouth, to do the dry Qi to dance.

——"The Classic of Mountains and Seas: Overseas Western Longitude"

The ancient myths written by Wang Shuo are too funny, right?

can "compete with the emperor for gods", which means that Xingtian is probably at least a god with considerable power, and as for the state after losing his head, he is simply a monster who is like a fake. In Wang Shuo's writing, Xingtian is a rough man with a very happy appearance:

The Hemudu Brigade is a long-shaped sky, giant, with a small head like a clay pot, broad shoulders, like a door panel; the pectoralis major muscle is as strong as the gluteus maximus, the nipples are like the little fingers, and they wear a pair of freshwater gray pearls, which look like two eyeballs from a distance; the battle face is also drawn on the torso, and the navel is used as a mouth, and the army is called a trumpet-type brother, which has an influence in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Another example is the Queen of the Wind, legend has it that he is the prime minister of the Yellow Emperor, and in "Jedi Tiantong", he is a boss who wanders in the Yanqing area of Beijing, dreaming of dominating the rivers and lakes, and later did not know the Yellow Emperor, and finally became a comrade-in-arms.

After the wind, the hard guy who said that the stone axe was actually a piece of stone shed tears and said: I was determined to unite the mountains of Yanbei to make trouble, unify Yanqing, and go south to engage in Shennong's clan in the future, but I didn't expect that this piece of axe will cut your head today. Gongsun also shed tears and said: Serve, that's impossible.

Wu Xian, who opened a bar to tell fortunes, Jumang, who was born as a nurse, Liangtian, the world's oldest cavalry (voiceover: it seems that something strange was mixed in), as well as Jingwei, Su Nu, and Drought Fish... Every ancient god is resurrected in "Jedi Tiantong", and it is no longer ethereal and unreachable, but like a bad friend around you, you will cry, laugh and breathe, and you will make stupid and cute bragging.

The ancient myths written by Wang Shuo are too funny, right?

The opening of mankind's first "Hundred Schools of Thought" opened


When reviewing all four volumes of "In the Beginning", the editors agreed that "Jedi Tiantong" is the philosophical peak of the four volumes, and this is precisely because of the "Jedi Tiantong". In fact, about this event, all the records in the "Book of Shang" are only the 47 words quoted earlier, even if you add the background of the events in the context of the previous and subsequent events, it doesn't really matter, and it is only 200 words, as Wang Shuo himself said in the preface:

As far as I can read, all the literature of Jedi Tiantong is 200 words. Writing novels can only be a hundred, a thousand.

The so-called one is definitely not an exaggeration, in fact, this content of less than 200 words has become close to 100,000 words in "Jedi Tiantong". After the great flood that turned people into marine mammals, the Great Plague broke out. In order to fight the epidemic, Chiyou summoned doctors from all over the country. As we all know, medicine was not developed in ancient times, and the so-called doctors were witch doctors, and in addition to herbal medicine, the best treatment method was exorcism. In addition to learning medical skills, they held a wizarding conference by the way. In this first "Hundred Schools of Thought" event of mankind, the wizards of the major factions talked about the meaning of life from the origin of the world, from the essence of God to the fate of the universe, which can be described as a super show of philosophical power.

However, unlike the usual works that discuss philosophy, Wang Shuo is determined to put an end to boring and obscure pretending to be profound, and he has turned all the lofty theories of man and god into a Kan Dashan tournament where people laugh at the dead and do not pay for their lives. In his own words in the book:

The word of God is strong wine, drink it above. My words are plain water, low degrees.

"The Flower of God" says: Look, the ignorant man has no use in his mind.

However, Mr. Wang Shuo's words are definitely not just boiled water with a low degree, on the contrary, they are also quite good to read, such as these strange and cute proverbs:

God is a bear child, playing with everything—we are His toys, and then He suddenly goes berserk and jumps and stomps, and we are the chaos we are now.

Some of the participating wizards felt that even the gods themselves were probably stunned:

God has been silent for hundreds of millions of years, and he responded angrily - a group of people keep calling you, and it's not your name, Hu Qiyi, stunned to tell you to call this, Brother Hao or something, and when he saw you dangling, he shouted indiscriminately, pretending to be your little brother, doing things in the world in your name, asking people for this, asking for people, and saying that you don't agree if you can't do it.

As for why the Wizarding Conference eventually evolved into a Jedi Heavenly Pass and forbade people to communicate with God, these questions will be sold first, let's find the answers in the book~

The ancient myths written by Wang Shuo are too funny, right?

Modern expressions collide with ancient tales

Let's take a rollercoaster ride of languages

When it comes to the "In the Beginning" series, it is impossible not to mention its wonderful language, but readers who have read "Chronicles" and "Bamboo Book" will be impressed, and some people even compare it to the strange beans in "Harry Potter", you never know what the next one will taste like. "Jedi Skypass" continues this style without suspense, once again allowing the language of modern people to rampage into the ancient world. For example, the world's oldest cavalry Liangtian, mentioned earlier, is actually a human cavalry - riding people. There is a hilarious description of him and his "mount" Zhou Mao, about them charging and accidentally falling into a mud puddle:

Brother Liang issued a hunting order: The rabbit is urgent! Liangzhu's whole team rode forward and wedged into the quagmire. Because of the weight of the fit, it was made deeper, and the pulp poured to the chest - the chest of the mount. Zhou Mao said that he was unbearable to talk about later, and Brother Liang left a verbal word: a handful of dirt. Brother Xiao appealed to Brother Liang not to give up—Brother Liang had given the order to retreat, and Zhou Mao turned around with great difficulty—shouting: Camang!

I don't know if my friends have got the three homophonic empty ear stalks in this paragraph: "Rabbit Rush to give", which is the transliteration of the Japanese "Tu" (とつげき);

In addition to this kind of joke that makes people laugh and turn around, "Jedi Tiantong" is also indispensable to contemporary Internet mouth-style speeches, such as:

Etiquette is all kinds of seeing.

Who told you that life is the highest form, and life is the most tiring form?

Like "The Book of Bamboo", "Jedi Skypass" will also have a stunningly beautiful lyricism in addition to various gags, laughter and scolding, such as the scene seen by a plain woman herding sheep in Siberia:

How many hairy winds blew across the sky, and I ran angrily in the waist-high snow to find the sheep by identifying the sheep's hooves and extending the footprints. How many nights are as quiet as the bottom of the sea, and the meteors in the sky are falling like white fireworks, and I, the only one, holds the lamb independent ice field, and is shocked by the beauty of this Taiyuan.

And sometimes it is a sudden and heart-wrenching discussion, such as the advice of the concubine when the Yellow Emperor was hesitant to take on the burden of the chief:

Don't listen to me, don't listen to her, listen to your own, the screaming villain in your heart, you will go wherever it tells you to go, that's your life, your little life is calling you.

Behind this rollercoaster of words is the deep humanistic feelings of "Jedi Tiantong". If the theme of "Chronicles" is a person and his time, and the theme of "Bamboo Book" is dreams and travel, then the theme of "Jedi Tiantong" is what people do. In the words of the preface, "the ultimate thought of mankind is nothing more than those few questions", but to this day, it is still difficult to say that we are closer to the answer than the ancestors at the beginning of Hongmeng. The sea of people is vast, living and dying day and night, and living alone in the world. Why don't you open this book of "Jedi Tiantong", and let those problems that have not changed after the vicissitudes of life continue to stir our young and old hearts.

The birds brought seeds, and the branches were in the way. When the old branch is broken, the seed dies and lives.

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